TopShelf Blogs

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Corporate Dress Code - New Book, Now on Amazon Kindle

Corporate Dress Code: Reluctant Feminization, Cross-dressing, Role Reversal, Revenge (Terry Moran Book 1)
Word Count: over 80,000

Terry Moran is an up and coming young executive in a male-dominated company. As the youngest executive, Terry proves his loyalty to upper management by reworking the new corporate dress code.

Upper management wanted rules to keep executives looking professional. The head of the company has his own expectations of what people should be wearing to look professional and his views may not be either politically correct or legally acceptable.

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Gaby release

Just a quickie.

Firstly, Happy Easter to everyone celebrating the day.

Next up, as promised I finished the next bit of Gaby book 2 yesterday and so today it's already available at Lulu and will be on Kindle a little later once they've done what they do.

Sorry no links but i'm on my phone! Maybe later if I can get on line again.


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A callout to The Scotsman.

Several years ago The Scotsman posted two parts of a story called To Be The Best. Since then... nothing. No more stories from this author who had a damned good beginning in this tale.

If you're still out there Scotsman, please, please, PLEASE continue the story and/or write more. You had the makings of a really good storyteller and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Large collection of Tuits now amassed

Hi folks,

my Tuit collection has a few octagonal ones, some hexagonal, some square, some rectangular and some triangular.

But now I have one that is circular.

I had a very hectic morning of dismantling furniture, lugging it down three flights of stairs, out into the hallway and then, finally, into a moving van.

Phew, that one small phase of our move is now over. All I have to do now is find spaces to replace all the contents of the cupboards we just 'got rid of'.

But I did find that circular Tuit today.

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Apples, Walnuts, Cinnamon, and Sweet Red Wine

For those of you who understand the meaning behind the Title, may you enjoy it with or without chrain (I grind my own) , before you eat you knaidels and drink 4 cups, tonight. A Zissen Pesach to you and your family.

To those of you, who have no idea what it all means, may you and yours enjoy egg hunts on Sunday.

And to those of you who could care less, have an enjoyable weekend.


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Books on tape...sort of

Hi All! Happy Easter! An idea has been percolating in my mind of late, and I wanted to see if there is anyone else out there who has had one similar...Has anyone ever thought of taking some of the more complete (finished) stories in here and record them for visually impaired readers? Perhaps they aren't visually impaired...but slow readers or those who struggle with reading in general. I wouldn't have a clue what would be needed - other than someone with a good reading voice and able to interject tonal and vocal inflections within the story.

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Unfortante news.

It is with regret that I inform you all that I have little choice but to cancel my birthday this year. I do not have the time to spend with it.

Thusly I will not be turning a year older tomorrow. You can save the 'happy birthday' greetings for next year.

Again my appologies.


Lookin for a story about a Kitsune

I can't remember if the story was completed

While the protagonist was expecting to have magical powers (I think), it may just have been an advanced mental trait like telepathy.

The government collected up a group with similar talents. I think they were taken to a bunker somewhere.

Some kind of war, which was why the protagonist and the rest of the group were rounded up.

The protagonists change to a Fox was unexpected as was the change in gender it was later that she found she was a Kitsune, and a powerful one.

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Back from the Wild East

Nope, not an error, I spent the last couple of days tilting at windmills 'out east' in Lincolnshire! Some good weather, some horrible, one castle (birthplace in 1367 of Henry IV), 275km and 25 windmills! Phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'm sure its doing me good, well I think it is anyhow.

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Politics is... delayed, sorry! :)

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late heads up, but things have been a bit manic over the last few days my end. I'd hoped to get the newest chapter of Magic up today as usual, but it didn't work out in the end.

Hopefully I can have it ready for ya'll by tomorrow at some point. I don't normally do the 'blog post'-thing, obviously, but I figured I'd give you all a heads up to what's happening anyway. The chapters there, I just haven't finished final clearing on it yet sadly.

Sorry again!


Oh!, Where Have All Of...

Hope's Stories gone?

I have been rereading Maggie Finson's "Heaven and Hell" Universe, which i had made a list of.

