TopShelf Blogs

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Feedback, reviews and scribbling

It's snowing outside and I had some time to spare so I checked out some of the reviews on Amazon for my works.

Overall they are pretty positive, a couple clearly don't get my intent with plot lines but hey ho, you can't please everyone all of the time....

One thing that certainly did come through though was some enthusiasm for the various stories to continue. Easier said than done of course, i'd love to continue all the series in a never ending output but let's face it, that's a lot of effort and there are other things going on in my life besides writing!

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I'm upset with Sharon

I'm really upset with Sharon.

Apparently, she told my mom that she's in serious financial difficulty with many bills not paid.

According to what my mom said, she has been stretching herself too thin by paying for counseling for Sam, and now is in trouble.

Of course, mom wants to help, but she cant do much when she's desperately trying to drop down to part time since at 80 working full time is getting to be a bit much.

And of course I can do anything since I'm not working at all.

Sighs ...

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Trying to get there before Santa

Hello, folks. You may not remember me or even know me, I've been quiet so long. It's been difficult to get in here because of work and family.

Anyway, I've been working my way through the plot of a new story, a Christmas story, and puzzling out the pieces. For me, developing a new story idea is about answering questions like What happened just before this? and Why did they hide the key? and Where did what's-his-name go and why?

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TG Techie Blog 97: The Stage Tech Starts Soon, I Promise

Well if you're reading TG Techie, (and if you are, thank you. You should comment more though) for the techie stuff, I'm so sorry but it's still coming. Aisling as a character is almost defined enough to move into it. Just three more chapters, and the stuff starts on the fourth. So two weeks out.

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SRS, The Nitty Gritty

A while back I got in a discussion about SRS on Youtube and a man commented on it. I wound up having an email exchange with him that led to a phone conversation. He was nice enough and said that he is a surgeon that has done the operation. He challenged me on one aspect of my operation. My Surgeon in Bangkok told me that he did the normal penile inversion technique, and attached one of my Vas Deferens tubes to the back end of my neo Vagina to provide Vaginal lubrication. My Neo Vagina is always moist and has the fragrance of Estrogen; sometimes leaving a white stain in my panties.

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TG Techie: Chapter 5: Target missing from the front page ?

This is odd. TG Techie: Chapter 5: Target isn't on the home page, despite the fact that the chapter posted seconds later (TG Techie: Chapter 5: [XXX 1] Exploration) is. Is this a system thing from posting the two of them side by side, or did one of them get lost somewhere?

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Do you think it's a good idea to be overly nice to your antagonist?

I've been doing some thinking about how to deal with antagonists. I'm not in school now as I've been doing (and failing) school work online. I will be back in High school in the 2nd semester.

At first, I thought, "Hey if they bully me then I'll stand up for myself and tell them what's what." Then I came to the conclusion that, that's not a good idea as I am giving the reaction they hope for.



OK, I'm confused. The front page seems to have undergone a major reformatting? Is this intentional? Or is it some sort of glitch.

It's extremely (IMNSHO) more difficult to find the content you want. And the sidebar listing of blog postings is gone, but not the comments. I much prefer the recent blog post in the sidebar.

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New Twin Tails Coming, Sara Story

We got a short game in Friday and I just finished the unedited draft of Chapter 11 of Twin Tails. It's up for preview on my patreon at the moment, should be here in a day or two. Just a planning session this time, a bit of character banter and defusing an angry mob of rich people. Was still fun.

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TG Techie, XXX rated content

Well I've been reading the audience here on Big Closet. The desire here seems to be for tamer content than on TGStories, or Fictionmania. That's cool and all, but I am writing porn here. And the parts of 11th Sun with XXX in the title are the most read.

I think what I'm gonna do here is post tomorrow with the trip to Target, and the bra fitting, because that's porn for a certain kind of person. Then I'll put up the next chapter immediately, instead of on Friday, which is the part where she masturbates for the first time, which is porn for another kind of person.

