TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


It's that darn crazy git's birthday again!

Oh, wait, that darn crazy git is me! Ack!

Well, another year has gone by and I'm still kicking and fighting, not fighting in the physical sense so much as fighting the depression that comes up now and then. I'm not dealing with serious depression at the moment, so I'll take that as a bonus.

Anywho, I'm sitting here staring at the computer screen, I'm officially 52 years old and I want to live a damn lot longer!

I hope everyone else is having a good day today; I'll be heading for bed in a while, I'm starting to wind down now.

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Whately sign in problems.

Okay. I know that Top Shelf and it's owners etc have nothing to do with it anymore, but I am having a problem with the sign-in process at The Crystal Hall.

I've tried changing my sign in name and password but the site won't allow it and I can't get signed in.

Anyone got a clue about this? Email me at cathy_t_99 At or message me here at Top Shelf.

Thanks in advance.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Reminder: Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest

Just a reminder, there's still three weeks before the end of the contest deadline! We have two entries so far, and I can't wait to see what else people come up with!

If you're interested but missed the original announcement, contest details can be found by clicking the contest tag in this blog's description. The only thing that's changed since the original post is that we have moved from unofficial to being officially sanctioned.

Good luck!

Melanie E.

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What Story?

What story was the precursor to Prudence Walker's Identikit? I remember the story, about a guy traveling cross country to find a job. He discovers a crashed spacecraft and finds some items on the ship that he takes with him. One is a laptop that changes his appearance and body. He runs into a woman named Prudence Walker and towards the end Bob Arnold. He spends a lot of time as a woman.


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Help finding a story

I need help finding a story about a man that forced to become a girl by his 4 friends. The 5 guys plays a sport together and the main characters uses excuses to skip games or/and practice which triggers one of the other guys to make him into a woman by force. The transformed main character is now forced to become the 4 friends girlfriend who is being shared between them on turns.


Quick Update

Just a short missive from Yorkshire today. Well on one of the best May BH Sundays ever (sunshine, blue skies, no wind or clouds - unheard of for a UK BH!) i'm pleased to relate that I completed the 2000+m of climbing squeezed into 129 Pennine kilometres in a time of 5hrs 30mins. Not too shabby for an old git and I didn't resort to walking anywhere despite grades in the high teens and low twenties (1 in 4 ish if you are old skool on these things.)

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Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery

I have just published a short novella (97 pages) as an ebook using the Kindle publishing program. It is not a transgender story, although I wrote it as the first-person narrative of a female. It's called, Missing Without a Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery.

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Status Update

Hello all again, it's been a busy month but things are falling into a routine and I'm writing more again.

Bad news: the Twin Tails game is ending a bit abruptly thanks to difficulties the GM is having with the campaign structure. I'll try to tie off the story to give everyone closure but that'll be it for Amaya and Akiko for a while. I'm a bit saddened I'm not going to get to play them for a while, but I'll probably re-make them for a new game later on.

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Early post

Well as i'll be out 'enjoying' a ride through the Yorkshire Dales tomorrow and I've scragged a bit of web time tonight you benefit by getting a Gaby chapter!

Yep, Science Mädchen is up now for your delectation and delight!

see you all soon and don't forget to let me know what you think about the Gaby Cyclefest.


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Missing story

I have been reading a story called TIME ON MY HANDS noticed that there was a new chapter just before I went to bed last night, thought I would leave it to read this morning.
So this morning when I got up Thought I would start reading said story but when I searched for the story last night's chapter and all previous chapters are missing can anybody tell me what has happened to it.


not in a good place

well, I think I spoke too soon about my depression lifting. I'm in a bad place where the only relief I seem to get from sadness is just being numb.

Worse, my writing has dried up, leaving me without one of my major outlets for dealing with crap.

I'm sorry to have to ask, but all hugs, prayers, or positives about me are appreciated.

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Looking for a story again...

Actually, two stories.

One is similar to the Maddy Bell 'Nena' stories. A young man who looks a lot like his feckless sister gets sucked into substituting for her as a guide in a package ski tour in Europe. She is successful in the job but does confess to her manager./ All works out well, including her sister who manages to marry a rich American from LA or Los Vegas.

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Dear Commentator

I saw your comment on Amazon about the “book” that I wrote. “Swifter, Higher, Stronger

You stated, “This is an excellent story by Angela that wastes a lot of potential by not giving us even more. We get vignettes of the protagonist's life when we could have had stories. What's here is very good. What's missing would have made this book gold medal quality.”

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just an idea at the moment

Well the last Gabycon was a couple of years ago now and whilst a success in itself I was thinking maybe it's time for a slightly different format.