One I had listed was "There's always Hope" By Hope Eternal Reigns, that I had listed as being posted here at Big Closet seems to be missing along with all of Hope's stories

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A Big Change

March nearly over and I know I haven't written much. After getting over the flu and everything I talked about last blog, my GFs and I finally found an affordable apartment! We're moving in this weekend! All of the excite!

That being said, I've been organising all of my stuff to move and things have been hectic, hence a lack of updates and writing happening on my end. We'll be moved and settled soon and I plan to seriously hit the word processor and get movement on Twin Tails (we got another episode in the can, so I'm getting behind), Dissonance and FatIT Part VI.

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Jobbing writer

Well, time for a decision. I was asked, quite sensibly, if that was the last chapter of The Job. It is an obvious place to end, and a scene I loved writing, but Diane still has a long way to go. So...

Do I continue writing this as one book?
Do I split it and start another book, continuing the story, as I did with 'Ride On' and 'Too Little, Too Late'?
Any sensible ideas for a title if I make the split? I have some already.

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Spring and now Summer!

Yes apparently winter is over, the equinox is past and the clocks have gone forward - not that its that much warmer!

So in Pact, the 22nd instalment of Sweet Sixteen, Bern finally comes clean on the plan to thwart the SS, Gab wears gloves and some pizza is eaten!

I've finished more new chapters and sent them off, I'm still hoping to get them out for the desperate by next weekend - fingers crossed.

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one week

Next weekend I'll be going offline.
Until I can find an isp that isn't using a security nightmare single signon scheme for accessing services.
and ALL single signon services are a security nightmare, 1 database for criminals to target to gain massive amounts of data on everyone using it.
Facebook, Google, MS, yahoo accounts all fall into this classification.

and I doubt I'll be looking very hard for an isp

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06 - Why I have been absent lately ...

Hey everyone,

you might be wondering why I haven't posted anything in a while.

Well, currently I think the world has it out for me. It really wants to make me miserable.

You might know from my last blog entry that I have moved apartments.
While that was stressful, it was successful.
With one little holdup. My ISP took over a month to hook up my new apartment.

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John Cena Says WWE Could Have A Transgender Wrestler With The Right Story

In an impromptu interview, John Cena, a well known WWE Superstar and movie and TV star said, when asked if the WWE could ever have a Transgender wrestling star:

"I’m a storyteller, my friend, and that’s what we do in WWE. It’s not segregated to sex, race, creed, religion, any of that. As long as the story is good, it belongs in WWE."

You don't have to be a wrestling fan to know who John Cena is. He's been in many movies as an action star and has appeared and hosted many TV awards shows including The Kids Awards Show.

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Help finding two stories please

The first story I believe I read on this site.

Young boy and girl are neighbors.

Girl has difficulty relating to boy due to childhood trama with man and then boy presents as girl and they enjoy playing with each other. As they become older their relationship deepens and they are content as lesbians.

Something causes one set of parents to move cross country (in later teens?). TG teen and girl reluctantly deceide that a long distance relationship will be too difficult for both. They stop communicating with each other.

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Since everyone else seems to be throwing updates about themselves and their writing thought some may appreciate it if I did the same.

Circumstances in real life that brought about the short story, "The Changeling," really put my muse into a tailspin. I could not concentrate on any of my ongoing stories for the longest time and I refused to begin any new story until I had those complete.

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Spring has, er bounced

Yep, its officially Spring here in the northern hemisphere, days are longer than nights, the temperatures are rising - well maybe and the land has shaken off winters cloak, except for the left over snow drifts and last nights frost of course.

By happy coincidence - I think, todays Gaby chapter, Awkward Feeling, has a somewhat wintry element!

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when a story flops

Even the very best authors probably have at least one story in their collection that just ... isnt as good. Something between imagining the story and writing it down some factor gets left out, or something that doesnt scan gets added in, and it just ... flops.

So what does an author do?

Well, hopefully, learn from it.

So, as I am in that place with my last story, I'm hoping for some constructive criticism in the hopes that I might get better the next time.

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"Attraction" 2017

I know there are folk on this site from all over the world, and I am happy to know you all.

Recently I watched a great Sci Fi Movie called "Attraction" made in 2017. I think it is Russian, and the CGI and all the stuff was great, in fact outstanding. If you get a chance to see it, you won't regret it.

