TopShelf Blogs

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Luck of the er Yorkshire person!

Yay - new Gaby posted without issue! so click on Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *32* A Time For Giving to read the next action filled epsipode from the Rheinland.

In other news;

More Gaby is with my editor, with a determined effort I will get out part four, book 21 on Sunday - fingers crossed!

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Same sex marriage in Australia - at last!

Today was a special day in Australia. The same-sex marriage debate has been going on for years. Despite the fact that our Federal Parliament has to pass legislation to allow it, they insisted on a $120million voluntary postal vote of everyone on the electoral roll, and today the results were announced. 80% of eligible people voted, 61.6% voted 'Yes' and 38.4% voted 'No'. The Prime Minister has promised that legislation will be passed through parliament before Christmas. Finally, we have caught up with the rest of the Western world.

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Something Techie Something

Well the 2nd draft of 11th Sun is done so... NEW PROJECT.

I've been looking for something around her for awhile, and haven't found it. So I'm writing it. It's gonna get weird, but not unually of weird. Just like, normal weird. Maybe a little weirder than that.

Unfortunately I haven't found the voice yet. I usually write noir, that's sort of been an accident. And I usually put a lot of comedy in, that's mostly on purpose. Comedy is how I keep my thinking sharp. There's some of that. Maybe there will be more later?

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What's going on

Hi, all. Long time, no post, I know. The AFC house I'm in now has no internet, so...

I'm currently away from home, in Cincinnati (My AGT audition was today.)
I was contestant # 3203, and arrived on site at 10:30 AM (my scheduled audition time was 1:00 PM, but all that meant was that once I arrived, I was guaranteed an audition.)

There were a staggering number of singers, but I only met 1 other comedian there, so...

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sad dream

I had a sad dream last night.

I dreamed that I was visiting a school, and had promised a kid I would see him in his class, only I got lost, lost my copy of Lord of the Rings which I had been carrying with me, and eventually left the school after all the classes were done and I had been told I had disappointed the kid, and then I tried to go home but found a gigantic hill behind the school that I tried to climb and failed.

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I wish to thank all the very dear souls who wished me a speedy recovery. That does seem to be occurring. I am now halfway up toward the ceiling indicating that all shall return to 'normal' in short order. I needed to have two wisdom teeth removed on each side of my lower jaw. One had another tooth beneath it!!! How weird is that? My three little children and my one really huge child have been walking about with huge smiles upon their faces. I haven't been able to speak!!! Rest assured that I shall make up for this also in short order!!!


Lilith Langtree's Retcon Universe

Okay. First of all this is NOT a complaint. That said, It is a plea to all the authors who contributed their remarkable talents to a marvelous universe of great stories.

So many of the tales there lay unsettled and incomplete. I completely understand running out of ideas of writing oneself into a corner, having been there myself, more times than I care to admit, but I'm not talking here about endings to all those wonderfully inventive stories. Just bringing them to a logical resting place so that the plots that were still ongoing could be brought to a close.

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One year ago...

I hadn't planned to write a blog post today till I noticed something.
Exactly one year ago I published "A Jar Full Of Pixie". (Back then on Fictionmania)
My first story to be published.
And I must admit it feels a little special. Which is also strange.
I am at an age were birthdays lost their special meaning and today I have an anniversary I am actually proud of.
Over the last year, I wrote a lot.
Maybe less than I hoped for but also more than I thought I actually would manage.

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New Book out - The Award


In a similar vein to the book IT'S NEVER TOO LATE..

A story of a more mature person who is thrust into change. Not that it is not wanted, but is unexpected and for unusual reasons. This is almost more a story on the impact on others and is a coming of age tale for the over 50s.

Now the hectic summer is over, perhaps there will be more from my muse soon.

Don't forget, if you click links that Erin and team create here, then you will be helping this site out.


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What a cock up!

okay - so its late, set out terribly but it is posted, that's Special Request part 6.

