Well I have to tender my apologies, no posting today.
Instead I spent the afternoon with the offspring and GC on the Chrimbo present delivery run - nett result no interweb today.
As compensation here is #1 and the GC this afternoon.

And another from my return to two wheels yesterday.

So as you may gather by that, i'm back on two wheels, a short 60km afternoon ride took me along the Chesterfield Canal and the old railway line to Rother Valley country park then back to Chesterfield and home.
The picture (no filters or fancy lenses used) is the infamous twisted spire made famous in one of the early Gaby chapters. The story goes that a demon was sat on the spire, when a virgin passed, so surprised was he that he twisted about to get a better look, twisting the spire in the process. Apparently he promised the distressed burghers that he'd twist it back when another virgin passed on the way to the altar. Well it's a small market town, no such event has occurred and so the spire remains twisted! (the real reason is more prosaic, it was built on the cheap with unseasoned timber)
So anyway, i'm back to riding, i'll get some miles in this week, slot some writing in between rides and hopefully post you more Gaby on Sunday.
Think that's about it for now