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Rumours of my demise...

...are a trifle premature. Admittedly, a shoulder injury is making life tougher than it might otherwise be, but I'm still alive and brain boggled with my university studies. I've spent much of the day doing computer graphs on excel, which should be really easy to a normal human, but somehow whenever I go near excel it does weird things unlike the tutorials on you tube. The most used button - the 'undo' one.

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Historical event - a uterus transplant!

This amazing medical break through is sure to create a lot of interest on many levels. It should also stimulate CD/TG writer's story-lines. "For the first time in the United States, a woman who had a uterus transplant has given birth. The mother, who was born without a uterus, received the transplant from a living donor last year..."

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Thought some here would get a kick out of this

So the backstory of this is I play several stringed instruments, I'm an amateur although I was taught by some well known (older) names in the Country and Bluegrass genre of music and in years past have been in some jam sessions with some very respected names in those genres.

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eeewwww, yuck.

Well, CT scan of my lung results aren't great. :(
starting at the bottom like the respirologist did:

bottom 15% of my lungs have 20% of the bronchiolae burst, meaning zero oxygen to blood / co2 to lung exchange in there.
mid section of my lungs are 5% burst bronchiolae
top 33% of my lungs is 100% burst bronchiolae.

no wonder I can barely walk across the street. :/

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Win 10 with a sledghamer...!

__________ Edit __________

So after removing and re-installing my browser, Window$ decide to finally acknowledge the presence of a non M$ browser and allow me to put it as a default.

Thanks for all your comments and message.

Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
__________ End Edit __________

Hi everybody,

I just got a laptop with Win10 install..!

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I'm bored

Hey, does anyone have discord? My username is Trap-chan#8584
Yes, I use Trap-chan ironically and I know the real meaning. It's just an iconic name I use for fun. That and I can switch from my cute innocent voice to a Vegeta voice... if anyone knows who Vegeta is.



I do a lot of reading in Anthropology, Astronomy, Psychiatry, Religious History, and other things equally as mind bending.

Really focused on where Homo Sapiens came from and why we are such violent pricks? And, coming from such uber conservative religious stock, life is anything but a "funny funny riddle". This time of year is really awful.


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Keeps extending wait time

There was a problem with your form submission. Please wait 55 seconds and try again.

Went from try again to wait eight seconds, to wait 22 second to

Dear bot, my congratulations, we are done here. Don't call me I'll call you when I'm feeling less testy.
While we are on the subject. Try and rein in your enthusiasm on "You're not allowed to access that page." When I click on a story. It better be my ISP you're having a temper tantrum with.

I'll be totally surprised if you let this one through!


Barbie's Doll

Hi, All!

I have just posted Part 5 of 'Barbie's Doll'. I had no intention of making this a daily posting and was just lucky enough to be off this week to make that happen. Alas, I have to get back to reality and will not be posting daily from here on out. I will shoot for weekly, but can't even guarantee that, for now.

If possible, I will post another part tomorrow. Otherwise I am pretty sure I can get one posted sometime next week.

I hope you continue to enjoy the story--sorry that it will be a little slower coming out, though.


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The Wish Commentary

The last thing I want is for readers to feel confused and then not enjoy a fic, so I decided to put down some questions readers might have about The Wish. Some readers may not have any questions at all and completely understand my intent and that's cool too. Spoiler warning starts now:

1. Is this my Christmas Wish submission?: A bit undecided about that, but I do believe I can deliver a heavier story. The inspiration for The Wish came to me within the last few days. Also, I like to leave open the option of posting this on another site, so as for right now, no.

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Christmas Suite

I am excited. This is a big day for writing firsts.

It's the first story I have written just for BigCloset TopShelf.

It's the first writing contest I have ever entered.

It's the first story I have ever formatted all on my own. The lovely Dawn Natelle did all that 'stuff' in the past. I still don't know how to add extra spaces and how to get the story to be marked SOLO, but hey it's a first.

