I saw this amazing compliment on a blog here: "Dorothy is not just a great soul but has one of the most inventive storytelling minds on this site. Her Chekovian economy with words means a whole lot of story with very little investment of time. "
I'm ... stunned, and flattered.
Thanks Laika (aka Veronica) !
It is true
You know.
A very excellent comment to receive, hon.
Own it!
If the shoe fits..., and it does.
And unlike Chekov, Dorothy can pronounce nuclear vessels
Well I meant it. I don't always comment when you're down and in despair;
because my own self-doubting voices tell me "Who the hell are you to be giving advice?";
and sometimes I'm even hesitant to give simple solace because I think I;ll sound like a phony...
But then by the next day your perspective manages to right itself and your blog is one that
reminds us of small the miracles around us and that in spite of the shit life throws at us
there's plenty to be grateful for.
And I don't know how close to Chekov your writing style is, it's been a while since I read him
and could have been any author whose writing is clean and concise and not super wordy.
(I can never just stick to the story + usually don't even try, weird off-the-wall digressions
are kind of my gimmick) but chose him because of the Star Trek tie-in.
Some day I'll have to visit your ship, the Jorgensen;
but don't expect me to use the damn transporter.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
For a moment I though you had said “Pavlovian”; after reading you’re hungry for more.
Michelle B
I second that
I have read lots of your stories and enjoyed all of them.
And your writing style is efficient and entertaining.
Gillian Cairns