TopShelf Blogs

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That feeling...

I had that feeling again today.

It’s one I’ve had since fourth grade...or maybe even before that-the one of finding a high point, anywhere and just jump off it.
There are days that I stay indoors and do nothing to just let the voices pass by...they have really good ideas sometimes.

Well, good is relative to the time that the rest of the world seems to be going to Hell.
And I know it’s never “really” is (if you ask people around me)
But I feel it.
And, yes, I hate it.


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Trying to track down a story

I'm a new member to this forum so please bear with me...

I am working my way through 'Gene's Story' by Karen Lockhart in which she makes reference to a story where, I quote:

'Another one I liked was about entertainers on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. A trio of girls needed a replacement singer, so a male cousin was talked into masquerading as a female.

I was wondering if anyone could identify that story/author for me.

Many thanks in advance
Tom (Taxidermist)

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New Release - The Evangelist

It's been a long time coming but part one of the American Angel trilogy is now available for sale on Amazon.

A rapist starts to prey on transgender women in Bristol and Detective Inspector Gregg DeSilver is put in charge of the case.

His opponent is good, very good and the only way to unmask him is to look into the past but that is only the beginning.

Can DeSilver solve the case or will he need a little help from the Angels?



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Yet Another Stupid Computer Question

I am ready to get rid of a computer whose HD is in the imminent failure mode but still sorta works. It seems that MS Word no longer allows you to straight up delete files. What should I do before I get rid of it? I'll likely give it to someone who wants to attempt to put a new HD in it. I am told that getting at the HD on this machine is nigh on impossible without breaking the display. Its got an INTEL i chip in it, so he wants to save it.



The Mermaid's Treasure -6- Mermaids Don't Have Legs

Latest chapter of The Mermaid's Treasure available at Patreon/BigCloset

The Adeline

I marveled that I had been able to get through the rather narrow door between the two cabins with a butt like that. I turned around and looked at it over my shoulder, pulling my hair out of the way because it was long enough to obscure the view.


latest from Yorkshire

Heya folks

Thank you all for your responses to my editing request - once I get myself sorted i'll be in contact with the chosen ones, if you don't hear from me it's not for any reason other than the numbers!

Well my ride yesterday went very well, thank you to all those who sent cheers! In fact I shaved @ 25 minutes off my best for the course finishing in a slither under 5 hours. That put me in the top 5% of finishers and second in the old crocks category I now qualify for!

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Anyone else watching Lost in Transition on TLC?

Synopsis: Four couples face the most difficult time in their marriage as each wife has just learned her husband has decided to become a woman. Relationships get redefined as each couple delves into the confusion, disappointment & uncertainty surrounding them.

I find it interesting and not trashy

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Old stoires

Found a story while cleaning and arranging the folders I store my writing in that I thought I would share. I wrote it something like 6 or 7 years ago as a Whateley Academy Fanfic and then scrapped the first draft of the story for a completely different one that I was posting when their old site went down.

I promised myself I would not create any "new" serialized stories until I finished at least one of the three I have currently up and not finished.

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Grazie dieci mila

I'd like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all of you for pushing the total Kudos count for my stories beyond 10 000!

That makes it more than a thousand per year since I posted my first story here in December 2008. My writing was a bit sporadic in the beginning. Actually you could divide my stories into three periods: two stories in December 2008, a number of extremely short stories in 2010 and the present bunch from October 2014 and on.

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Spell Checker Dictionary Issues

My computer has been giving me fits for about a week, so, since it is largely free, the Microsoft Store, volunteered to look at it for free, and I accepted. It is horrible to move this All in one around, almost out of my ability to do it. On the second day, they say they found that my HD is failing, so I looked into putting a HD in, and found that on my HP Envy, this model has a screen that is glued into place. Subsequent models apparently started using screws to secure it. So, I decided not to change the HD, and also avoided all the formatting and software installation headaches.

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Update to my prior issue with my clinic.