So here's the pitch, a weekend event (natch), possibly based at a campsite (cheap accomodation for those that want it) with a ride or two taking in some nearby historic/museum/house etc, cafe lunch and evening meal, if possible with some sort of Gaby connection. Sounds familiar so far I guess.

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TLDR! (Too LITTLE - don't read!)

I'm SO frustrated that I haven't brought this story (or any of the open ended stories) home yet. I want to say "SHELVE IT'... if you've invested in these characters even a fraction as much as I have.....

I am determined to bring them all to satisfactory conclusions (that let the reader take them where they will) but the finish line is proving far more elusive (muse-less) than I'd ever imagined.

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BBC story

Still slogging away at a very long story, and I want it to be educational, culturally accurate and fun. I am yet uneasy about it, and the major reason is that some of the Characters are Middle Eastern. I do not want to trigger anyone's PTSD and hope that this won't. There is very little violence in it, and it is quickly dealt with. My own PTSD and anxiety issues won't permit it.


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Thoughts about the future

I know I've left a few story ideas hanging out there. Marti and the Doppelganger left several unanswered questions. I will get around to answering them one of these days. I sometimes work myself to sleep thinking where the story should go. So far, I've not gone much beyond the first chapter, and that's in my head. When I do get it straightened out, I think there will be only one more story in the Cynthia Chronicle, and that will be an expansion and development of a previous add on. This line can't go much further without being repetitive.

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Proofreading/ editing. Any other Volunteers?

I will freely admit that I am one of those people for whom misspelled words can take me out of a story.

Having said that, I KNOW that no one is perfect, myself included. LOL.

So... I AM willing to help authors by proofreading their work, with the understanding that I do NOT edit. I only proofread for spelling and usage errors. I can and will even proof stories that have already been posted here at Top Shelf.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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An Anmarian Update

Good morning all -- Happy Sunday.

Those of you who follow my tales of Julina know now that she is about to interact heavily with characters created by Penny. My next chapter or two are in the final stages; they are outlined, the next one all but written completely, but not yet finalised and proofed, and so on. They will take us through another mad dash as the rains loom ever closer. A new Anthology (an increasingly obvious misnomer hanging over from the early chapters) shall cover events in the rains, and possibly after.

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So I actually wrote something...

I lurk the /r/WritingPrompts SubReddit. Yesterday they had a very intriguing prompt that I actually wrote a little thing for. No fancy word processor, I used Reddit's reply box to post my bit. But it's the first thing I've written in almost 4 years. I just hope someone likes it over there. That would be nice.

~And so it goes...

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New book published

After a few months of not publishing anything new and now settled, (almost) in my new palatial residence I have posted a new book on Kindle. This is a collection of 2 novellas and a short story entitled Pennies, Charcoal and Latex and is available now at the kindle EBook store the link to which is on this page, right hand side.
In the near future I will also be publishing volume five of Footprints in the Sea, probably late May or June and in the Autumn I will have Vol 5 of Vesta’s Hearth and if there’s still time, a second trilogy before Christmas.

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Looking for a story

Hi. I'm looking for a story about a young girl and her family that own a resturant. The girl gets raped and gives birth early after a machine explodes near her. The electronics get stuck in the baby and make changes. the baby is super inteligent. grows up transgender and gains powers. Eventually makes her family rich and famous while at the same time, changing them for the better. Then she gains powers to change the world.

Nice little story.

Jessica Marie.

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New story hopefully by the end of this week

I just completed my draft of my latest story, The Return of Dragons. Now I’m editing it and hope to post it by the end of the week.

This is a story about a young man that discovers his ancestor was Maeve the Dragon Slayer and that her blood still runs through his veins. When dragons suddenly appear, magic is restored to earth and he finds himself transformed.

Will he, now a she, become a dragon slayer, or will she take a new path?


some good news about my daughter

I got some good news about my daughter. I found out that she has been accepted to go to a continuing education program specially set up for handicapped people post grade 12.

They will focus on combining academics with life skills, and it will go for two years.

I'm very proud of her.

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Searching for a story

The story I am searching for was probably not on this site. A number of years ago I was reading a story I think was about a married man and his wife who were in grave financial trouble. A mysterious man offers to help, but only on the condition that the man agrees to undergo a transformation, based on how much help he gets. Any ideas? Thanks for your help!!