It should be better but 1) I had to use a duplicate copy rather than the original as I forgot my pen drive, 2) BC crashed on me whilst I was uploading it and 3) I don't have internet time to waste trying to sort it out. So, sorry its not set out brilliantly, sorry its a week late.

I am still on track with writing Gaby, following wind complete next weekend.

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Progress despite distractions (+story ideas)

Another Sunday and another update of "The Lokian Way". I was a bit worried I might not make it in time. Especially as I had been plagued by distractions the last two weeks. Turns out I shouldn't have been worried. This part was done on Wednesday. I could have kept my old schedule. Except not, as part 11 will be a little bigger I think.

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End of Year Blues

It's that time of year, I feel like everything's either winding down or winding up to Christmas. I've been a bit deflated and easily distracted lately despite feeling pretty good about thinks.

Thanks to everyone who read Witch's Mirror. It's been my most successful story posted here, eclipsing Hold the Salt from five years ago. It's been so successful that, with NaNoWriMo rolling around, I decided to try to expand it into a full-length novel over November. Unfortunately, it's not going well, I'm way behind. But I'll keep plugging away at it.

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I must apologize that the latest chapter of 'Andi and Allie' is delayed. I had a slight medical emergency on Thursday which was remedied on Friday. I am currently in no pain and resting comfortably on the ceiling. Better living through chemistry? As soon as the fog clears from the heath of my mind I shall continue finishing up this chapter. I also wish to thank all those who chose to comment and please rest assured that I read them all. Unfortunately I've not the time to respond to them in a manner that is to my liking.

May We All Know Only Peace...


Lest we forget ...

In honor of Remembrance day, let me share a story about my grandfather.

My grandfather served in WW II with the "Calgary tanks", and as such was on the front lines of almost every battle involving Canadians.

He helped fight Rommel in Africa, helped invade Italy, and much more.

He was wounded several times. pieces of shrapnel were permanently lodged in his lungs, and in his shoulder.

He had been told, as most were, that the war would be over in months, but served six years. In the process, he missed his small children growing up.

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HRH Princess Anne to attend Remembrance Day commemoration at British Memorial in Belgium

HRH Princess Anne to attend Remembrance Day commemoration at The Menin Gate Memorial in Ieper Belgium. I found out about The Princess Royal attending tomorrow while waiting to lay my wreath at The Menin Gate Memorial tonight.

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Looking for Story

The story I’m looking for started out with the main character either going to University or working in one and one of the teachers or head of departments was working on a time travel device and uses the main character as a test dummy and it allows the main character to go back to when they were young and allow them to rectify the fact that they didn’t come out to their mother about wanting to be a girl. This part of the story takes place in the 1950’s/60’s I think.

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Flash fiction - a personal ramble that even gets to music

It is suggested that Ernest Hemingway, a writer of some repute, won a bet by writing a tragedy in only six words. Now there is considerable solid evidence that suggests that in fact the story had been around since before EH was born, and a version, less succinct, was published when EH was merely 10 years old.

Nevertheless, the story, in its entirety was as follows:

For Sale: Baby shoes. Never used.

... ... ...

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3rd gender in German personal papers

The highest German Court decided that it is unlawful of the Government to force people to distinguish only between male and female in their personal papers - a 3rd possibility must be made available.
An article in the German Newspaper SPIEGEL explains this further.
The Courts decision is based on the petition of a person who genetically could not be identified as male nor female but both. The ruling before was that from the very beginning an entry in the field 'sex' was required by law but the only possibilities were 'male' or 'female'.

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Stanley Morton

It's hard to believe that it's been more than four years since Stanly Morton, known as Stanman on this site and others, passed away. He was reviled by some, tolerated by others, and accepted as a writer by a few. Some authors here actually met him, others would have avoided him at any cost. Stan was a short person. I believe he was about 5' 7". He weighed about 450 pounds, and he had numerous health problems. One thing, though, was that he read every story posted here, and commented on all of them. Erin said he had made over 20,000 comments while here.