I have to thank StacyInLove who egged me on and challenged me to give it a try. It's really all her fault if you don't like it.

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I'm honestly a little intimidated

Having read most of the submissions for the Christmas contest, I can honestly say I'm a little intimidated, The level of quality in the stories is astounding, especially when you consider most of the authors are not professional writers, and several of our "heavy hitters" havent even weighed in with their stories yet.

This is one of the reasons I love this place, the shear quality of work is amazing.

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Everyone please read. So here we are again

at the end of another month And Erin is still having to BEG for sufficient funds to keep the doors open.

I've done all _I_ can do to help her and so have a lot of others for whom effusive thanks will never be enough.

It comes down to all of the rest of us to do our best to alleviate this never ending shortfall that causes ulcers and other stress caused ailments that plague Erin, Piper et all.


Twin Tails Posted

Wow, what a week. New Twin Tails is finally up, I only did one editing pass because I wanted to get it to everyone after being extra-double-special late. Feedback very appreciated if you can spare a moment. In my defence, I've had dizzy spells on Friday and yesterday plus my Dad fell out of the ceiling Sunday morning. He's fine, just a few cuts and bruises, nothing permanent and no hospital visit. He's recuperating well but it was a bit of a shock for all of us.

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Why is it I seem to get swept up by the tides of life and not the other way around? Don't answer that. You'd only embarrass me. Our guest, my sister-in-law, has decided not to return home and then return here in but three weeks. She's decided to stay on until my sister comes. Of course this upsets my plans somewhat. But it is a joyful upset.


It Can Only Go Up From Here

Finished the first draft of the first chapter for “It Can Only Go Up From Here” with 2362 words...yes, its about half the length of the first chapter of the first book and I may increase the chapter to kind of match up with the pacing and movement of the other book...only to counter the doldrums of James’ life to Jennifer’s.

The chapter titles are still Shania Twain songs (Thank you for releasing a new album), with the first one entitled “I’m Alright”

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Gotta love the complements

I was in town for my usual weekly electrolysis treatment. Since we live 40 miles out of town we try take care of multiple errands when ever we're there. As a result, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things to save a trip into town later. While I stopped to sample some new brand of chili, a lady stopped to tell me how much she liked my blouse. :o)


Gotta love the compliment.

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Schedule Changes? - Blog Entry 98

Here's the story.

I am ridiculously ahead here. Like five chapters ahead. That means that you won't see what I'm working on now for five weeks, and frankly the suspense is killing me.

So. I can change my update schedule to twice a week, and put chapters up on Tuesday and Friday mornings. And then you all can see them.


I don't think I can keep up the pace of 4,000 words twice a week, once you all have caught up to where I am.


I know that I can write 2,000 words in two days with very little problem.


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just when you thought......

So, this mornings forecast wasn't great but with going away later in the week it's the Penultimate chance to top up the miles and metres. I had a route in mind, 100km out into Gaby land with a stop about halfway for a light lunch.

I'm feeling quite fit, a good session without anything too taxing so I depart at the end of the rush hour. My route has about 2km of on road tram running, i've managed to go 20 years without issue so I was quite confident of my technique.

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My Challenge

I gave myself a challenge here, to finish the first (clean) draft of a story that evening and sit on it a week before revision. Clearly I didn't make it, but the first draft is done now -- only off by three and a half weeks.

Now let's see if I can avoid looking at it for a week or so (six days might suffice) before reading and revising it.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Back to work...

Back to work on “It Can Only Go Up From Here”. This has been difficult to work on due to the other two stories that are running in tandem with the storyline in this one and that the political climate is the same as the storyline I created over a year ago and as I write it I have to take a step back and wonder if I’m using today’s news in a story that takes place in 1997-1998.

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Illogical Creatures

Aside from writing, the central focus of my life is to fully understand what it is to be a woman, so I can more faithfully render them in my stories.

I was completely astonished to attend three functions over the holidays in which I was completely treated like a woman, a sisterhood member. At no time was the fact that I might be counterfeit as a woman mentioned and it felt really good.