I want to see it again, perhaps even purchase it.


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A little blathering on about writing, stories, anxiety, depression and other joys...

This morning I was listening to an old song, Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here." And it made me want to post today. Not sure why, but it definitely made me think about posting something here today. Several weeks ago, I asked Erin to re-publish my stories. My old laptop's hard drive failed and took everything I'd written and posted here, and a lot of other material as well.


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Last gasp of winter

Well I suppose it is technically still winter until Wednesday so this weekends snow shouldn't be such a surprise but even so, 15cm (6") of the white stuff is as much as any of the winter's previous deposits and despite the warnings plenty of peeps have been caught out - again!

I did get to ride yesterday but arrived home encased in ice and snow - the bike too was looking like it'd been to the Arctic rather than Sherwood Forest! But hey ho, Spring is in the air.

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writing update

I just wanted to give everybody an update on where I am with my stories:

"Pathfinder": New story being worked on, going slowly, but hasnt stopped yet.

"E-Girl: the Gift" : might have a new chapter, but its coming to a halt.

"Branded": Totally stuck, actually hoping somebody might have a suggestion.

"The secret of MYTH": coming close to totally stuck.

and "By the rivers of Babylon": current chapter is grinding towards a point where I might have a new chapter, but not sure what happens after that.

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Puzzled and confused. Re: Like A Candle In The Wind story.

I just finished re-reading an older story by Lisa Sartori, Like A Candle In The Wind, and I am somewhat disheartened by the lack of kudos and comments.

Could it be that because it is such an older story and those who read it before haven't bothered to re-read it? Lisa has updated it quite a bit and there is a different ending.

It's such a wonderful story that SHOULD speak to the fantasies and dreams of a lot of us, and it's so well written with great characters and a solid, engaging plot, and it makes me wonder.


Transgender Volleyball Star in Brazil Eyes Olympics and Stirs Debate

SÃO CAETANO DO SUL, Brazil — When Tifanny Abreu slammed the volleyball over the net, her frizzy ponytail flying behind her, most spectators at a recent game moaned out loud: another point for the visitors.

But not everyone in the stands was rooting against her.

Even when Ms. Abreu travels with her team to away games, she often has a small, loyal group of fans cheering her on. This game in a satellite city of São Paulo, played more than 200 miles away from her team’s home base, was no exception.

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From the Sublime to the ...

Yesterday, I sat on the Pier at Southwold, Suffolk (just about the most easterly point in the UK) and ate an Ice Cream. It was sunny, warm and balmy.
Earlier in the day I'd watched Marsh Harriers performing their aerial courtship, some Mediterranean Gulls nestbuilding and other birds singing in the sun.

Definitely the calm before the storm
This morning and less than 10 miles from Southwold I woke up to find almost 2in of snow on the ground.

And there is more to come. Brrrr.


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Searching for an Irish story

Because it is St. Patty's Day, I need a good Irish TG story. Well, there are a few great ones here. But I am looking for one in particular ....

I happened up a story last summer about a company CEO whose software business in Boston was just bought out. His name is Hugh I believe.

He picks up a nice young hitchhiker in Ireland on the way to Dublin. They stop at a B and B. He takes the couch and she gets the bedroom. She is so impressed because of his being a perfect gentleman that she makes love to him. While they make love, she sings a celtic song and they body swap.


Translation of the ass

I will say this...tłumacz gogle jest chujowy,wypatrzył moje słowa...nie mniej mam żal do Amazon że traktuje Polskę po macoszemu (wiem że jest już AMAZON POLSKA) ale to nic nie zmienia,wielu nie anglojęzycznych chciałoby nabyć publikacje swoich ulubionych autorów....ale jak mówią ruscy ,,nie nada,,...zostaje to co Da BigCloset TopShelf...i łaska autorów...całuski za niesamowite opowiadania i nagroda złotego dębu dla Tania Allan (choć opuściła Big Closet i związała się z Amazonem ) złoty Dąb dla moich dwóch idolek Wolfjess i snowfall (brawo Alecia) ...grand Prix złotego dębu przypada elspet


S dnem rozhdeniya Laika Schmoopsie!!