Looking for a story

Looking for a story

I can remember a wife gets a letter from a letting agent regarding a flat that she is unaware of as her husband as recently passed on.

Wife visits the flat to discovery husband was a cross dresser and was not able to share this with her.

Checking around and chatting with a local florist and neighbours she discovers her late husbands female side
and wished she had met her in person.

Any help with this is appreciated


Stories have a mind of their own - my word processor is possessed

I started a new story last week. Before I started, I had prepared an outline in my mind, and then I started writing. Somehow, halfway down the first page my outline went out the window, and the story itself took over. I wrote and I wrote. I tried to keep a central theme, and had to go back and excise parts that strayed too far from the theme.

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Historical event today: Danica Roem first openly transgender person elected

Today's election in Virginia is truly historical. The ripple effects of her election will be significant, long lasting and positive. Election is acceptance. "Virginia’s Danica Roem to be first openly transgender person elected, seated in a U.S. statehouse" - The election "... pitted a 33-year-old former journalist who began her physical gender transition four years ago against a 13-term incumbent who called himself Virginia’s “chief homophobe” and earlier this year introduced a “bathroom bill” that died in committee."

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Pondering title

I am trying to work on an idea I have had since the 1990’s that has its basis (thereabout) on an old game and a song by Demi Lavato but I didnt want to rehash the game’s plot (too much going on and legal issues) but wanted to use the feel.

Tentative titles: Lonely Nights; Give Your Heart a Break.

Plot: A pop singer and a teen meet in thier dreams. They’re not sure exactly what occurred on how they can talk with each other but they roam multiple dreams in thier attempt to stay strong. Both teens hold secrets from each other.

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$.99 Special for The Heart of the Beholder

My novel "The Heart of the Beholder" and the eight that followed were first published on this site. Unfortunately, when I decided to publish them mainstream, I had to take them off BCTS. Here’s a chance for all of those who have not read my novels, but thought they might start one of these days. The books are published under my non-nom de plume, Tim Blewett. Be sure to link through this site so they can get some commission. Starting at 8:00 AM CST November 8, and for one week, my first novel, “The Heart of the Beholder”, is on sale for $.99 on Amazon. This is for the eBook edition.

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Gaming blog...

The ship was lost on a subterranean ocean when out of the darkness came a ghastly sight, a phantom ship crewed by a LOT of unkillable, leaping, cuthroat vermin.

"Fireballs away," ordered the captain but the bugganeers managed a boarding party anyway.

After trading a few blows, one of the players called to pause the action. "Wait, wait, I need to ask something."

"Yes?" said the adventurist.

"We're fighting Undead Ninja Pirate Spiders?"

"Yes," agreed the adventurist.

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I am looking for a story

I am trying to track down a story, and could use some help.

The story featured "fey" like creatures who put people into the past in different bodies, among other things. The story focused on one guy who found himself in the body of a mute girl being hunted by these creatures, and Peter Pan was involved, as were aliens.

Anybody remember this story?

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Assistance on a story or two

I've been having some difficulty getting my muse working, primarily due to extreme fatigue relating to shoulder pain (repair to a torn rotator cuff) and the disruption of life caused by flooding from Hurricane Harvey. I've been so physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted that my muse seems to be on strike. So I've been doing a bit of reading, and I hit a story that is good, but the ending just didn't quite fit me. So my brain locked on a 'what if' - which got me to at least write something. But ....

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I'm afraid the next chapter of my ongoing soap opera, Andi and Allie, will be slightly delayed. It was originally written some time ago as a belated follow up to 'Pet'. This particular chapter needed radical updating since it was originally begun about five or six years ago. To keep some sort of consistency in terms of a time line, changes needed to be made. Hopefully it will be ready sometime on Monday.

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So... My tale ambles on. I don't particularly like posting chapter by chapter. In 'Andi and Allie', the chapters tend to be small so that at least two must be posted as one. The problem rests in the continuity of the tale. Chapters in and of themselves can be taken out of context and give a jaded vision of the tale. But such is life I suppose.