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One thing after another

So, there I was, on a roll after getting the last two chapters of What Milsy Did out in a reasonable time. I'm heading off into the next, crucial chapter, and with about 5,500 words written, a never-ending and seemingly random series of unexpected happenings has derailed me almost completely.

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32 Hours

I went to work last night, and sat down to start writing. I worked for a half hour before I had to get up and do my "job." Indistinguishable from most other nights, other than that I had been awake for 25 hours at that time.

I wrote 1,600 words before it was 4 AM and I realized that I could ad-lib lyrics to Winter Wonderland on the fly. I remember some of them

There's a pit, it is burning
There's a spit, flesh's a turning
The smell burns the air
And singes your hair,
Whisping through a waking of the damned

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Can I give another author's stories a push?

I am on the chat site quite often, and last night I was chatting with a fellow author here, Arwen, and promised I would re-read her stuff.

Its really quite good, and if you havent read any, you should give it a try.

Here is a link:

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It's Just A Skirt on Amazon

It's Just A Skirt



George has always been a little different from other boys thanks to a childhood accident. Now an incident at school might help him figure out how different he truly is. >

Now available here on Amazon.

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Story updates, Kindle Reading and the future

Hi! It's been a while :/
I'm so sorry. My life has been even messier than usual. I turned 29, got really sick again, found out I have some heart problems and my awful diet and constant stress isn't helping and have had to try and rework my life. Mental illness combined with being trans = Bad.
It hasn't been going well, and I won't bore you with the details cos honestly, they're kind of boring.


Surgery Again :-(

Had to have a stimulator removed that they put it 7 years ago, battery stopped and I found out it wasn't doing anything so rather replacing the battery I just had it removed. All went well other than it feel like someone stabbed me as it was a deep cut not a big cut. They had to find the leads and pull them out. Other than being soar I am OK today.


I'm not dead (and maybe neither is my muse)

Well, it seems like my depression is lifting. I got some things done yesterday (shoveling the walk, laundry), and I even got a couple of sentences written on a story.

its not much, but I have hope again that I might actually get a story (or at least a chapter of a story) finished before the new year ...

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Re-finding a Friend Long Gone

I've said it before here, and I'll say it again: I'm a huge game geek.

I've been looking to re-obtain a 360 for a while now, since I have a stack of games for it and the original Xbox I've acquired over the last couple of years via yard sales and thrift stores because they were too good of deals to pass up, even if I didn't have the console at the moment.

That all changed last night, when I traded a friend of mine at work a spare NES I had lying around plus a few carts for his old 360 he doesn't play any more. Now I can play all those games, horray!

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Serial transformation story idea

Here’s an idea that I won’t have time to pursue (found a job, yay!): a serial, working title “128 shades of gray” featuring 128 transformations each involving one of the traits in the title of the book “The 7 Sexes: Biology of Sex Determination.” (Yes, there are such sequences; they are called Gray Codes.)

Ref; The 7 Sexes


Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone the title says it all, Happy Turkey day to all who celebrate it. Living this side of the pond they don't celebrate it here. But we do as a family although I'm the lone American here. But like I tell our kids they are half American and should honor their family roots. So have a wonderful fun-filled day with your family.

Cheryl XXX


Limited Time Only

The first 8 and 2 new chapters of Becoming Sarah are up on the site for a limited time. The last chapter just needs to be edited and it would be up also. When the entire story is up, it would stay on the site for a week.

I would like to thank the site admin for honoring my request to put those chapters back up.

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Weather its here - or not.......

It's been a race but for the patient couple of Gaby fans I've spent the afternoon preparing and uploading the complete Summer Loving, all 300 plus pages as a single volume to Kindle, Amazon print and both Lulu formats! As usual there will be a bit of delay with the Amazon offerings.

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the end of the road

I am facing the loss of my days as a writer.

This isnt about my muse, i still get ideas, but my ability to communicate them seems to be gone.