I got back into the clinic yesterday after a phone conversation the other day with the new administrator. He was NOT happy with the way I was treated. While she was ‘following’ his guide lines, barely, she screwed up with how fast she dropped my Spiro... She dropped it to 125MG a day from 250MG... While he said he didn’t see any major effects to my health from it being that high from my prior records, he didn’t like the amount I was taking.


Gaby Book 22 - Avoidance

Okay so Book 22 has been released - yay!

However there are some issues with the published versions and I need the help of maybe a couple of editors. I have 2 printed 'proof' copies which i'd like the editors to work through and return to me so I can present an even better version to the wild masses!

I'm not expecting this as a freebie, the 'lucky' editors will each receive a hard copy suitably inscribed for their efforts and mention in the titling as editors.

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only realised

I only realised last night that my last news was somewhat innacurate. I did mention that i'm out doing a little ride up in't Dales tomorrow precluding a posting.

But I said there would be one on Wednesday but there won't. Back in January I booked up for a sort of history day trip to Calderdale, which is on Wednesday. So no Wednesday update but there is a possibility I might get online a different day.

In other news -

i'm one and a half chapters into the next Gaby book with an interesting and unexpected turn of events!

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Ten Entries available, get your votes out there now!r

The contest has officially closed (and been so for several hours too!)

We've had ten excellent entries, and now it's time for you readers to really make your mark! Just click on the tag for the contest above to go to a list with all the stories. Read them, and vote for your favorite ones!

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Idea for collaboration

I’ve been thinking about a couple of items; the primary one is to find a collaborator who does 3-d graphic “novels” or stories, to work with to do a rewrite/adaptation of one of my stories or universes into a graphic novel. Possibly to sell if that interests an artist (with me taking only a small share; i know that art is hard and time-consuming).

If I do this, what story would you readers like to see as a graphic novel?

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I might be getting a makeover Saturday

when I first started my transition, I went to the Bay (a Canadian version of Walmart, without the low prices, for those who dont know) and got some makeup tips and supplies. Well, its umm ... some years later, and I am going to be doing something like that again, this time with an actual goal in mind - to look as close to pretty as I am capable for a concert, or at least that's my plan.

Dont know if an opportunity will present itself for me to take a photo, but if it does, I'll share it ...

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Tammy update

The latest part of Tammy's current story, Moving On, has just been published on here (expect weekly chapters) but much of my time is being spent on the first Tammy stories, Tom's Fireworks and Tamara's Debut. Both have been extensively revised and many many typos fixed and new material added! I'll launch these as a 430 page novel on Kindle next week, with any luck, but the original serialised book will remain on BCTS.


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The Family Girl #094: So, first off, I’m okay. Secondly, I have a question…

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #94: So, first off, I’m okay. Secondly, I have a question…

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hi, everyone!

Just saying I’m okay, and apologies for the silence. I’m just incredibly, incredibly busy nowadays! Construction work in the building, hiring new people, keeping marketing going and lining up new clients. And still keep normal operations running. It’s real tough.

Because of unforeseen circumstances, further work on Danny Part 7 has been stalled again.

But, speaking of which, I have a question…

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Kiss-and-Tale Contest: The Final Day!

Just a reminder to anyone with plans to enter still, today is the final day of my Fairy Kiss-and-Tale contest! I'm working on the honor system here, so as long as you have your entry in by midnight your time (May 31 2018) we'll call it gravy.

We've had a lot of great entries, and I've already got plans for another contest here in July! Sadly I actually haven't finished my OWN entry for this one yet, though since I'm ineligible for the prize anyway it doesn't matter much :)

Melanie E.

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Flying Visit

Yup, a flying visit indeed, not got much web time today - its complicated! partly its due to my new kitchen - its almost finished and partly due to setting up a new PC to get onto the interweb - its currently chortling to itself updating stuff.

I have just about managed to get you a new Gaby, which is Flying Visit, chapter 36 of book 16.

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overdoing it, and paying for it

last couple of days my brother and I have been trying to do yardwork, pulling out the dandelions so then we can trim the grass. Its sad, but my brother who had knee surgery not that long ago, is still on street drug levels of painkillers, and has little or no cartilage in any of his joints, is actually in better shape than I am.