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Georgie Stone, transgender teen

I was so pleased to read that 17 year old Georgie Stone has just been announced as the State of Victoria's nominee for 'Young Australian of the Year'. At less than eleven years old she was granted permission by an Australian Family Court to take hormone blockers. As a result, and her subsequent appeals for people like her, young transgender Australians no longer have to go through the expensive court process to take blockers, although they still need to do so to get hormone treatment.

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The Aftermath

So most everyone has gone home and the dust is starting to settle. We've not gone on the Honey Moon yet (that's in just under 2 weeks) but we are starting to find our slightly new routine.

For those that don't know, last Saturday (October 28th, 2017) CapturedByThePast and I officially (in both the eyes of the Church, and the state of NJ) tied the knot. It wasn't a big wedding or reception but for the most part, the people who mattered most to us were there.

The bills are paid, and for Amy (capturedbythepast) has started signing things with her new name.

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Next TG Mixed Tape anthology

Hikaro and I are getting ready for the next TG Mixed Tape anthology. The deadline for submissions is 12 December 2017, and the theme is Winter holidays: Christmas, Hanukah, Hogmanay, New Year's Day, etc. Stories submitted don't have to fit the theme, they just have to have TG content (if only implicit).

Stories should ideally be between 1,000 and 2,500 words, but certainly under 4,000 words. Poetry and nonfiction pieces are also welcome.

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Ready to Write a Novel?

So its November, right on time for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Really need a kick in my pants to start writing again so figure why not. Not that i'll be writing a novel but catch up on my missing chapter, sure let's give it a go.

Committed to writing 50,000 words in the 30 days of November? National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

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Well you can read the new Gaby chapter now - Pretty Maids all in row will I'm sure give everyone a few chuckles.

And finally, very much overdue I've bought a new bed, the whole kit and caboodle! I feel so adult, never done it before but I guess with a new generation coming along I really should grow up a bit!

There should be more on Sunday


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The Family Girl #086: A Shameless Halloween Advert

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #86: A Shameless Halloween Advert

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hello, everyone. Some of the older hands here in BCTS probably know me, but I’m sure most of the others don’t. That’s no wonder, since I haven’t been posting in a long, long while here. But I have something new. Finally.

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On Waking Up in the Hospital

I had a recent talk with a long-time friend who is an RN at a hospital in my home town. She told me all of the proper hospital procedures that would be followed in the common trope: boy wakes up in hospital a girl

Among them:
-A person who has been "unconscious" for longer than an hour is not "unconscious" they are comatose. Not, "You were knocked out for two days" but, "You've been in a coma for two days."

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Halloween story on my website

Read the story today!

I thought I'd take a break from our regularly scheduled programing and do something a little special for Halloween. Yesterday, I rewrote 'Devil's Due' one of my old Mixed Tape Entries. It's more than double the length of the original and best of all the new version is now considered part of the official canon for my meridian-verse.

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Witch's Mirror Out, New Amaya Coming

Well, Witch's Mirror is out and the outpouring of kudos certainly makes it seem I've done something right, which is gratifying. It was a joy to write and I really want to continue Ciara's adventures in the future.

We did have the last session of Airship Lost in the end, but we were down two people and the session ended on a cliffhanger. I'm a little hesitant about posting such a session but I'm working on it. If it's going to be too long between postings, I'll put it up. The spice must flow and all that.

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Well I feel I owe everyone an explanation for things happening or not over the last week or so.

If you recall my Mum passed back in June, it would've been her 80th birthday on Tuesday so we thought it timely to spread her ashes today. I've had to organise some odd stuff over the years but this was a difficult one. It was her wish to end things on the NYM, her favourite place, Wheeldale.

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Because I guess things werent interesting enough here

Because, I guess the universe decided things weren't interesting enough around here, i found out tonight that my brother has an enlarged prostrate, and while they haven't said the "c" word yet, its looking like its headed in that direction. You add in my dog having walking issues, my mom now has high blood pressure, and I'm ... well, I'm me, and I could stand having a little less stress ...


