TopShelf Blogs

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On writing Tarry Fails

Some readers have asked me if it's hard for me to write these. Since I am actually lysdexic, they come quite easily. The problem is finding one that hasn't been done already by Captain Sloopnagle or Archie Campbell or someone else.

As for the Parables, I write them backward, starting first with the moral I'm trying to get across and then developing the story to suit. THAT, my friends, is sometimes incredibly difficult for me to do.

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Roundstones and the Wolf

I've never had my readers tell me the title of a chapter before. But I promised to continue Mark's story from River (the one he told the students in his grade 5 class) if there was interest. Many said I should do so, and told me the title should be the one at the top of this blog. I just finished the story, and for me it is a long one, at 9000 words.

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Richard's Update

Just an update on myself I just got back from 4 weeks in the hospital and 2 weeks rehab. I'm now on Dialysis 3 times a week, 4 hours each time, but i can now breath freely and I have lost about 45 lbs I now weigh 210 lbs the lightest, thinnest I been in several years. i
got alot of stories to read to catch up on as this 75 yr old is doing better then he has been in several years. I'll shut up now!


Question for my readers

Good Morning, all. It's 8 AM, EDT, and I'm sitting on the bed in my room, waiting for my day to begin. Yesterday was quite hectic- with doctors, therapy, my counseling session, and meets and greets with all the staff, my dietician, my social worker, etc. I must apologize, as this kinda sapped my energy (and caused my muse to temporarily run away in fright). I will try to post something today but am not making any firm guarantees. Work continues (albeit slowly) on Prance and my other vignettes.

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my car is in the shop, and my muse is not cooperating

well, in case I didn't have enough stress, my car is now in the shop being repaired, which will wipe out what little of my bank account I have left. The anxiety over this has caused my muse to go hiding, so I cant say when or even if I'll have something new for you guys, and I'm sorry.

Anybody got a hug or two they can spare?

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What I'm currently working on

1:00 PM - Physical and Occupational Therapy until 3-ish
3:30 PM - Scheduled Group Activity
5:00 PM - Dinner

Between outings, I'm working on Chapters 1-3 of Prance, Chapter 3.2 of Demons, Chapter 0 of Smoky Corners: Origins, a chapter of both Crayola Chronicles and Mandela Shift, a Parable (or three, per Samantha's request - yes, I read it, luv :). Parable (and maybe a Tarry Fail) will be up by midnight EDT. Others will (hopefully) be submitted for editing in the next few days.


Why don't we support each other.

Today, at the very last minute I noticed how dark it was outside, so grabbing my ISO Eclipse glasses went outside, but had to return back inside to grab my tablet. Back outside again, I noticed a girl in a cute dress, with very nice hair that was slightly longer than a pixie a few of us were talking about it when I stepped over to the girl I had noticed and asked her if she had Eclipse glasses. She turned to me, responding with a baritone voice that she did and said, "now go harass someone else woman".

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The new keyboard is in!

So far I like it... but this is gonna take some getting used to.

I ended up compromising on several part of my initial plan, mostly because I found a good deal on what I got. Is it mechanical? Well, it's mechanical-ish: it's still membrane keys, but with a mechanical action on top of it. It also has LEDs in it in colors, but luckily they aren't super-glaring (though the mouse is a bit more obnoxious with its cycling I can't seem to turn off.) And... it was 34 dollars including shipping.

Yeah, that was worth the compromise.


Need my readers' help today

OK, so I'm stuck here in rehab, bored to tears, and my muse wants desperately to write something. Only problem is that she can't decide what to write. So, I'll put it to a vote.

1) A nice Tarry Fail,
2) A Parable,
3) A Non-Canonical Smoky Corners Tale
4) Nothing. You write too much stuff anyway, and I can't understand most of it.
5) Who cares? Just write SOMETHING! I'm desperate to see what your warped mind comes up with today.
6) An Apology, for putting us through your daily silliness.

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Are Autobiographies welcomed here?