I'm in pain, exhausted but unable to sleep, and its setting off PTSD, dysphoria, and depression.

Sighs ... this too shall pass, I suppose ...

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I'm feeling emotionally stressed out and a bit depressed.

Four months ago, I posted a piece that had pretty much everyone who commented upset at what I had written.

I had no issue with their comments, other than that I took the time to put up a bunch of legal info to support my thoughts.

Then another person posted, using the Guest Reader option, and proceeded to be initially mildly rude, then more so and outright abusive.

When I saw the comment, I sent a PM to Erin, asking for it to be unsubbed as it was an outright Rule 1 violation.

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My blog - rant

Yup, you guessed it, this is a rant about my blog. Or more accurately what to expect on my blog - my perspective.

YES! That's right. Everything you read on my blog will be written relative to my perspective. How can this be a shock, or even a question?!? I'm not writing a story in which the narrative is that of a character external to myself. Smh.

I'm flawed. I'm erratic, oft flighty. I can be extremely passionate or apathetic. Sorry to dash any expectations pfft.


Lilith Langtree

Another of my author shout outs. This one is specifically for Lilith Langtree.

I will say now that I'm an unabashed Lilith fan-girl. The very first story I'd read ("Either Do It Right, Or Don't Do It At All") left me impressed with her talent, and each subsequent work only added to that impression.

Lilith's writing is both brilliant and well executed. If you've not read any of her pieces yet I very highly recommend doing so.

Sadly, Lilith no longer publishes her writing on BCTS ( I don't know if this holds true elsewhere), though I believe she is doing well.

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Author shout-outs

Or more accurately, Universe shout outs ^^

Just saw "Fey", by Maggie Finson republished and it reminded me of some really good stories....

Whateley Academy, and Comics Retcon.

Whateley Academy Tales. I can't recall a single story set in this universe that wasn't simply amazing. It's fantastical, sometimes bizarre, and totally worth reading (probably more than once lol) Think I've only read them on Sapphires Place but I'm sure they're all here too.

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Feeling very down today.

and I don't mean hugging my pillow.


Bear in mind as you read this, if you do read it, that I can be a long-winded bitch.

I think part of it is aging and knowing that I've been here longer than I will be going forward... and I don't feel like I've accomplished anything for having existed... except existing.

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Was a post of mine inappropriate? (At a different fiction site)

I was reading a rather different serially posted TG story on another site. The story is well written and the plot is subtle and slow in it's development. It was about an extremely conservative religious patriarchal rural family that found and took in an abused TG youth near death. Even though they thought the child was going against their religious beliefs, they decided to support the child and foster him/her. They really did go out of their way to accommodate the child's desire to transition.

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Swappers: A New Book by Raine Monday

My Latest book is now available on Amazon!

Swappers: A MtF, FtM Bodyswap Adventure by Raine Monday.

Justin Klein just wants to make his wife happy.

Unfortunately for Justin, this means taking on the persona and body of Mindy Montana, a gorgeous porn star.
Can Justin retain enough of his identity when faced with the life of a successful and beautiful sex vid star? Especially when faced with a sinister plot against Mindy and her corporation. A Plot Justin will have to face for himself!

Available for Free in Kindle unlimited!


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Kudos, Comments, and blogs

Praise in Public Criticize in Private, words to live by when talking to other authors.

A story is much like someones baby, if you have put a person on the defensive they are no longer listening.

Kudos are a no brainier. If I have read a complete story I click it, Erotica turns me off if a story offends me I don' finish reading it or click kudos,.I also tend to avoid forced fem or humiliation. I put myself in the place of the character and tend to experience what they do. I don't lik emotional pain.

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Author shout-outs

Shouting out for two authors, here - Dorothy Colleen and Rebecca Jane.

Dorothy Colleen. She's got this vast collection of short stories that's simply awesome! Running the gambit of topics, Dorothy is frequently upending tropes on their heads and giving new takes on various genres. Well worth a look, but beware, you might lose yourself for days within her prose ^^

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Yay! New Nena is up!

It has taken a while but I've managed to upload the new Nena tale to Kindle and Lulu this afternoon!A Global Christmas is full of the usual Nena features - travelogue, awkward situations and even drama! It's a must for all Nena fans and as an introductory offer, the printed version is being offered at a discount for the next 30 days.

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Slowly Trans acceptance coming

Those outside looking in who are scared to death to acknowledge anyone might wish to get rid of their water weasel will never accept transgender as a viable issue. Their whole world of who and what they are is connected to what is between their legs. For anyone to question that appendage is NOT what should be there is a personal mental problem no one seems to be addressing. Their own determination to control others lives as to what may or may not be the correct anatomy they were born with is failing us all.


Need some advice

I got carried away.

I posted Wildcats Prequel Chapter 4 last week and got so excited on how neat it looked that I posted Wildcats Prequel 5. I thought it would be cool to give the readers a “Two For One” to celebrate Memorial Day.

I didn’t realize a BigCloset rule is that’s a no-no. I talked to Erin and she tried to intervene but the Rule God’s won.

So, half the readers missed chapter four. I feel bad. Ant suggestions besides, “Give me a break, just get over it!”

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In the near future, DOPPLERPRESS will publish Baseball Annie.

This will be the fiftieth title published by DOPPLERPRESS.

Baseball Annie will be the sixth book they have published that I’ve authored. Only two other authors have had more books published by them than I have, which means I have an opinion based on multiple interractions.

As you might expect from an Erin-driven operation, DOPPLERPRESS has been extremely author-friendly. I’m especially pleased by the covers they’ve created for my novels.


The Lynx (me)

(caution tag just because...)

Alright, so this is my 4th blog post in as many days. Out of character much? Maaaybe.

This account has been active a little over 7 years and all that time has seen 5 blogs by yours truly, including this one. No other writing credits and only the occasional comment to say I've ever existed here at BCTS. Why then am I suddenly chatty? Simply put, why not?


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Fantastic Mars & Patreon

Fantastic Mars 10 - Jewels of Mars just went up here on BCTS. If you are a fan, are you aware that I post the NEXT chapter of the Mars adventure on Patreon the same day I post the current chapter here? I do, and I'm also posting a story, The Mermaid's Treasure, two or three chapters a week exclusively on Patreon; it won't be posted here until it is complete!

Check it out: BigCloset Page at Patreon!

Here's The Mermaid's Treasure Cover:

Mermaid Treasure Cover.jpg

Frank wakes up naked on a cold and lonely beach after a terrible accident. He thinks he should be dead but the pirates who find him think she might be a mermaid!

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Just a quickie

Yup, I know the new Gaby has only just gone live but tomorrow, the first of a two part Nena storyline will be released. A Global Christmas sees Nena and Den having to survive a last minute change of plans to take a party away for Christmas. I'll post links etc tomorrow once i've got it up.

I'm working up the next Trixiebell 'chapter', with any luck and a finished kitchen, you should get to see the fruits of that endeavour in about a fortnight. After that it's back to Gaby and Book 23!

Until tomorrow

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you could have knocked me over with a feather

okay so yesterday Sharon needed me to drive her to the vet because her cat was having problems. While we were waiting, she starts this conversation about her church, and says she thinks they are a little too quick to pull out judgement.

Then she says she was also guilty of this in dealing with my desire to transition. She said while she doesnt really understand it, or like it, she felt she had been more negative towards me about it than I deserved, and she apologized.

honestly, you could have knocked me over with a feather ...

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Thanks to whichever divinty you choose ...

Thanks to whichever Divine Being is responsible for the Mount Kilauea volcano eruption being the way it is.

Yes, it is causing a lot of damage that will cost a lot to repair.
In it's favour though, the slow eruption has allowed 2000 people to safely evacuate with only 1 serious injury, no-one has died from it.