Zdravstvuyte... My name is Marina, Mermaid most recently from Murmansk.
I wish to invite you all to do I say S dnem rozhdeniya? Ah Heppy Burthday?

To my darlink rusalka sestra Laika, Da?
Mennee heppy reternz!


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I greet everyone cordially,I am a Pole who does not speak english,maybe a few words,I translate translating goggles with translator, I love Tania Allan,Wolfjess,Snowfall,Penny Lane,elspeth,Jennifer Sue,Maggie Finson,Monique S...pisses me that Amazon does not translators of books that i think would like to but many from not-english speaking countries.



is mounting here in Yorkshire as #1's first born, erm, approaches being born!

Had a good visit Sunday to deliver the nursery furniture, all the expectant grandparents either have (Yorkshire crew) or will be (southern lot) visiting this week before mum finishes work at Easter.

Okay, i'll admit to being a bit distracted with both baby and my new kitchen but I will get down to some serious writing tomorrow, honest.

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Cosmologist Stephen Hawking has died.

A man I greatly admire for his ability to cope with his motor neuron disease for so many years and to continue to work on his science despite his body barely functioning. Notwithstanding his illness he still managed to become a celebrity featuring in many documentaries and even the Simpsons as the 'wheelchair guy'. I can't think of any current larger than life scientists, who are really needed in this age of false news, to declaim the liars and bigots who seem to be in control. May he rest in peace.

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Recent Movie

Ok so I'm not sure if this has been posted here or not and it appears this movie was released in a limited capacity already but I had to share it. Its called Every Day, its based on a best selling novel by David Levithan, about a person named "A" who wakes up every day in a different body, one of which leads him to a girl whom he falls in love with. The trailer speaks for itself I guess but it looks really good. I'm gonna look for the book and I'll definitely look for the movie when it comes out to purchase.

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Um, minor delay...

I've had a cold for about two weeks, one that seems to be a bit like that mythical snowball. It was so bad this morning that I have canceled the appointment I had with my consultant tomorrow. I won't drive there and I don't want to expose everybody else to my viruses.

Then, at about 5pm on Saturday last, the hard disk on my main server died. Joy! Try fixing that when you barely know which way is up!

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BCTS Search?

I was wanting to try and see if Morpheus had ever posted anything that went over any universe rules for his Twisted universe, but I cannot seem to find any search feature for the site at all any more.

Did it get lost in among all the upgrades somewhere?


Wes Boyd, author of The Girl in the Mirror, died 2018/03/08

I found out yesterday that Wes Boyd, who wrote The Girl in the Mirror, amongst many other novels, died on 8 March, 2018.

His daughter and son-in-law plan to maintain his website, and continue posting his finished work until it's all posted; apparently there are eight more books after the one currently posting.

All proceeds from the sales of his works will go to help support his widow.

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Hiding in a wood\forest by a stream\river

I'm not sure what the Universe is, except that the story is not from Morpheus' Legacy Universe

1. MC has no familial connection to a superpowered\Hero family
2. MC's attaining powers were not caused by situational stress
3. I was reading "The Knight is a Lady" which reminded me of the other story

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So discouraged

I'm about as discouraged as I have been in a very long time, and it is arguable that most of what is stressing me is my own damn fault. There are a couple stories on here that are extremely moving to me, spot on regarding the issues that face post op, out T folk. Recently, my own T life has been more pleasant than at first, but these stories cause me to remember the really painful years.


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My family has a knack for making a bad situation worse

If my extended family has a knack, its to make a bad situation worse.

My aunt is going into the hospital on Thursday to get treated for cancer in her uterus, and two of my other aunts decided that wasn't enough stress, so they started fighting over who will look after my aunt when she gets out of the hospital.

Sighs ...

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The Family Girl #092: Danny Update - March 11 2018. Workin’ hard ’n gettin’ in the groove!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #92: Danny Update - March 11 2018. Workin’ hard ’n gettin’ in the groove!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hi, everyone!

Still making progress. 67,600 words now!

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When She Stops Saying She Loves You

I will admit, next to “Mooneshadows” this is the most depressing storyline I have ever written because I all about things that in real life would probably kill me or at least find myself on suicide watch. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has gone though the situation taken by the main character.

