May B

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So after missing most of April I've caught May early!

I'm having a very up and down week, readjusting to not travelling each day being just the least of it. With the 'big' Tour de Yorkshire Ride on Sunday I've been out getting some ride specific miles and metres in, making the most of some, at least dry weather. (not ridden today when it has rained all morning!). That's all okay but issues, not of my making, with the new kitchen have had me in something of a funk since Monday - why do jobsworths have to make things so difficult? if I hadn't already invested a lot of time and not a few quid into packing stuff up etc I would have told them to *!#% off but I need the work doing so I've had to kow tow to their mean demands. And how does it take 4 weeks to refit a kitchen the size of most peoples entrance hall? Even going riding hasn't lifted my mood, I'm a right bitch to be around at the moment.

Anyhow, I have got a new Gaby chapter off to the editor this morning and I will be scribbling away my hardest to finish book 22 this week (that's only like 10k words or so). I really do only have this coming week as I doubt i'll be able to write much with the 'work persons' banging and crashing about 5m away - if I could move out for the duration I would.

I did suggest that there might be some trip pics today - well here ya go!

The only rats in Hameln these days are either plush or brass!
The mill museum at Gifhorn
kept everyone including Gab
occupied for a good couple of hours
Don't think the wunderkind was to impressed by the tomb at Korbelitz
I think someone
was finding all the post mills
to be cute!
Something a bit more, er macho in Leipzig
before getting back to the mills!
Who doesn't enjoy a good model railway? well we just had stop along the 'Weihe'!
And another one for Dave Bond, the Heldrungen Wasserburg.

Back to the present, there is a new Gaby chapter up, Cosplay Heroine, part 29 of book 16, which I hope you will enjoy.

For now, that's it so tschussie, see you next week,