Update on Karen Lockhart - 1.16.2019

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I received a report from Karen's cousin Sue today and I'm pleased to report that she is improving in health and has been moved to a rehab hospital. Sue will be taking in her laptop and cell phone on Thursday so she should soon be able to contact her friends again. We can hope that our thoughts and prayers have been answered


That's great to hear

I glad to hear that. We all need some good news these days.

Thank you for the update.

That's a move in the right direction

laika's picture

That's a move in the right direction and a real relief to hear.
"Rehab Hospital" sounds far nicer than those three scary letters ICU.
Hope she continues to improve and can get out of even there + go home again.
~fingers crossed, Veronica

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.

Rehab hospitals are simply

Rehab hospitals are simply longer term hospitals, meant for long stays rather than shorter ones. It's more care than a nursing home but less than a full hospital.

If she's there then it's a positive sign that she's on the mend and just needs time to heal. I hope it's only a couple of weeks until she's fit enough to return home.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

My time in rehab

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I spent some time in rehab. It was a relatively short stay while they taught me to deal with the problems of taking care of myself while I recovered. Their goal was to get people home.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


Maddy Bell's picture

For keeping us. In the loop



Madeline Anafrid Bell


joannebarbarella's picture

Good news!

Thank you for the heads up.

Sending along good wishes, prayers and good vibes in the hopes that she will be improving and communicating soon.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Rehab hope they mean it

Even when medically well ICU itself takes a lot of getting over. Despite all they do to help in ICU you loose muscle tone,fitness and even bodymass at a terrible rate So lets hope the physios etc are ready and waiting to get her back properly on her feet . Best of luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery