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A funny thing

I had a funny thing happen at church today. It seems that a tomboy at church thinks that I am the perfect person to give her lessons on how to be a lady. She came up to me and said " I am trying to become more lady like and you are the most feminine lady as per my mom." Now I am very happy to have gotten the compliment, but I also think it's funny that I am 11 years post op, yes feminine facial surgery and also a bit of work done as well. That being said HER mom says she could learn to be more lady like from ME.

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"Writers must recognize the stop signs in their… " - tips on writing

"Writers must recognize the stop signs in their…"

I recently read a blog by a writer on our site that was looking for help with their story... which caused me to take note of this in today's paper.

I found this article on the importance of knowing WHEN to end your story; the importance of knowing when to say 'when'. The first half of this article is insightful. Towards the end of this article famous authors opening words are compared to their ending words; both are equally important.

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This Sucks (enemyoffun needs to relocate with help! ~seph)

So I wrote a blog a bit ago about a writing delay because of Life in general. Things have NOT been easy around here. My books aren't selling anymore and my brother is breathing down my neck. I got into a fight with him---verbal, not physical---last night. Every weekend now he takes off to go to his girlfriend's, leaving me here to look after the hundreds of animals he owns. That's not an exaggeration either. I'm already fed up with it because he took a job that keeps him out of the house for 12 hours a day, four days a week.

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News from.......Brandenburg, Germany

Just a quick note or two.

Well my best laid plans have fallen by the way side as my internet access so far this trip has been sketchy at best and non existent most of the time.

Anyhow, we've had a great trip so far, a mostly mill pond North Sea crossing and wall to wall blue skies and sunshine ever since. Gab has. Been enjoying herself with visits to Hameln of rat fame and the windmill museum up at Luneberg Heide. Maybe the other windmill visits were a bit more 'if we must' but we've some great stuff planned for the way back.

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NYT Best Seller List or a Crony List?

Many years ago, yes we were publishers then, the NYT listed a book title as a NYT Best Seller. It hadn't even been written yet. I believe everyone in the publishing business knew the NYT was a Wine and Dine list. Those publishers who could wine and dine the owner, editors, and writers of the NYT were assured of selling hundreds of thousands more books if they made the list. It was a very exclusive club bought and paid for with lots of free food, women, lavish trips, and exotic holidays.


A solution for those with new skype problems!

If you are on a Windows 10 machine, follow these instructions.

Go to:

Click on Downloads

Click the down arrow to the right of Get Skype from Store

Click Get classic Skype from the drop down menu.

Run the installer after it finishes downloading.

Make sure you UNCHECK optional features such as make BING your default search.

Login using your Skype name or Microsoft Account.

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A word of warning about the newest version of skype, redux

PLEASE!!!! keep your political views and/or personal feelings about certain public figures to yourselves. The last time I posted this blog entry, it got demoted off the front page thanks to those political views and attacks, so please don't air them here this time?

If you're thinking about downloading the new version of Skype, be careful. more than a few people have lost either voice, video, or contact lists after starting it.

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I Think It's Bollocks, Please Help

After my prediction that I intended to advance the "Hala" "story um Universe", if you will allow me to call it that, I realize that "I've Got A Fine Kettle Of Fish" here and nothing is going to work as I intended.

In my defence, When I wrote the first two Hala episodes, I had no idea that it would rewrite itself into a minor epic, or that is what it thinks it is.

I just finished reviewing Hala's Snow Day, and substantially rewriting Cowgirl Hala. The process added over 1000 words to it. Then, I discovered that I had actually published Cowgirl Hala back in 2016.

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magic blood pressure spikes

Do you guys remember the dancing frog from the Warner Brother's cartoons?

Well, I've been having blood pressure spikes that seem to be doing the same thing - I see it at home, but they disappear as soon as my doctor checks me.

So my doctor has ordered a special bp test, to see if we can figure out what the heck is going on ...

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Time Running Out, But Not Ideas.

I'm up to eight long chapters of the "Hala" story and did not plan to publish it until I was done, but I'm getting really long of tooth and the ideas don't stop. In two of the chapters, some of it really did happen, but I'm not saying what. The events that might trigger PTSD, I've been very mild about, so I hope that everyone stays OK.

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A word of warning about the newest version of Skype!

If you're thinking about downloading the new version of Skype, be careful. more than a few people have lost either voice, video, or contact lists after starting it.

Right now, Beverly Taff, in the U.K. is having a deuce of a time trying to get the voice part of it to work and she just today manage to retrieve her contact list. Persephone, also in the U.K. has had similar problems.

Skype is still urging me to download the newest version but I have been and will continue to resist it.

Catherine Linda Michel

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08 - The Drawback Of Being A Writer... (+ Flash Fiction)

Hey, TBC readers.