The true benefit is the knowledge being gained about volcanoes in general and Mount Kilauea in specific. This massive increase helps Volcanologists improve prediction models, making them better able to predict eruptions.

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Happy Memorial Day

My Best Wishes go out to all who have served or are serving. My Best Wishes go out to all first responders or former first responders. My Best Wishes go out to all who have taught, counseled, or cared for our children, now or in the past.

I was posting another chapter of Wildcats Prequel today and decided since we have a long weekend ahead to post another chapter, too.

I hope you are enjoying the new story and are looking forward to Wildcats 3 coming out as another Kindle Book in June.

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another day, another PTSD attack

So not one of my better days yesterday. After dealing with 30 degree Celsius heat, I went to go on the chat site only to be given some error message. After panicking and leaving a message here, i eventually tried the obvious -reboot and log back in, and it worked. With that little problem solved, I decided I needed to go see a movie, and went to Deadpool 2.

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Wren Erendae Phoenix

I would like to amend my favorite authors to include Wren Erendae Phoenix. Though she is no longer with us, she lives on in our hearts and minds through the words she shared.

Though I've only known you through your comments and writings, I feel honored and privileged for that, Wren.

With love and hope

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Nexus (and Bottomus)

Ho hum,

let me start by telling you the news that will probably make some of you giggle but I would ask you to try not to!

As you may be aware, I have been in my 'new' house in the UK for nearly three weeks of this month. The intention was to do very little but get Julina through the rains.

Best laid plans etc etc etc

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My Favorite Authors

Just a shout-out for some of my favorite authors, in no particular order.

Bailey Summers, cyclist, Bronwen Welsh, Dawn Natelle, Karen Lockhart, Bek D. Corbin, Drea DiMaggio/Andrea Lena, Zoe Taylor, Enemyoffun, Lilith Langtree, Rebekkah deMere, Ellen Hayes...

By no means a comprehensive list as there are many times many excellent authors around, these are just the ones that leap to mind.

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Word Processors

I have been thinking about how much I dislike certain weaknesses of MS Word. The last time that I had a word processor that I really liked, it was Word Perfect and had a blue screen with white type. I started to look at the cost, and a version that I might like is around $100. Then I began to wonder what sort of passive aggressive hijinks that Microsoft might get up to in retaliation if I jumped ship?


We lost Lois Lane?

I don't know how this slipped past me, but on May 13th we lost Margot Kidder! You know, Lois Lane to Christopher Reeve's Superman.

Apparently there are allegations of drug involvement, although I don't know if she was using them or if, according to some sources, her home was overrun with meth users.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I will never get the scene where she flew with Superman, not the words to the song playing while they flew...

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Last word from KDP

I just received this at 10:43AM this morning.


Thank you for the e-mail concerning the status of your account.

After reviewing your response, we have reinstated your account, but we are upholding our previous decision to remove the following books from Amazon:

Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery (ASIN:B07BBW4T2X)
Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery (ASIN:B07BF9FKJ4)

Please note that you are ineligible to receive any KU and KOLL royalties related to these books.


Can Not Wear A Bra.

In the last year, it has become painfully obvious that I can not wear a bra. To do so soon manifests pain in my rib cage like my ribs are broken, and that even with a very loose bra. I've even been fitted with a so called Transgender bra and it does the same thing. I'm a 42 b. Now, I just wear a T shirt under whatever top I'm going to wear and that seems to conceal my nipples enough. Because of my very conservative Christian and Muslim background, I am accustomed to wearing clothes a size too large.



All those people who claim not to have a life have seen fit to give them to me!!! I began this latest offering in early December hoping to have my annual seasonal fluff ready. At this point (tonight) I am sick of looking at it. I'm not quite sure I even like it. But dealing with three little men and one really huge child, as well as a minor medical issue, I decided to simply toss it to the to speak. I must admit it is somewhat of a provincial tale but then again so am I.


