Putting in some navigation stuff

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So, I heard from someone that wanted some help.

Seems several months ago, she experienced something and it has limited her mobility, short-term memory and manual dexterity, and therefore her ability to access BCTS with the same ease as before. Specifically, she wanted to re-read my old Working Girl Blogs.

As you know, blogposts can't be accessed in sequence the way you do BCTS stories (like clicking a link at the bottom for the next story, or clicking another for the previous one), but the person who contacted me wanted to do just that with the Working Girl Blogs.

So I spent tonight putting in some navigation links at the bottom of the blogposts to help her out.

Thing is, she's not answering emails nor replying in chat, nor responding to PMs. But it might just be that she doesn't notice the alerts. Hence this post.

So, if you're there - hello. You can access the blogs much more easily now.

The Working Girl Blogs

Let me know if you need some more help.



I resemble that description

Wendy Jean's picture

somewhat (paralyzed from my stroke) I would like to pick your brain on how to do more around here myself.Let me know the hours and days you are on chat and I will be there.