Just a shout-out for some of my favorite authors, in no particular order.
Bailey Summers, cyclist, Bronwen Welsh, Dawn Natelle, Karen Lockhart, Bek D. Corbin, Drea DiMaggio/Andrea Lena, Zoe Taylor, Enemyoffun, Lilith Langtree, Rebekkah deMere, Ellen Hayes...
By no means a comprehensive list as there are many times many excellent authors around, these are just the ones that leap to mind.
If you've not given them a read, I certainly suggest taking peek. However, mileage may vary as some of them have vastly different styles compared to others. Blame it on my eclectic tastes lol
Happy reading, and big hugs
you have good taste!
now, if you only had included some crazy girl named Dorothy Colleen and her girly sister Tels on your list, it would be perfect!
Thank you
There are so many authors available I'd be hard pressed to say I've read 1/10 of them. I'm currently reading Wren's "Wild Magic" series, but I'll take a peek at yours and Tels afterwards.
I agree with Dorothy. And you will find Wren's "Wild Magic" series is a good read. Have a good day and enjoy life.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
Thank you
Thank you, and happiness be yours as well. To quote, long days and pleasant nights to you.
Thank you!
You're welcome and
And thank you so much for sharing. It's always a privilege.