Thank God For Friends and Family

I am extremely fortunate to count Dorthy Coleen and Rebeca Jane,and Arwen of Arwen Arwen's tears as my friends. I have my share of bad dreams, they have been wearing me down in the form of depression, I take it on faith I will recover from my stroke, I don't feel I have any other choice, My phone is my lifeline, Rachael Ann, Long time user of BCTS stepped forward to give me someone to talk to. I feel guilty keeping Rebeca from her writing, as I enjoy it too. But it got me through the night. As did Dot on the BCTS chat room on a particularly bad night.

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Annoyed and really sorry

As some of you are aware, I don't have my own internet connection, I have a bit of a time share thing at my parents - hence only uploading stuff on Sunday and Wednesday. (i'm writing this on my phone if you were wondering) it really is my lifeline through which I publish and indeed some sites I can't access fully through the phone (ebay, Amazon etc)

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I really wanted to have something for you soon

I thought I had solved my block on the final chapter of "By the rivers of Babylon", but unfortunately, a really bad PTSD attack last night has left me with no spoons for writing. And if I dont get it done by the middle of next week, well, I'm gonna be a tad busy with my daughter going in for surgery on Wednesday.

Sorry ...

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More Hits from Amazon and KDP

Just received an email from Kindle Direct Publishing, which deleted itself when I closed the email.

They have completed their review and the cancellation of my account and termination of my contract with KDP is now permanent. I will receive no royalties, and I am permanently banned from opening another account with them or publishing any more books with them. No further correspondence or discussion of this matter will occur.

I contacted Amazon and they said they'll look into it, but I am not hopeful.


Still not believing this happened.

I just wanted to share...Especially after the last six years since I ‘came out’ and started my transition. For over two years I had almost no contact with my children, but after a long fight I regained custody of my two oldest... Starting with my oldest two and a half years ago, then my middle last year... They both had been struggling with a parent who was never there (Not me I wasn’t allowed to be there), and had basically been raising themselves. They both moved down here with me struggling to maintain a 2.4 and 2.1 GPA...

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My solution for the funding problem.

Every month Erin has to BEG on bended knee, for money to help keep Top Shelf functioning and with the exception of a few who regularly go far past what might be expected, the contributions trickle in with no real solution that could eliminate the problem.

Well, here's my solution. It seems painfully obvious to me, but I understand if it doesn't to everyone else.

There are in excess of TEN THOUSAND members on this site. If each of them would just contribute ONE DOLLAR, each month, it would eliminate any need for Erin to have to BEG for any monetary help.

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make of this what you will ...

Okay, so I've had bad dreams, and sad dreams, and searching dreams, but I dont think I have ever had a dream quite like the dream I had last night.

I was with my brother at a mall, when I suddenly caught a look at my own reflection.

And there was a beautiful woman in the mirror.

I mean she was fantastic looking!

I wasnt sure if I should say something or not, I just kept finding reasons to look for reflective surfaces to try and confirm what I was seeing.

Make of this what you will ...

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Gaby Book 22

So, the full 40 chapter edition of the 22nd Gaby book, Avoidance, is just about ready to go - it should find its way onto Kindle and Lulu on Sunday.

There are a few corrections from the 10 chapter editions but nothing that changes the story. I have once again included the cast of characters - not just for this book but for the whole series - it's not exhaustive but does at least give some solidarity to the cast.

There is also a new cover illustration from Mizutamari which I think fits the book better overall.

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Magic is... really, really, reallllyyy late!

Hi Everyone!

It's come to my attention that my 'two weeks' delay has rolled full on into a month and beyond when it comes to the next Magic chapter.
I have some good news, and some bad news.
Not sure which you'd pick first so I'll just roll with them as is.

Good news is I'm alive and well!
I've been writing when I can, but editing and posting is an entirely different prospect.

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Murder is sad, trans murder is worse

Everyone should be aware no matter how progressive the world seems, there is still hate of all kinds. Name a race, religion, color, gender, man, boy, woman, girl, etc. there is someone who hates another for one unexplainable reason or another. Men need to be careful, they aren't normally the targets of opportunity because of size and strength. Women need to be careful, cautious, always alert, and defensive. The predator mind seems to think women are the easiest prey because smaller, physically weaker gender.