Hugs, prayers, and positive vibes accepted.

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Three hidden overlaying categories I wished someone had told me about ... (+Story Ideas)

Hey folks,

I know the title is a little clickbaity sounding, but I honestly can say that these categories eluded me for over a year. Resulting in frustration and even asshole behavior on my part. I am especially pissed of because the categories are appearing so obvious. Yet I somehow I took ages to figure them out and react to stories accordingly.

So what are they:

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Would you miss me?

If you read my last blog

you will know I am going through a bad time right now.

As I've said I will not self harm, but laying on my back willing myself to die can not be healthy. J My Samsung J3 phone went south when I really needed it.
Guess it is time to write a story or something...


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Looking for Advice

I've finally finished and turned over the Wildcats Book One to Erin for publishing on Amazon. It's ten chapters and 60,000 words. Hopefully, this will generate some funds for Big Closet.

I'm working on Book Two right now and hope to have it done very soon. It's about the same length. Book Three will follow.

I want to turn the story into a graphic novel to publish online.

Since this is just an idea, I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with doing something like this and could share their thoughts.

Thanks for reading.



This chapter is actually the combination of three. Normally there is congruency between the chapters but the last one began so differently that I chose to capitalize the beginning of it. Although this chapter is quite drama heavy, and tissues were provided, the true drama has yet to begin!!! I hope you all enjoy is one. ;-)


Gaby rides again

Midweek already.

Its a busy week for me, lots of bike riding (180km so far), a visit to the doctor (apparently I'm in robust health but my heart rate is quite low), some writing and - well its exhausting being me! I've still got a night out, more riding, more writing and shopping to fit in before the weekend.

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Mainly massive multiparts

Just an observation which might end up seeming like a complaint;

I sometimes feel lost here, in the sense of "dying of thirst when water is all around".

I visit daily looking for an interesting story (I admit, I like the fluffier stuff), but I wonder sometimes how any new person visiting this site can get started when virtually everything on the front page is just a chapter in some huge novel.


Mein Manifesto

It has taken me eight decades to find the truth.

I’ve long suspected and only recently realized, that anyone who does things that are different than the way I live my life . . . is wrong.

It would be great if I could cut you a break and allow for variances depending on your individual circumstances, but that would prove foolhardy and dangerous for both of us.

Simply put – everything you do that is not something I would do, so should be terminated immediately before it’s too late.

In the future, you should add one simply step to your decision-making process.


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Goodbye! (Don't Worry)

My wife has been away for three weeks. This has allowed Liz to come out to play. Crossdressing seems to have lost it's zest. And of course, passing was never going to be possible for a girl who was a linebacker in high school, and still looks the part, if somewhat heavier.

Crossdressing and haunting BCTS has been taking too much of my time. I did little else for the last three weeks! I guess I need to spend more time paying attention to my wife and farm, and to just get on with life!


Bad codes for Kindle/etc posts.

I think I've figured out why I've been so bothered about the constant posts for things 'for sale'.

It's not actually that they're being posted for sale. It's that they aren't actually using the codes that are _supposed_ to be there on the front page. I've found myself, more than once, thinking that it's an update, and finding out it's another "HEY, DOPPLER" or "KINDLE BOOK". - but it says 'SOLO' or 'Day Of The Week' instead.

At the top of the page -

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Do you like drugs in your fiction?

So 11th Sun is about 90% of the way through its second draft. At that point posting here will go on hiatus for a couple of months. During that time I will be taking a break from thinking about it (month one) then working on the second draft (many more months) and sometime around there I'll start posting again.

During month one, with nothing to do, I'll be writing somethings else. I've been on a high school kick lately and I haven't found quite what I'm looking for, so I'm going to write it.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -quoting Ghandi to my brother

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Laser Hair Removal

I’ve found a package of 6 treatments for the full face for $660 with 6 free underarms treatments as well is that a pretty good deal or should I keep looking because the last estimate was a lot more. I in the Columbus, Ohio area if that is relevant.