I tried to write a little story for the Christmas contest, and despite having what I thought was a decent idea, what I produced looked more like a series of bullet points on Twitter.

It probably doesnt help that I'm grieving and fighting depression, but I am seriously worried this is the end.

To anybody who has actually read anything I've written and hoped for more, I'm sorry.

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

I may not be able to publish the next chapter of "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" tomorrow. With it being Thanksgiving we will be having a house full. And being a good little maid, I have to help the mistress of the house with the house and meal. If the mistress gives me a break I will publish Chapter 8, but be prepared to not see it.


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Support Links for Karin Bishop books

Along with solemn thoughts due to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, I've wanted to do more, especially for at-risk and abused youths and the families with transgender children. If you've read my books, you know that many of them feature teenage characters.

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What the Hell?

So, I posted a blog post yesterday to tell everyone that we got a game of Divine Blood in and I was working on the new episode of Twin Tails but it seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Word count too small, maybe? I mean, I guess I can pad these out but what I'm typing right at this moment feels a bit ridiculously wordy just to let people know I'm still around and working even though I've been a bit slow this month.

But I jest and digress.

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my brain is weird

My brain is weird.

I cant even have anxiety like a normal person.

Instead of the usual symptoms, heart racing, whatever, my brain has come up with a different idea.

It finds something else for me to focus on, and goes "hey look, over here, a shiny!"

The result is I can go a long time without even realizing something is making me anxious.

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Well yay for them, after only eight hours the Kindle version of Summer Loving part 4 is out there for you folks to see and if you like, purchase. I've never worked out why it takes Amazon so long to get submitted work up when Lulu can manage it in seconds. Still, it's there now, go into Amazon from any of the links on BC so they get a cut, search for Maddy Bell and not just this latest tome but all my works will appear for your perusal.

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a dog's life

just about anybody who has had a pet can tell you they sneak their way into your heart, and losing them is a grief as large as any grief you can suffer.

Well, we are getting close to that point with our dog, Little Lady.

Her one back leg is causing her such pain she cannot put any weight on it, and she collapses or limps continually.

I believe it is arthritis, as it seems to get worse at night and on colder days, but we're going to try and find out for sure.

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Transgender prisoner suing Massachusetts

Today's Boston Globe (11-16-2017) has an article about a non-GRS TG woman who was placed in a male prison. The 52 yr old woman who received hormone therapy for nearly 40 years is suing the Mass Dept of Correction in a bid to be transferred to a woman's prison. She has been repeatedly strip-searched by male guards and forced to stand naked in front of male inmates . She also has been forced to shower with male inmates. She is currently serving a 3 to 4 year sentence for a non-violent drug offense. She told officials she was a woman in October 2016.


Prophetic Stories

In November of 2011, I published "Alien Investigators" which had some teleported aliens which were serendipitously dropped into the front yard of some Fundamentalist polygamist Mormons in southern Utah as extremely precocious human infants. The story was not intended to seem Um plausible at all. It was just a bit of loony fun. In later parts of this tale, the protagonists did some viral genetic editing to "improve" the human race.

Now, in November of 2017, someone really has done gene editing, on themselves. Now I feel like a Prophet. :)


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I've just come to the last of the four hundred and sixty six pages of this unfinished work modestly entitled 'Andi and Allie'. I need to review the last twenty pages and decide if this is where I really want to exit this tale. I have the feeling that there is much more to relate and I don't want to shorten what could continue on as a viable and interesting saga. So... In light of this development I hope the readers will be patient with me as I ponder the future of all the characters.

May We All Have Peace And Strength...

Kelly the Befuddled

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Just gonna stop now

Having been told that my writing sucks (not from anyone here) I think I’m just going to put my tablet down and just...

I don’t know,
Breathe, maybe
Try to not want to smash my iPad into little fragments (I couldn’t do that, it’s innocent)

I’ll try to figure out what I did wrong with the story I guess.

