and heave and splutter and are THE PITS! Yes as you may have guessed, I'm still laid low with the cold / virus thing, Lemsip is my friend and doing anything remotely strenuous is out. So no riding still - not that the arctic temperatures, snow and rain have exactly encouraged outdoor activity! But hey ho, it can only get better right? More concerned about my dad who's got a dose of the same but what can you do?
Now I've got that off my chest, (but unfortunately not the cold) we can get down to business!
Firstly, No Joke, chapter 12 of Sweet Sixteen is now up to read.
Next, thank you if you've already got your copy of Avoidance Part 2, if you haven't, click on the image and help support BC with your purchase.
Its now two years since my forced career change and somehow I'm still just about keeping my head above water! A special thank you to everyone who has supported me by buying my wares, without you I'd have to kow tow to some little hitler to scrape a living and you'd get less Gaby, Nena, Trixie etc. So once again, thank you.
in other news;
- the on going tidying/packing/throwing out effort in advance of my new kitchen continues - there's still a fair bit to do but you can see the progress (and more floor)
- another chapter of the new Nena tale has gone to the edit team this week
more at the weekend
Herbalist's tip
My best friend is a herbalist, I always listen and it helps.
Infections of sinusses and colds: equal parts Blackcurrant and Elderberry juice, Elderflower cordial to taste, juice of one lemon. drink hot three tímes a day at least.
Monique S