I am extremely fortunate to count Dorthy Coleen and Rebeca Jane,and Arwen of Arwen Arwen's tears as my friends. I have my share of bad dreams, they have been wearing me down in the form of depression, I take it on faith I will recover from my stroke, I don't feel I have any other choice, My phone is my lifeline, Rachael Ann, Long time user of BCTS stepped forward to give me someone to talk to. I feel guilty keeping Rebeca from her writing, as I enjoy it too. But it got me through the night. As did Dot on the BCTS chat room on a particularly bad night. I wish I could call Canada but I don't believe my phone plan will allow it.I have finally figured out how to donate my share to BC but money is going to be tight for the foreseeable future, first thing that happened after my stroke was every credit card I had was canceled, a good thing. It took a while to recover my mind after the stoke two years ago.I can still write, and have published "A guardian angel" since the stroke, but my creative juices tend toward electronics Before I lost my left side I liked to build things, It was my stress relief, denied to me for now.If you want to check out my stories...
if I helped, I'm glad
super big huggles!
and snuggle huggles back!
Friends are a major life line for me right now.
Friends and family are very important.
I've been rather busy for the last six to eight hours with writing the newest, and likely final, part of my biggest story here (the total story is about 75k to 80k words in length). I haven't been checking the chat during that time because I've been too distracted with the writing.
I offer my sincere apologies for not having been available. If I had known, I would gladly have put time aside to talk with you. I understand very well what it is like to have mobility issues and other health problems, having dealt with Fibro for over 29 years now.
Feel free to send me a PM here on the site, or one on the chat, if you need to talk, Wendy. I usually check both several times a day.
I'm glad.
Don't worry about distracting me from my writing, I'm used to that anyway with my life. I'm glad I could be here to talk Wendy.
As always, wishing you peace and love,
Rebecca C.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.