I know the title means different things to every writer. For me it is ideas. There are writers who hunt ideas desperately. I am desperate because I am hunted by ideas.

"Just how?" you might ask. Well, it is hard to concentrate on writing one serial or story and now and then ideas pop into your mind that bug the hell out of you. Every new idea I get there is this impulse to start writing it as a story. I am getting better at controlling said impulses, but it is no wonder I have about three dozen stories started and never finished.

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Exhaustion struck

Hi all,

well that's one fortnight gone that I am unlikely to forget.

But first off, let me assure you that Julina is not far away --- just one, maybe two, more scenarios to add in (blame this on needing things to think about whilst driving on French motorways) and the next episode will be complete. It currently sits at 6235 words, before revision and proofing, and therefore I hope to have it posted by the weekend.

We now have a house in the middle of the glorious Kent countryside and in which we have (tested and working) Broadband, Telephone and TV connections.


on tv

has anybody been watching madam secretary or blue bloods? madam secretary has a transgender character, she dresses as a man, and is a regular character on show. I just watched an episode where they were trying to get lbqt people out a country that was trying to outlaw and jail them. blue blood had an episode about trans people also. nice to see world somewhat accepting these people.

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its a generation thing

Well yesterday was a landmark for my family - all of my immediate blood relations over four generations in one room at once. Sounds impressive but it's only five people (I do have a host of cousins etc so we aren't such a tiny family really) Anyhow I spent about three hours holding a very well behaved grandson as two exhausted parents failed to summon energy for more than drinking tea!

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What a week or two!

My computer played up, then an update from Microsoft coincided with my router doing strange things, only it took a day or two to work out what the problem was. Couple that with severe shoulder pain and consequent lack of sleep, a visit to the dentist on Friday the 13th, an impending deadline for my latest assignment and you can see I've had a great time.

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71 today.

Whew! Like my old baseball hero, Mickey Mantle, said: "If I'd known I was gonna get this old, I'da taken better care of myself!"

Well, I'm not old... compared to trees, or mountains, right?

I hope everyone has a great day, and thanks all for your comments and friendship. Also, thanks to Princess Chelsea for the skype Birthday greeting.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Fund raising

We've had a lot of blogs and comments about fundraising. So I'd like to add my abilities to the pot so to speak. I'm a fair to middling proofreader, and while I don't have a degree or any such thing I believe that I'm able to catch most common errors in usage and spelling. And no I will not be depending only on spell check or some grammar engine to help me out!

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The Family Girl #093: Work has gotten in the way - but Danny #7 still under construction

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #93: Work has gotten in the way - but Danny #7 still under construction

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hi, everyone!.

Work has, as usual, gotten in the way.

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Banging on the donation drum.

By now I'm sure that all of you are sick of me banging on the donation drum... but here I go again.

We have X (I use the X in deference to Erin who hasn't given me permission to use the exact number) numbers of members on the site. If each of them just gave ONE DOLLAR A MONTH, it would more than cover the monthly operating costs and generate funds to pay off loans and keep Erin out of the poorhouse!

ONE DOLLAR! You can't even get a decent cup of coffee, a soft drink, a candy bar, or even a newspaper for a buck any more, but you CAN help save a site!

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Atalanta's Story:Update

I apologize for not providing any updates for Atalanta's Story and leaving you hanging but I didn't really know what the future was. I've had a variety of RL situations come at me; finance,health, and relationships and a fried computer and a busted water line and... As well as my editor falling ill and I didn't know if that information was mine to share or when they would be up to editing. And my muse hid from me too.

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New Ideas Needed

How are new readers and authors attracted to Big Closet?

Maybe the financial problems could be solved through an increased user base? It would seem likely that the more users BC has the more contributions Erin would receive.

I came to BC many years ago (probably over two decades ago) when Erin sent me an invitation to post here after reading one of my stories on FM.

How did you find BC?

Do you have ideas for attracting more readers and authors?

Is social media being used to attract readers?

Please comment.


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I hate being negative all the time. I've been pretty sick lately so I shut down for a while. I was at the PT(physical therapist today,She had me standing between parallel bars on both feet. I threw up later not a bad thing since every time I use new muscles differently it happens. She was working harder than I was try to keep my bad left leg straight,Not a major break through, but will take what comes my way. But for a short while before I abused their trash can(again)I was standing up and swaying between feet. Using my good arm (for balance and good leg to stand between the bars.

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a most unusual dream

I had a really unusual dream last night. I dreamed that I was back in university, but this time I was Dorothy. Not only that, I had this ... confidence about stuff I dont normally have in real life. Even people who reacted negatively to me were dismissed in my mind except to report them to a university official.

