6,800 words into “It Can Only Go Up From Here”.
The story takes place one month after the events in “To Be a Different Someone” and I decided to include the social and political issues that I didn’t want to hang onto Jennifer’s shoulders in the first book but it just seems that it had to come to place that there are going to be people who will hate her for no reason except their own prejudices and intolerance.
I’m placing in scenes where she gets back together with her father and his new family. His new wife and twin daughters adore their half-sister but they are all unaware that State Senator Daniel Kane’s office will use her to strengthen their stance for “The Real American Family”.
There is also a political action group that outs her at her high school.
In addition, Jen’s cousin has finally found a romantic link in life, but the name of Monica Preston.
So, please tell me, if this may be a bit heavy-handed or over-done, and if I should just keep it as a teen-driven story?