Just yesterday in an attempt to write something, trying to get over the writers block I was having trying to get my new story started I started my autobiography... Many friends have over the last few years been begging me to write my story, to which I never intended to every try. Yesterday though when I was just going to toy around with it, something happened... Words just flew out of me, along with a lot of emotions, and in a half hour of typing my autobiography was started...

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the end of my barefoot summer

When I was young, one of the more odd ways the genders differed was that men did not go without socks if they were wearing shoes. This was really hammered home for me when an actor on a TV show broke that stereotype, and people acted like he had taken up dancing in a pink tutu.

So deeply ingrained in me was this idea, along with a lack of confidence in my own lower parts, that even when I wore women's clothes, I always wore at least nylons with them. This continued even after I donated the last of my male clothes and had gone full time - socks or nylons were a must.

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good news for the Gabfen

Yep, a quick heads up for all the Gabfen out there, the second part of Book 21 will be available from tomorrow in all the usual formats, Kindle, Lulu tree and digital.

I will of course post links here and there will be more free Book 15 as well.

So watch out tomorrow, be the first to read what Gaby did next!

Ciao for now

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Kappa Delti Girls - By Daring Diane On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Danny, a college student with long hair and an androgynous look, wears his sister's sorority shirt to class one day. Living the life of a loner, Danny had few friends and was easily ignored by everyone in classes. However, several people, who were unaware of his existence, notice Danny in the sorority shirt and assume that Danny is not only a girl, but a member of the sorority.

What happens to our intrepid hero as the school year continues.

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Apology to all

I wish to apologize to everyone regarding my double comments in the story comments section. I have done everything I can think of and even what others have thought of, and I still cannot stop these double comments from happening. What really makes hard, is once in awhile, I will think the issue is cleared up, because I only get one, then suddenly "here we go again" appears.
So I have come to the conclusion I either don't comment (which I really do not want to do) or just go with seeing the doubles show up.

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needing some positive vibes and hugs

Well, a day that was supposed to be a triumph for me quickly turned into a near disaster, with me ending up struggling with suicidal thoughts.

I went down to the Canadian government office with my name change document and got the change done, but unfortunately, they dont deal with taxes, and told me I will have to contact Revenue Canada myself.

Then I went to the bank that has my car loan to give them my change of name, and went into my purse for the document ... only to discover it was missing.

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Disasters and their frequency

I'm having a rush of senior moments or the rest of the world is.

I am scheduled to move to my new address, (about seven miles away) tomorrow and Virgin, my internet broadband supplier phoned on Friday to tell me they can't reconnect me on Wednesday as promised. (They have problems with their cables and junction boxes, as if I care,) and will have to dig up the road so I won't be back on line for 12 to 15 weeks!

So it's goodbye Virgin and I've signed up with a company that heads the 'Which' internet provider list and they have scheduled me for 12 working days.

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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter Chapter 14 "Queen of Sorrow"

I admit, I have been updating this chapter in piece meal style.
But is least for now...until the massive edits that may come down the pike occur.

So...I hope to have chapter 15 completed by next week.

And yes, Karen Anne will make an appearance once more

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11th Sun Comic Book Introduction

This all started as a lark.

I'd abandoned another project after my partner dropped out and stopped messaging me for two months. Not arting is something I don't do, so I started writing 11th Sun (then called Eleven) on a whim, expecting it to clock in at 20,000 words or so.

The rough draft was 100,000 words, and I finished it two months later.

But this idea is around 7 years old now (that's why Eleven shares a name with the character from Stranger Things. Had I known I might have changed it, I might not.), and I had long plans.

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in my dreams, I am not a nice person

what would you do if a dream told you you were a bad person?

This happened to me last night.

It started as what would make an interesting story on Big Closet, with me as a worker in a palace who switches bodies with a princess.

But then things got dark.

the switch is undone, but the result was that the princess got to know the real me, and didn't like what she saw, and showed me the darkness I try to keep hidden.

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it's strange how you can misjudge people.

I recently reposted one of those things on FB, i'm sure some of you saw it, the subject was essentially transgender use of toilets. Well much to my surprise, a friend i've known for about 20 years of work and leisure posted a reply saying it worried her which was quite unexpected as she's of very liberal politics and IME deeds. That in itself didn't bother me, each to their own.


Invisible stories

A couple of times recently a story / chapter page has had everything appear on it, except the actual chapter. All of the comments added have been there, so that I can see what I was missing, which only adds frustration to the mystery. The only recourse was to abandon the link and come back to it hours later. Is it only me (not) seeing this? Other posted items and links work, it isn't a blanket effect on the site.


Started new book

This might be a bit premature to say anything about as it will take quite some time to complete, but I started working Reluctant Co-Ed tonight. For the longest time I resisted writing this story because 1) Chrissy isn't reluctant anymore and 2) a Tgirl in college has already been covered. But I felt the books really needed something between Prom Date and Bride.

I'm also going to have to take some of Reluctant Bride to use in the story. I'm going to have to completely re-write Reluctant Bride for publication any way.

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It has absolutely been worth this journey to live publicly as my true self. — Pat Manuel

An excellent read about following your dreams and working hard to be you. "A five-time amateur boxing champion whose biggest tournament ended in surrender, Manuel is just months away from his pro debut. - “I still have split seconds of not recognizing myself. But for the most part, I feel more comfortable than I ever have in my body,” says Manuel, who underwent gender-reassignment surgery, becoming the first boxer in U.S. history to fight first as a woman and later as a man.

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What constitutes a 'Universe'?

I have an idea that came from to solo pieces (That are linked) that expands the scope of further stories that use the environment that is described in those stories.
Does this expansion of scope constitute what people mean by a Universe? These further stories are linked but essentially stand alone pieces.

So, what does constitute a Universe?

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A relevant fundraising campaign

Hey everyone! has an Indiegogo campaign going for a new style of tucking panties. They're designed for all-day wear, unlike the thong gaffs that everywhere else sells. As a bonus, people who don't necessarily need them can instead donate pairs to Point of Pride, who donate binders and forms (and now these!) to low-income transgender individuals.

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I morn

I sit here tonight morning someone I have never known, myself!

I have spent 47 years hiding, suppressing, and ignoring my true self. She is still a child, never given a chance to grow up. I am approaching 50 with the body of someone much older. She shall never have a chance to frolic and play as all children should. I morn the child I never was. I morn my past, my present, and my future. Cindy is not comfortable in the body of an old man, and the man has no idea what to do with the spirit of a little girl.

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Say Yes to the Dress

So lots of billboards up hyping the Bridal shows around town. Many with the "Say yes to the Dress" slogan.

Except one was for a Plastic Surgeon, did not read the whole thing as I was semi outraged and laughing as well.

the following is just my little addition

Body sculpting to make the dress look its best, specializing in Feminization since 1977

Love and Light Dear Ones and may the Goddess be with you

Love Des

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Urgent request

OK, this is a strange request, I know, but you see, your Ms. Haylee here is a tad superstitious. and one of my stories has a read count that is very ominous. While I won't state the number, directly, it is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelation. So please, if anyone here on the site could humor me, give the story Smoky Corners 2A: Kim's Conundrum (Complete) a quick peek. Even if you just click on it and right back off, that will be enough. Thanks!

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Tappity Tappity Tappity: Your Keyboard And You


Word documents.




All of these things, when used on a modern PC, rely heavily on a keyboard. I use mine constantly, and though I'm not what I would normally call a particularly picky user... I'm starting to have some issues.

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looking for a story

Looking for a story but stuck on the name. Keep coming back to legend of the askari but cannot find it,
It's about an orphan, working on a planet that gets raided and shoots them with a modified rifle, then a cave, then gets turned female by a centurys old hidden base, meets some gangs , kills gangs, name of queenie keeps popping in head, finds an orphan, gets help from 2 friendly aliens, eventually escapes the planet

Racking my brains here. Please help


I lied!

OK maybe Lie is a bit strong, I said that part 5 would be the last part of, "For Better or Worse" and it was plotted out to be the last part until my Muse grabbed the story and ran with it, adding more to the story than was originally planned. And since I thought the additions were worth keeping, we will have another section or two of the story before it's complete.

So my apologies for extending the story past what I had said. :)

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Simon, where are you?

I can't help myself! What happened to Simon? Cathy has struck again - open mouth, insert foot!
Menorca be damned! Where is poor, besotted Simon? What has happened to him.
Cathy! Find him.Make amends, and learn to keep your big mouth shut, while giving that lovely man a break!

Hurry Back, Angharad. Studies first, but we need you, too.


I'm getting worse

I'm having breakdowns so often now I've had two just today I don't think I have long before I have a full breakdown, I'm not sure I'll survive the next one last time I had a sharp blade, towels and other things. I'm not sure I want to every time my mom says or does something to remind me of how she let me down so hard, it hurts so deeply and I'm not sure I can take much more of that kind of pain, it's crushing me.


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Moving On Sunday

I've been a bit distracted and busy over the last three months or so with trying to find a new place to live.

The building that I have been in for the last twelve years will be torn down soon and will be replaced by a condominium building that will be ready in about three to four years. Tenants from my building have the option to take apartments there when it opens.

I just received confirmation that I will be moving into a new apartment, with the actual move taking place on Sunday.

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Trump Adds Veteran's Help Aids

Trump announce new services designed to improve VA care, including handling appointments, doctor referrals, etc. A big Sundry list of things for improving conditions between Veterans and the VA Hospitals and Doctors.

I imagine a video is out there on C-Span or some such as I watched one on Twitter describing the new things designed to help the veteran.


I'm on the Outside

The following is from chapter 7 of "I'm On the Outside", a side story of "To Be a Different Someone"--essentially, the storyline fom Matthew Tracker's perspective that explains the events that Jennifer does not know about.

The musical influence if from the band Staind.

IV. Suffer

“Tyler, what are you doing?”
“I just need to hold onto someone.”
“Okay, man, sure, but I can’t breathe, so ease up a bit."

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delays, delays, delays

As Marvin the Martian would say, "Delays, delays"

In my case, this refers to a new chapter in the MYTH series. A bad combination of "trying to do real life stuff while in pain", and "Muse on vacation" has meant I am no closer to finishing chapter 3 than i have been for a bit.

My apologies. At least some of the other writers who have expressed interest are coming up with interesting ideas ...

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Speaking Of Rereading Bailey

Well, while I'm incapacited I've been rereading a number of Bailey's stories, they hold up well in the rereading, if I do say so myself!

I was rereading "Images" and I discovered that Chapter 55 is missing. I checked with Bailey and discovered that not only is 55 missing, Bailey lost the backup when there was a computer crash.

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Changing titles

I'm off to see about changing the titles of my chapters. I find that just numbers 1 to 30 (soon) are quite boring. I want to actually have chapter titles. It is sort of to follow the style of some of my heroes (Dickens and Tolkien) but more importantly it gives me a reference to past chapters when I have to look back to check on a fact months later. Hopefully it will mean not having to scan through many chapters to find what I seek.

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The Complete Ovid Stories by The Professor now available at the Internet Archive

With the permission of The Professor, I created an omnibus collection of his Ovid stories, and uploaded them to the Internet Archive. The files are in .ePub, .awz3, .mobi, and .pdx. I'll be looking into what would be involved in making them available via the Nook and Kindle stores as free eBooks. I'm open to suggestions as to other eBook distribution sites that might be likely to be visited by readers of transformation fiction.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Fanfic Story Idea

Just curious if anyone else on site is a video game player like myself. I particularly loved Final Fantasy VII, and was thinking about doing a fanfic of it, based on Cloud Strife's forays into cross-dressing. Would anyone be interested in reading it if I developed a story arc?