I’m going to add it’s at a dermatology office.

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Sunday Post

Is it really another week gone?

I've had a busy week on the bike despite the hidden 'help' from various weather systems!

The writing on the other hand is going in fits and starts, actually writing the new Nena is much harder than deciding on the plot so I'm somewhat behind where I wanted to be - hopefully I can get into the grove this coming week.

In the meantime you can read the next Special Request chapter here.

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Categories and Sub-Categories

I am attempting to find out for want of a better term a "Pigeon Hole" for a type of magic!

As an analogy, and a very bad one at that because In the novel by Stephen King "Christine" it was possession.

The Protagonist 'Arnie', described as a nerd having poor complexion who buys a wreck of a Plymouth Fury he calls 'Christine', and proceeds to rebuild and refurbish.

In return he begins to develop a "Jock" type physique and his complexion clears up.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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I need proofreaders for Charisma Chapter 1


What do I need your help for? I need you to proofread: Charisma chapter 1. I'm in the revision stage and I have a bunch of things I need to change about it, but I also need to see if there is anything I'm missing. For example, if I messed up a sentence to where it sounds like a five-year-old writing. Or, I'm missing information that would allow you to understand what I mean what I wrote. Or, there is just a shitty part of the story that you just don't like.


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I Voted for W

In 2000 I voted for W. My tendencies are quite liberal, but he seemed much better than more Clinton years via gore. This week I was reminded why I thought so highly of W. when he said the following.

"Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone. It provides permission for cruelty and bigotry and compromises the moral education of children. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them."

We need to demand civil behavior.


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Stories in progress

I've been writing ...... but I've done 50 stories so far and I want the next one to be (in my opinion) better than average. So there's some 5 or 8 works-in-progress but none seem to be good enough to be number 51. And I keep reading stories by others which I wish I had written myself. oh well.
Best wishes


Decline in insect numbers is worrying.

I know most readers here see me as a nature nut and always harping on about some crisis or other in the weather or the environment, but this latest report, upon which this very readable article is based is frightening. I suspect the worldwide picture is that insects are declining at an increasing rate due to the over use and abuse of pesticides primarily, and then loss of habitat. One cause human activity, especially industrial farming.

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Top Shelf needs YOUR help! PLEASE READ!

The site and Erin really need your help. I just sent in 25 bucks and will probably send a few more after my own bills are paid for this month.

While Erin and the site really appreciate all the help many of you have given in the past, but things are not getting better financially. Erin has driven herself into debt so far that there seems to be no way out. The site needs a LOT of money to give us this wonderful resource and repository for our stories and blogs.

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My new story

Hi everyone!

I just posted a new stand alone story. Relative Possessions.

I feel oblidged to say that it has nothing to do with my Goddess Stories. It is an old story I wrote a couple of years ago while my muse was taking a break. The story, in my mind, at the time was kind of "bleh" But after finding my inspiration and encouraged by some gentle nudging from Sammi, I revisited it and was able to rewrite it so that it is something I feel proud enough to share.

I hope you enjoy it.


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We're sitting in Coll's and I'm into my second pint of Murphy's. Being partial to Murphy's and having internet made this a fair to middling chose. So this new chapter of And nd Allie is being posted between trips to the WC and trips to BC. I could only manage one rather weak pic but things being where they are...that is in the midst of nowhere...County's the best I can manage. This offering is actually a combination of three chapters. I would like to finish posting this tale before the next decade!!! Please excuse any weirdness in the editing.



Hello and welcome to my blog.

Only this isn't my blog. I'm not very good at blogging so I only have one and that's this one - My Blog.

If you don't want to visit my website (why?) my blog is duplicated on my Goodreads page.

I will post important pieces of news on this blog but if you want the full experience the website is the place to be.

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