Now, the chapter titles are, as always, based on a song title that ties the chapter’s theme with the emotion of the scenes within. And, yes, they are all by Duran Duran.

Ordinary World—complted and posted
Burning the Ground—completed and posted

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Another Fairy Tale?

In my recently finished “A Gentle Soul” I dealt with the way that fairy tales could be concocted. I have also come up with a rationale for the story of the fishes and the loaves in the Bible.

In the story five loaves and two fishes fed 5000 people that Jesus preached to. And amazingly, the remnants of the meal exceeded what they started with.

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Links between gender, sexual orientation, and speech

Part of this podcast might be of interest to a few here:
"In a bonus segment recording during a live podcasting event at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Sarah first speaks with Ben Munson of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis about markers of gender and sexual orientation in spoken language and then Adrienne Hancock of The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., talks about using what we know about gender and communication to help transgender women change their speech and communication style. "

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Intense pain

For the last week or so I have been having gut cramps that are unbelievably painful Don't know what I will do about them yet, If they continue probably the ER,This morning I woke up with a a painful knot in my gut I tried to raise my bed and it hurt too much to bend my abdomen. I ll get back with you all and let you know how it goes.

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Asking for a favor

I was just on a book review site called Goodreads.

A good friend sent me a link to their page featuring Wildcats.

So here is the favor. If you read Wildcats and liked it and you are a member of Goodreads, would you please go on and add a review about the book. I am asking for me and BigCloset since Wildcats is being published by Doppler Press. So, the more people that read the book through Kindle Unlimited or buy the book on an Amazon download will be helping Erin and this site.

Here is the link. Thanks, Leslie

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A little warmer

yes after the last week's cold and snow this week has turned to slightly less obscene weather! Having said that, my ride yesterday in the Peak District (bit of a misnomer as there are only a couple of actual 'peaks') did include negotiating a few snow drifts although there was a lot of localised flooding too - at least the ambient temperature was above 0c!

I will be cracking on with the writing this week, the plan is to have another Gabysode and possibly the new Nena out before Easter - well providing RL doesn't get in the way!

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A heads-up in case anyone's interested

Today is Wednesday, it is afternoon.
I have to go and dismantle some furniture and carry the bits down to the underground parking here in this block of flats, load them into my car...
I have to cut some sandwiches (Brets - *grins*) for our journey tomorrow
I have to pack suitcases
I have to clean up the kitchen, thoroughly.
I have to have an afternoon nap too.

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200 Kudos, Thank You So Much!

Like the title says, Witch's Mirror hit 200 Kudos recently and I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. This is the highest any of my stories have ever gotten and I feel like it's a milestone that deserves some celebration. I wish I could, like, release the first part of Dissonance (new Sara story) or publish Fate and the Iron Tiger 6 or something but neither are done. I don't even have a new Twin Tails, which is an issue.

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Looking for Stories

I'm looking for stories that have happy endings, romance and very little or (preferably) no violence.
I'm not having a good time the last few weeks and I'd like to read stories that are light and cheerful.
Please no erotica, stories can have sex but nothing explict.
Hope others are having better weeks than me
Love Hotaru.


TG Forum, What th' ...

So, saw something in "TG Forum" that interested me and I wanted in on the discussion. I thought that my BCTS username and password would probably work, but no. Then I tried to register but I kept getting "username" already in use, and the same for my email. My email is not reporting a temporary password from them ...

Maybe I didn't really want to get involved with it after all.



Wipe Out!

Yup, much like most of the UK, Bell acres has had its share of snow this week, its still white outside although there is a bit of a thaw going on today. Net result is no bike rides for a week, which wouldn't be so bad if my muse hadn't decided to go for a vacation at the same time!

Hey ho.

Anyway you do get a new Gaby chapter today, Strange Reunion so there's something to cheer.

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A Second Chance Teasers

Fans of my series’ (River and A Second Chance) may remember that I often claim that I don’t write the stories, my characters do. That is true for a lot of the story, but I do come up with ideas, sometimes months before the chapters will be written. Often these come as I am about to fall asleep, or have just woken, and seem to be like little movies about my characters. I have decided to present a series of these that are waiting for chapters that can use them, sort of like promos for upcoming TV shows, or trailers for future movies.

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