Not sure what that means ...

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I am going to embarrass myself.

I am going to embarrass myself.
I have a small fixed income.
I really can not afford luxuries of almost any type, and the IRS and other creditors are knocking on my door.
I contribute my tuppence to this site as often as I can.
In the last month, it was $10.00, although other months, perhaps not so much.
Certainly others may contribute a little as well, and hopefully it will add up.


Because I Can Afford It

This site means so much to me and others. I know many out there are really stressed financially, but please do what you can do to keep this refuge open. I've donated $200 this month. Yes, I'm getting some advertising for my books; however, that's not really important. What really is important is keeping BCTS and the other functions of this organization going. Please do whatever you can. It does matter.


It takes money to pay the bills, keep BCTS running

I don't know any of the ladies personally but I do know why they started BCTS. They did it out of love and thinking they could provide for all the orphan writers out there a place to lay their stories to rest so anyone and everyone could read them. Have no idea how much actual businesses they had run before starting BCTS, the bottom line is this site won't run on love and warm feelings. That only starts a very small business, it won't keep it running no matter what.


Donation Fatigue

Does anyone else get sick of the constant pressure to donate to this site?

It seems like at least once a month we are faced with a plea for more people to step forward to contribute, or for the same people to contribute more.

These pleas are usually accompanied by a sad recital of need due to ongoing expense or emergencies.

It’s tedious.

The only thing that would be more tedious would be to have to ask for these donations.

Obviously, Erin asks because she needs the money. Obviously, asking works -- because the site continues to fiscally limp along.

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Want to be a character in a mermaid story I've started?

Hey there

Before I come to the main point of this blog post I'd like to note that I've not forgotten my existing story "When among Dragons...", and I'd like to continue it sometime, but currently its stagnating. More on that below, for those that are interested in the reason.

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A Slave of Jupiter - Just published on the site

Just a quick heads-up to any fans I might have out there. I just completed and published a sequel to A Princess of Jupiter. The sequel, called, A Slave of Jupiter, is a bit of an independent sequel in that our old friends Caelen and Aristea are still around, but the story focuses on none other than myself on a journey to Jupiter and all that life on Jupiter entails.

Lots of action, inner reflection, and love.

Now I just have to find a real way of teleporting myself into one of my stories...


Casey Brooke

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The Job on sale

The Job is now going through Amazon's machinery and will be available in the next couple of days, assuming all goes right. It can be found by searching on Amazon (using the BCTS links) under Sussex border stories. Clicking on my author name once there (S.A.A. Calvert) brings up my author page with the rest of my books.

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Politics... delayed, again again. Sorry!

Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late blog about the late chapter!

Okay, I was hoping things were settled last week but a few things have been lingering on and slowing me up to an annoying degree. I suspect Arista or Winlyn's evil corporate comment control officers are at work, unfortunately :3

Good News is: Hopefully the new chapter will be up today at some point.


A Request

So, I came across something today that I think I need to address. First and foremost, just so there's no misunderstanding, I greatly appreciate everyone who has purchased my work or read it through the Kindle Unlimited program. I also appreciate the many compliments that have been left on Amazon. That being said, I ran across something in the comments section of one of my books that is a bit concerning to me. For my book Resurgence, which is book 1 of my Entwined Fates series, someone left a comment regarding it on Amazon.

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Positive Transgender News Story

This news story came up for me on Yahoo today, and I wanted to share it with everyone here.

It's a good piece about a T-girl who began her transition in middle school, and the positive things that occurred with her new beginnings.

Of course I remind you to not read the comments, simply out of intelligent caution. I did not nor will I read the comments section. Too many 'idjits' out there that I don't want to hear from.

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New stories from Snowfall?

I was wondering if anyone has heard from Snowfall about any new chapters to her stories or even new stories by her? I am not on here as often as I would like so have not seen her on here recently, I do hope she will publish some new chapters of Road Phantoms maybe or even a new story line.


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I'm such a fool...

I just returned home from overeating at a local Chinese all you can eat buffet. The food is great 7 the place is clean. First plate was 10 shrimp, 2 fish fillets, 2 lobster rolls and crab/cheese casserole. Second plate was a slice of ham, mashed potatoes, gravy with meat balls and broccoli & cheese casserole. Third plate was a slice of cheese cake, a piece of chocolate cake, a slice of pineapple, and an orange wedge. Fourth plate (8") was peach slices and 3 halved bananas covered in cherry sauce. That was buried in 2 inches of chocolate soft serve ice cream topped with peanuts.

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