Help finding a story

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I need help finding a story about a man that forced to become a girl by his 4 friends. The 5 guys plays a sport together and the main characters uses excuses to skip games or/and practice which triggers one of the other guys to make him into a woman by force. The transformed main character is now forced to become the 4 friends girlfriend who is being shared between them on turns.


Sounds Like a Story...

...that I read on Nifty almost 20 years ago, before I discovered FM, Tuckerspawn and then an earlier version of BC.

Don't recall the author or full title, but in the story I'm thinking of, the character's name after the change was Bambi and I'm fairly sure it was in the title. Much more raw than anything I would read today.


Very good memory

Yes, I too remember that story. I don't know why but it stuck with me enough that I actually downloaded it and still have a copy dated Jan, 2000. The title is "Bambi" and the author's name on the copy I have says Lisa Fox.

'Otium cum Dignitate'