Still two weeks left on the Fairy Kiss-and-Tale contest!

I'm running a bit behind on reading/commenting on entries (what can I say, I'm terrible at time management,) but if the number of other comments and kudos is anything to judge by then the contest will be fierce.

If you're not sure on the details, just click that story tag over this blog here, and it will take you to a list of all the entries so far, as well as the rules for new stories.

Bonus: if we can get at least 20 entries in total, I'll donate a dollar to the hatbox for every entry written.

Melanie E.

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elated? frustrated?

Just a short missive.

Well it's day one of the kitchen refit, the old stuff is all gone and tomorrow they come to do the stuff which has caused most issue - replacing all my electrical gear - that's a new fuse box and relocating it as well as all the sockets and fitting a bunch of new extras. Once that's done I can start to get stuff into some sort of permanent order again.

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Need Help - Script

A filmmaker friend has asked me to write a seven-minute script. He's won several local festivals and once worked for me so I know he's making a valid offer. I've often thought about trying a script.

1.) Can anyone suggest a good inexpensive software for scripts?

2.) Can anyone suggest a good book on script-writing?

3.) Does anyone have any advice?


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Well I'll be damned.

That Rebecca Jane person has pulled me into another one of her stories. I've only read the first installment (ch 1-3) of Robbie's Revelation so far, but at least this one is finished.

Looks like it's going to be an all-nighter. :-D

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Unofficial May 2018 BCTS Contest: Fairy Kiss-and-Tales

So who's ready for another not-in-any-way-sanctioned-by-management story contest?

Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest

Dates: May 1st 2018 - May 31st 2018

Everyone loves a little romance, and everyone loves a good fairy tale, right? Well, here's your chance to write your own mash-up of the two!

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Show some love.

I haven't written any TG material in ages, but I come to BCTS almost every day.

I have my ups and downs, but it seems more of the latter. It's hard to get motivated to write, TG or otherwise. So in a shameless act of self-promotion, I'm asking you to read (or reread) my few poor offerings to BCTS, here:

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got a double boost today

okay, so anyone following this blog knows the last while has not been very good for me.

Today kinda made up for it.

First, it was a hot day, so I decided to break out a skirt for the first time this year, and while I was out walking the dog, an elderly lady complimented me on my outfit, making me blush.

Then, tonight, I took Sharon and Samantha to a pizza place for supper, and as I got out of the car, Samantha remarked on the skirt, suggesting that I might want shorts under it in case a breeze blew it up, and Sharon agreed.

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Where in the World is Leslie Moore?

Since no one asked, I thought I'd bring it up. The answer is very simple. I have been working on a new novel and it's pretty close to finished. The working title is "Metamorphosis - A Jessica Jade Story".

If you read the Wildcats, published one chapter at a time on BigCloset last year and now available on Amazon, we meet Jessica in what is now Book 3, coming soon to Amazon. (If you haven't read Wildcats, this new novel will still hopefully make sense and entertain.)

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I'm still here - and thoughts on a nagging idea

It's been 5 months since I posted? How times flies when you're NOT having fun. This flood repair stuff is getting VERY old. To get a quality contractor means getting your name on a wait list and then trying to be patient. Add in that the mold and dust and normal allergens have my sinuses messed up, and it gets even more un-fun. I'm on my sixth or seventh course of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections. But today we got cabinets! It is making progress slowly, so that's a bit encouraging.

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Hello, I'm back even if it's for a second

Hey everyone, so I'm back (for a second), I've been dealing with school lately along with being a total troll on the internet. I've written some stuff along the way and also improved my writing a bit more. Well, I did post stuff here and there on here. The point is, I don't know how long I can be on here due to everything in my life changing. First, I'm legally female, I don't know if I talk about myself a lot, but I got really good lawyers that changed my M to a F. Which is still surreal btw. Second, I'm still writing, but only here or there stuff and all of it's short.

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