Haylee V

Edit (02-AUG-17):

After reading all the comments, and the rather heated debate regarding backstory (or lack thereof), I have come up with the following opening. Please do me a favor by IM'ing me your feelings about it. Thanks!

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It Can Only go Up From Here

itcanonlygoupfromhere copy.jpeg

Chapter List

I'm Alright
Home Now
Light of My Life
Poor Me
More Fun
I’m Jealous
Let's Kiss and Make Up
Swingin' With My Eyes Closed
Where Do You Think You're Going
Roll Me on the River
We Got Something They Don't
Because of You
Who's Gonna Be Your Girl
You Can't Buy Love
Life's About to Get Good
All in All

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Need Suggestions for Email Providers

I Need Suggestions for Email Providers, to replace ones I can no longer access.

I lost several email addresses for various reasons. One reason was, they had possibles security breach, and to get back in they send you a link to an alternate email My problem was that the alternate one has the same problem, and they point to each other, so I can't recover them. Doh!

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Airlines are crazy

OK, so I'm trying to get price quotes for a round trip ticket from Detroit, MI to Cincinnati, OH, a distance of 250 or so miles. Here's what I discovered:

A NONSTOP flight from DETROIT to CINCINNATI will cost $375 + taxes/fees and take 2 hours.

A ONE-STOP flight will cost $250 + taxes. Here are my options:

DETROIT to CHICAGO (O'HARE) (200 miles in the WRONG DIRECTION) to CINCINNATI - counting a 3 hour layover, 6 hours and 30 minutes

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So begging for comments works

Apparently. I was getting a bit disappointed in how few comments I was getting to my series River in the latter chapters. Since retiring I have started getting onto a roll, and have several chapters ahead. So I decided to let me readers know that I would post a second chapter this week if I got at least 12 comments. So it is three hours since posting, and normally I would get my first comment about now, or maybe a second one. Today there are 8 (I have made two replies, which don't count).

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Off to be a wizard...

Well, I'm off to be a wizard... or a cleric actually. :) My gaming group is meeting for the first time in two months and I need the break. I'll be gone six or eight hours but Piper and Cat will be looking in.

Y'all play nice and please, PLEASE, try to stop trolling each other about the current political situation. My unpub finger is getting tired.



Binary Life

Yesterday, during the discussion of the military ban on Transgender a person who was anti-ban spoke to a newscaster.

He said that he’d served in the military and didn’t believe that trans people were a problem. He said, “You’re either a man or a woman, and once you’ve completed the transformation your become one or the other. End of problem.”


I wonder what percentage of our society believes that?

What is this utter fascination with a binary society?



How do you keep going?

I have to ask those who read, comment, and contribute content, How do you Keep going ever day?

I my self have a wreaked life, it started going bad early for me.

I going through high school was hoping to join the military to either make it a career or to pay for College.
I took the ASVAB at school and scored a 94 the first time, I had the recruiters calling every day and trying to practicallt beat my door down, but then things started going downhill.


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Footprints and Joy

I never realised I could run on the ceiling without hanging onto the light pendant but I'm doing it now and typing a bit of Blog at the same time.

I've just been told I have been allocated a flat I viewed yesterday and can move in Monday week so for a week or two I'll be getting things sorted and may move in over three weeks.

I've posted chapter 53 of Footprints in the Sea today and there will be one other chapter and then I must stop or have to suffer the wrath of Amazon.

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Childhood hero's who did you grow up to be most like?

All of us had a childhood hero or two, usually some TV character we wanted to grow up to be. Then as we grew older we began to associate how we felt to other TV characters, how much we thought we were like them. I think Mr. Spock from the original Star Trek was the one character I felt closest to when I was younger. He was super smart, great at math and science and the science officer aboard the greatest space ship ever built. Hey I was great at both math and science so I had two out of three right?

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Healing progress

I have spent time today considering my healing.

That I have healed much, especially in the last couple of years, has become obvious to me. I still have far to go, but I am further down the road than I ever dreamed possible.

This healing would not have been possible without all the support I've received, so thanks to all of you.

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