More Lies Bundled in Half Truths

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They have such a weak hold on their own sex, someone else changes and they become fanatical. Most of us have read the lies and disinformation spewed forth as research, medical and scientific studies. Which is basically no research and a repeat of flawed data gleaned from newspapers or other sources. All from those who have never researched or met anyone transgendered but are a self proclaimed authority on all things mental and physical pertaining to those who are trans.

Over the years, a lot of the data in this load of trans loathing horse manure I have already responded to. Funny but not one single instance have I ever received a reply from those spouting this garbage. They claim they have science, medicine, research on their side but it is a closed circle of everything feeding off the other like this.

I tell my friend all trans are monsters able to bend little kids minds to their will forcing the child to become a trans monster themselves. My buddy tells his buddy who tells his buddy and so it goes until someone I didn't know tells me the same story.

I've been vindicated as I've been told trans are monsters. I knew it all along and it was just confirmed. Get the picture yet? This is exactly what is happening in the world of news and trans bashing.

With over six thousand pages of research, I can dispute every single lie and half truth they are repeating. Contacting the authors and telling them the truth, I have finally realized is an exercise in futility.


Here is their garbage if you care to waste your time on the same drivel.

I love all of God's boy-girl children.



Andrea Lena's picture



To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Must Agree

Sammi's picture

These people may be educated, and hold doctorates, but are hacks and quacks that seem to have forgoten

'primum non nocere'

The science is flawed as they begin with the answer they favor a set out to prove it, often with disasterous consequences.

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Truth is not to be found there

Anything that shows up on Breitbart "News" is likely to be offensive in the extreme. Transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, they have it all. Truth is not to be found there.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

I caught transgenderism off a toilet seat

laika's picture

The American College of Pediatrics (sounds legit, doesn't it? I mean it must be smart if it's a college and it's American too!) that these alarmists cite has 500 members and says kids can catch transgender off the internet. The American Psychological Association has 117,500 members and says there ain't no such animal as this "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria"...

Gee, which one do I want to listen to?

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Manure Spreader

We had a way of handling things like this on the farm.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

University of Slobodan Miloshevic

0.25tspgirl's picture

Serbian ethnic cleansing leader Slobodan refounded a School that teaches how to rise to power by fanning the flames of fear and hatred. Bannon and Brietbart have graduate degrees from that school. Trump has a Bachelors degree from it.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

It's about the money.

I suspect that many/most of these authors are fresh graduates from college that feel by telling lurid stories that will sell copy. Perhaps no real hatred of us? As a far less active Muslim now, I used to spend just lots of time jousting with hateful, bigoted Rednecks who got a few beers in them and thought they were experts on Sandniggers. I was called that and a Jihadi terrorist more than once. Thankfully, I am a born in America, Veteran of the Vietnam War, and a Patriot.

I had a good session with TED today on Facebook where a Transgender woman told her story and I got to share my take on the whole debacle.

Almost all of the troll like conduct I see on social media is triggered by the desire to make money. It is often easy to spot the hacks on Facebook by examining their membership with some tools on Facebook. For example, If you try to block them, frequently they do not show up in the block list, and sometimes if you confront them, they simply disappear. Hmmm

Is it the Russians, or just some far right hate group? My son is a member of a radical Christian group called Old Dominion. They've never been open to a conversation with me. They assume that all T folk are gay and fornicating like rabbits.



ROGD facts

I would not normally put those terms in the same sentence...

A transphobic website called 'Fourth wave now' invented ROGD, and it was then taken up by a vile hate group called Transgender Trend, which is run by a failed sculptor and former cult member called Stephanie Davis-Arai, who I have met and can confirm as barking. They then found a transphobic academic called Lisa Littman to do 'research' after TT had already announced a week last year as "International ROGD Week". Littman, from Brown's Uni, duly published her results, and the only question asked was about methodology. I will come to the answer below.

The paper is touted as 'peer reviewed', but as far as I am aware, the only clinician anywhere near it has been our old friend Blanchard, as in Zucker and Blanchard. He is the loon behind autogynephilia and 'watching anime makes you trans'. The paper has been disowned by Brown's, and dismissed as drivel by WPATH and every reputable medical body. It is, naturally, being touted all over the hate press.

The method used by Littman? A total of 250 questionnaires sent out to three websites: 4thwavenow, Transgender Trend and "youngtranscritical". Littman stated she didn't want to "distort" her results by including positive websites.

ROGD can be summed up in the following imaginary speech:

"I blame social media and peer pressure, me. I mean, it's the only possible cause! Our Johnny left home at 18 and IMMEDIATELY went down a bloody gender clinic saying he was really a woman! I mean, he never gave ANY indications! It all came on so sudden! Rapid onset, yes!

"I mean, there were those years from when he was five until he was thirteen, when he kept saying he was a girl, but his Dad soon beat that rubbish out of him. I blame the almighty Trans Cabal and Big Pharma, me!"

Meanwhile the real culprit lies undiscovered by the RODG crowd

laika's picture

A nefarious "transgender fiction" site called Fictionmania actually brags about turning guys into girls
and posts daily captioned photographic proof of their insidious trans agenda in action:
Do we need further proof that RODG not only exists but was engineered
by those who would destroy our way of life? I THINK NOT!!
~Frau Doktor Professor Laika Pupkino Ph.d

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Gee Officer Krupke

Quite a few people have noted that this "trans" thing is a relatively new thing, that was brought into the country through the efforts of some very bad people. Bad People. Very Bad People. Who Do Bad Things.

I'm the only one who can stop it. And I'm going to stop it. Now.

From this day forward I'm instituting a ban on all people who think -- or do -- things like that.

Stop it!

Jill (No professional designation, because you're either smart or you aren't and I am and you're not)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)