There always seems to be quite a lot of young T folk on YouTube, and most are too over the top and exhibitionistic, as youth are wont to be. Don't mean to offend anyone. This old bat is past all that, so I live very quietly most of the time. It's possible to make comments on their blogs, and I used to get replies. For reasons unknown, I can no longer get replies on YouTube.
Friday, I discovered, without searching, two videos, supposedly done by Medical or Psychological folk, that were extremely accusatory and hostile toward the Transgender agenda. Both of these folk purported to be people of lofty credentials, but the replies were cut off, so any sort of confrontation with these plonkers will require quite a lot of effort, if they are real people.
Both videos were quite hurtful, and unsettling to me, and it took some time to calm down. The language used in the videos laid the blame for the so called moral failure on the Trans person, and I disagree sharply with them. Most anyone that knows me at all will know that my emergence into the T realm was involuntary and caused horrible, and irreversible losses and that is likely typical for most T folk. The videos presented the situation with us as if it were some sort of satanic lark. I'm still feeling a lot of pain over them.
So, this is a warning to anyone who stumbles upon these hostile YouTube videos that they are not worth your time, no matter how much legitimacy they purport to have.
Haters gotta hate
It is what they do, Unlike being trans, It was their choice. As for YouTube, it is not my first choice for news.
Best to ignore such things.
Before i started my transition i used to watch stuff like that, really no idea why. Think i felt like i needed to prepair myself or something. But in my mind it's similar to self harming, serves no purpose at all other than getting depressed and hurt.
Easy to find such videos or forums if you look for them, but it's also easy to avoid them.
While it's scary knowing there are people with such opinions out there, It's best to just ignore them and live our lifes as best we can.
Dont let them win!
Hope you can forget about it, i know it can hurt alot but try to focus on something else.
Will always be stupid people in the world, but there are quite a few nice ones as well.
Mostly my transition has been about not pretending anymore. A few of you have met me.
Whatever they have to say...
... they can all go and fuck themselves... and if it is based on their interpretation of a certain religion mixed with THEIR fucked in the head science, they can go and fuck their sadistic egotistical psychopathic fucking g-d just as much...
In my 30 years of being out(1988), 27 years of transitioning originally, 23 years after changing names, I have heard it all, read it all and experienced enough fucking verbal abuse, degrading and derogatory comments to fill a fucking ocean if the words were drops of water...
I am not one of those t-folk that disappeared into the woodwork and assimilated into the ideal 'image of a woman' that so many people demand( I could have if I wanted to though).
I am me, and fuck every piece of fucking bigoted 'scientific' religious human piece of dog shit(that supposedly know better than those who actually live through our experience), that can not deal with us!!!!!!!! Fuck them all to their own non-existing fictitious piece of hell!!!!
PS. those who have read any of my comments know my language usage is not savory in the least and as anti-religious as it comes, but boo hoo, I say how I see it, and as 'colorful' as possible.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill