TopShelf Blogs

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Holidays, Writing and the Flu

Really? It's nearly the end of January already?

Family stuff and visiting people has taken up a lot of my time recently. Good news is, we got another session of Divine Blood in the can last night, so there should be a new Twin Tails soon. Otherwise, my new Sara story, Dissonance, and Fate and the Iron Tiger Part 6 is being worked on and moving towards inevitable, if slow, completion. Compounding that issue, I have to work on Thrythlind's new Divine Blood books and kick them out the door asap.

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10 Most Trending Book to Movie adaptations 2018

I looked at this and wondered what in the cat hair is going on? The dismal movie audience attendance for 2017 has been in the cellar. Now they want to put this mmmm, out there to entertain and entice the public back into the movie theaters? Really? Come on guys, I wouldn't ask my dog to sit through any of these movies. A hundred mil spent on a Wrinkle in Time? Yer pulling my leg ain't yuh? From the preview it ain't James Cameron Avatar. On a scale of 1 to ten I give it a zero.


"the trial never ends"

the optimist says: Look at the progress we've made. The former Eastern Block is now full of prosperous democratic countries, in fact more countries are freer than ever in history. For LGBT folks, more of us are coming out, and getting support from our family and friends, progress has been made in acknowledging our rights in many countries, and there are positive portrayals of us in the media.

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Should Number of Hits Tally Be Eliminated

A few days ago, someone made the suggestion that if it would help the site run more efficiently that the tallies for hits could be eliminated. Erin mentioned that these tallies consume large amounts of computer capacity. Maybe we should discuss this more.

This is Erin's site. She has the most at stake. More importantly to us users, through her leadership, this site has survived. She knows more about what her customers want than anyone and has skillfully implemented and monitored.

She also listens to comments.


Feeling a Slump

I'm feeling a slump lately. The words aren't coming as fast. I feel like I'm under a lot of pressure to write, and keep writing. The "muse" isn't talking to me much. I'm not sure where the story is going.

I'm sorry but for right now the release schedule for TG Techie is...

See: below the fold for important and possibly heartbreaking news

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Footprints in the Sea Vol 4

Chapter 76 of Vol. 4 has been posted and Charlotte shows her romantic side. A non TG fiction will be up on my website and available through the Top Hat link here sometime next week, this is the second in the series of Albion's Children.

I am well into the collection of TG novellas and short stories and I'll let you know as soon as it's published and if I can I will post a few snippets on here. I may also publish this as a paperback, again, I'll let you know because how much I post here may be influenced by the paperback publisher.

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Fast Update

So after giving it some thought, I've decided that my current story---Burning Bright---will end its first part with ch.9. I've since updated the last chapter with a To Be Continued at the end. I always planned on the story being told in pieces. I can honestly say that I have no idea when the next part will be up though. Its one of those stories that my Muse felt very strongly about all the way through until I got to the end of Ch.9. I started Ch.10 and finished it more than once. Only to continue to stumble with where I wanted things to go from there.

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Muse on a rampage again? LMAO

We're barely halfway through January, and I've posted NINE pieces in the last eleven days! That has to be a record for me.

What makes it even scarier is that there are still ideas bouncing around for more pieces, most of those being continuations of current stories.

I have no idea how long this will last, but I may as well go with the flow and write while the ideas are there, right?

It's kind of funny, there have been times where I've grumbled that the muse was being stingy, now she's on a major roll. LOL

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Administration to shield health workers who refuse to perform abortions or treat transgender patients

Administration to shield health workers who refuse to perform abortions or
treat transgender patients


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I’m On the Outside: Updated

Spent some time today working on “I’m on the Outside” and had to consult the original book due to some the scenes overlapping. This book tells the story from Matt’s perspective, showing all of the details Jennifer does not know about and filling in the gaps about what happened to the four guys during the two year gap.

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serious adulting done today

Serious adulting done today. I went and got my oil changed, my air filters changed, and a new wiper blade put on my car, then I went downtown and paid my speeding ticket.

Its not normally the case that i would be celebrating spending close to $ 600, but I feel a lot better about things with those tasks taken care of.

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Cheerleader:Boy Can Cheer - On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Word Count: 86,500+ over 220 Pages in Kindle Format

Boy Can Cheer, the second book in the Lee Corcoran series, follows Lee Corcoran, a sophomore boy in high school whose life is not going as planned. In the first book, Boy for the Cheer, Lee became involved in a girls cheerleading program where he was reluctantly introduced to cross-dressing. Lee finds that he enjoys the softer side of clothing. Circumstances seem to be forcing Lee to wear a feminine wardrobe in more situations. Even his summer seems destined to steal any attempt at masculinity.

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Time on my hands...

The first chapter is up. I hope it's tantalizing as I have 21 more ready to go. It's been slow writing because I tend to get a bit anal about details so my research is extensive and often side tracks me. I also use real places and will be listing Google map coordinates for those who might want to check out locations.

Hope you enjoy!

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02 - No "The Lokian Way" This Weekend Either

Hey readers of TBC,

I must admit I am kind of in a bind.
Lately, my progress had been marginal and what I wrote I didn't like.

My usual bag of tricks doesn't help.
Tried to clear my head by writing flash fiction.
Now I have a dozen tiny stories but next to no progress on "The Lokian Way".

Writing the ending of a story is always hard for me. Not that the next part is the ending.
But it is very very close. Trying to make sure that every last detail is right can be exhausting.

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a needed lift

on a day when I needed a pick-me-up, I got three. First, two different people mistook me for my mom when I answered the phone, and then while on a walk with Lady, a nice man said "you two ladies have a nice day".

You gotta celebrate the little victories cause you never know when or even if the big victories will happen.

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Apologies to who was following Reconnecting The Past

I’ve been trying, unsuccessfully, to keep the story going but after a month+ I just cant. I’m going to let the story stand where it is, on a positive note. I originally had a lot more I wanted to write, but after getting to care about the characters I just cant finish it... My muse just refused to cooperate anymore... I might return to it in the future, but honestly right now I don’t know... So for now it stands as it is.

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Frost in Florida ?

It's just plain wrong to come out to car in Florida and have your windshield frosted over, who even owns an ice scraper anymore. The sun is out and still struggling to get over 50. The weather people promise even colder by end of the week.
I know their are some of you who would love to have a 50 day but hey this is Florida. :-)
Stay warm and safe


2017 and what to look out for in 2018

Well, here we are almost two weeks into the new year and it seems that we are doomed to have grey skies each and every day here in my bit of the UK.

If I look back to 2017, I find that I have posted almost 50 items of fiction, be they SOLO's or parts to a multi-part story.
Some have been very well received and some not so. That is life.

So, what is to come for 2018?

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Working on a new idea “Stripping the Light Fantastic”

Taking notes on a reworked idea, originally entitled “Moonprysim” (yes, that is a Sailor Moon reference) about a club dancer and highs and lows of her job. It was never completed but I’m trying to see if if it would be better to change the gender of the main character and take it Down another path.

The first few blurbs of the opening:

When I was seven I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up.
I wanted to be a fire truck.

Seriously,I wanted to be a fire truck: drive around with lights and sirens with firemen to put out fires.

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a question about the American Army

I am writing a story that involves a group of soldiers during the first Gulf War, and have a question about how soldiers refer to each other. For example, according to what I found online, there is a rank called "specialist" which is above Private and below Corporal. How would say a Sargent call for such a person? How would someone distinguish between a Sargent and say a Master Sargent?

Any advice appreciated.

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The reason why next Cross Race Destiny is not yet up

To those who read my work, you probably noticed that I said Cross Race Destiny was going to be up before Christmas. Unfortunately, although it's mostly done, it's not actually done yet. I haven't been able to work on it since a few days before Christmas. The reason being mostly because of work.

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Princess and the Plague

Okay, I have a few chapters of Princess and the Plague ready to go up and I seem to have my muse back. the question for you all is, Should I start posting what I have or wait another month or so to get more material before starting to post the chapters?


I'm such a tease.

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TG Techie: Blog 93: Sorry About The Bacchanal

This site isn't really here for erotica, and I get that. There are some erotic stories but by and large the content (or at least the popular content) is rated PG-13 at worst.

I'm not really a PG-13 kind of person.

So if you're reading TG Techie and you like the plot part but not the sex part, I'm sorry for that last chapter that was exclusively a bacchanal, and in which no plot moved forward. That thing about drawing a bottle will come up again, but don't worry about it if you skipped the chapter.

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adding pictures to (some of) my stories

Thanks to the recent blog on adding pictures to one's stories, which resulted in someone going through the steps in a way even I could understand, I am now adding some pictures to a some of my stories. I'd love feedback on the pictures if you happen to come across them (hint: Help my girlfriend is a unicorn, Mercy, and the E-girl universe have pictures now, as does my most recent story)

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Taking malicious advantage of others.

I started coming to this site around 2006, though did not publish until 2007. I was extremely shattered and emotive, but through the support of those at this site and the release of "Telling My Truth" somehow managed to avoid suicide. Many of those old souls that were here no longer are, for what reason I do not know.

The fact is those of us who remain are going to lose this site if we do not pull a finger out. I don't give two shits about any excuses.

Help out or lose this site.


You may have noted

the post slightly below this one by Daring Diane about her new book Cheerleader which is a great read along with her first book Kappa Delti Girls. While buying her latest I noted a book in the 'what others bought' below that sounded interesting. It is Sisterhood by Roz White about a group of transwomen. In fact it is the first of what is currently a four book series. The interesting part is the reviews are from gg's and they are very good.

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Miss Trans America Founder murdered

Sad news out of Massachusetts this morning Miss Trans American founder has been murdered by her husband.

I added that it was her husband that was the murderer because it apparently was misconstrued by some that this a hate crime. It may be just domestic violence and not a hate crime but this is still a significant loss for the transgender community.


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Cheerleader:Boy for the Cheer By Daring Diane On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Word Count: 64,000+, 126 pages

Boy for the Cheer introduces Lee Corcoran, a freshman in high school whose life is not going as planned. With visions of being a star athlete, Lee is disappointed when he is not good enough to play on the high school soccer team. Days later, his best friend Darby and several other cheerleaders convince Lee to help them train.

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been a bear of a weekend/monday

I would like to get back to writing, but that terrible thing Real Life has been acting up. My mom's been super sick and still recovering from her burn, I am not 100% well myself although I might be better off than my mom because I got the flu shot, plus the usual list of stresses that seem to be doing their best to keep me in a funk.

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Times Up Progress for Women Golden Globes

If anyone watched golden globes last night it was a great night for women’s empowerment and it was all about women. Sexual harassment, assault, or abuse in the workplace, gender equality, and the pay disparity were talked about. Oprah’s speech is worth watching

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01 - A delay in "The Lokian Way"

Hello readers of TBC,

I sadly have to say that there won't be a part 18 of "The Lokian Way" this weekend.
Although I nearly have reached my usual word count I will not upload what I have.

The reason is that this update will be one choke full of details about the past and the magic in Mercy's world.
I already wrote nearly all of Mercy's school trip to the wax museum of famous magicians.
However, the plan was it to pair up with Mercy's next trickster group meeting.
Sadly none of it I wrote yet.

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Sensotouch becomes reality

It’s been almost ten years since I published my first story on this site in which I introduced Sensotouch into breast and hip enhancement garments, although I don’t think I actually used that term until subsequent stories. Its function was to transfer feeling from the outer skin of the garments to the human skin beneath by a number of electrodes in contact with the skin.

It appears a company has now designed a VR electric bodysuit to simulate feelings in just the same way as Sensotouch.

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Barbie's Doll ~ Revised Conclusion Posted

Hi All,

I have to sincerely apologize to my readers for the original version of my concluding chapter of Barbie's Doll (Part 12). :-)

I took Barb's comment to heart--I didn't take it as her criticizing me, in the least. But, she was right--I did rush it, much too much. I am not going into the reasons, but just know that I had them.


Dialogue heavy stories ok?

This blog is a question for authors and readers alike to answer. Are dialogue heavy stories okay in your eyes if they're written properly? Or does the heavy amount of dialogue ruin the story? I'm asking this because the story i'm in the process of writing is very dialogue intensive in the early parts of the story and I had someone read the beginning of said story and they said there was too much dialogue but they also pointed out that the dialogue in itself was very well written and it just needed some more besides the dialogue.

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Footprints in the Sea

Chapter 75 of Footprints in the Sea has been posted.

Yet another discovery has been made. Could it be one of the Earth orbiting satellites that are being dumped in this part of the South Pacific?

And, another of my non-TG novels, Children of Albion II will be added next week.

Later my first collection of Novellas and short stories on TG subjects will appear but I'll let you know nearer to the date.

Don't forget Footprints in the Sea Volume 4 is live on Amazon and easily obtained by using the Amazon links in the right hand column on this page.


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It's been an odd evening for me.

As the title says, it's been a bit of an odd evening for me.

WARNING: Four of the six songs here are about death, abuse and troubled lives. One features a disabled child, the last is about heartache.

Interestingly, one song is also about a gift passed down that made a positive difference, two more are about a child's life becoming happier.


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another apology

Assuming I have any people interested in reading my stuff left, I need to give them an apology. Massive stress around here with my mom hurt, my dog struggling, Sharon having troubles, my brother looking at surgery, and he and I getting into an argument over my transition during which he said he never saw anything feminine in me growing up, and doesnt see anything feminine in me now, has all led to me not being in a good state for writing at the moment. So no new Branded, or The gift, or the war/supernatural story I had started on for now, and maybe not for a while.

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Looking for a stories author

I recently read a story on a site called nifty archive and I am hoping to find a way to contact him or her. The author's name is Sandi Randolph and the story is called journey of the soul, about a computer whiz that comes to terms with being transgender after being kidnapped and almost killed at his wife's direction so she can take over his company. I was or am hoping to find out if it ever got continued.

Any help with info on this story or author would be greatly appreciated.



This was originally posted on my website, but I felt I should share it here as well.

Apologies, for my absence over the last three weeks. December was a difficult and frankly odd month for me at least where the real world is concerned. I’m back and thankfully, most of the drama that was keeping me away has now died down. I’ll resume posting next week, but until then please accept my deepest apologies.

Have a delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe (you know that D.A.W. guy)

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December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Results (updated)

     Okay. Here we finally are. At the winner's announcements. First of all, I would like to thank all of our authors whom took the time to actually enter this: that was an act of courage. Secondly, I have had a very hard time judging the entries. I could not use my original setup to grade the entries with and I actually had to enlist help from two friends, one of whom kept laughing at me as I was squirming to decide. It was all in good fun.



Seriously, What is Wrong With Me? (Vote on these boots!)

On a normal night I write between 1500 and 2500 words. But not last night. Last night, like the night before it, and the night before it, I only wrote 1,000 words.

And I know exactly why. It's because I'm an idiot and I can't stop getting in my own way.

See at this time, I'm twenty chapters ahead in TG Techie. I'm putting down that word count so that I can stay ahead. It means that I can stop the project to work on 11th Sun and still post this thing for like, three months. I need that space. Trying to grow a brand here, ya' know?

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Happy new year to all

If you are reading this, you survived the challenges and changes 2017 brought. (I think. If any non-survivors are reading this, I hope the afterlife is treating you well.)

It had been a wild and crazy year, but here we are with a new year ahead of us, and I hope yours is as awesome as possible.

Happy new year huggles for everybody!

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Happy new year commentray & wishes

Much of 2017 has felt as if we’d been sucked up into a tornado like Dorothy. In my 66 years of experience, this has been the world wackiest year ever. Trump is a fiasco, but despite his goofiness I still feel he’s a better choice than Hillary. I really wanted Bernie but a certain primadonna cheated him out of a fair primary. I hope the true Christians, those that believe in love not condemnation, rally to shut up those far right wing blasphemers. I hope the love Jesus has for everyone, especially those on the fringes of society, dominates the new year.

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honesty is the best policy?

I am not sure honesty is always the best policy. Last night at the end of our third date I told the guy that I am Trans, this I did to be HONEST and not have him felt lead on about me. He promptly got up said he HAD feelings for me until I came clean now our date for New Years is off and so are his feelings as well. He was honest I guess as I was told that if he had known about me from the get go he would never have asked a freak like me out to start with.



Good morning everyone. I wanted you all to know I haven’t forgotten about my stories, I'’m just having a hard time working on them with a nasty sinuses infection I seemed to have developed. Once I’m feeling better, I will be catching up on my stories.

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Princess Holy Aura now available!

I apologise in advance if this is inappropriate. I have no connection to Baen Books except as a long-time satisfied customer.

As somebody mentioned a few weeks ago, a 'Magical Girl' story, previously seen as pre-publication, is in fact now on sale from them:

Princess Holy Aura

Price is $8.99. I shall be buying a copy just as soon as I can find my wallet...


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Footprints in the Sea Minor Error

In my last posted chapter of Footprints in the Sea the title is correct, it is Vol 4. Chapter 74 but a couple or so lines down in the body text I had titled it as Chapter 73.
It is now corrected and I am sorry if I have confused anybody. It is definately a new chapter so you haven't missed anything and I will be posting chapter 75 next.

Slouches off stage right mumbling something about senior moments and returns: Happy New Year again, er that's for 2017/2018.


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Did I just get a Cosmo?

Did I just reference a Cosmopolitan magazine in the scene I'm writing at this moment? Sure have.
Did I put down everything to google search the cover and make sure I described the issue for that month correctly? You betcha.
Did I go to the store to find that issue? Of course not. It's from several months ago, it's 3:30 AM here, and I'm at work.

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TG Techie Blog 95: Rigging Joke Explanation

Yeah, what was funny about that?

Rachel asked, “Hey Regular Dave, what’s the safety factor on a couch?”

“Sixteen,” he told her. Everyone laughed.

Safety is very very important in tech. You can screw around with the design, you can jury rig what you want, as long as it's safe. The fire in the Iroqouis killed over 600 people, you don't play with that.


Frohes Weihnachten

From a very cold, bright and yes, in places white Austria!

Indeed as I stand here outside the basilica in Rankweil i'm looking out to the snow clad Swiss slopes on the west of the Rhein valley, the sun glinting off the white edges - a fine place and view to contemplate the events of the last year - there are certainly worst places to be.

So anyway, holiday greetings to one and all, back in 2018 with more blockbusters for your delectation and delight!

Gruss Gut

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White Christmas

Well, my wife has always said she wished she lived somewhere where it snowed. And I've always been fond of a white Christmas. Well we move to a small town in the foot hills of the Oregon Coast range. So here it is, Christmas Eve and we have snow on the ground.

Looks like a white Christmas this year.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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