Beverly Colleen's blog

Did anyone catch the license plate of that storm?

*From The Diaries of Calamity Catt (Cuz my crazy middle aged human is having hot flashes atm): Catnip date* - Returned to human's domcile amid a rather humbling array of piles of future scratching posts and wood chips dotting those wide, black sidewalks that they drive those funny metal potential litter boxes on. Saw many of my favorite tall climbing apparatus that give me access to my afternoon tweety snacks looking more like snapped toothpicks. Even saw one taking a break leaning on the human dwelling next to my human's. Hmmmm. Might have to check out that one later.

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Missing Persons....?

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Forgive my short sightedness if this has been answered recently, but has anyone heard from or been in contact with Angharad? I know she was hurt sometime back in December, but while she doesn't have as much time or energy to devote to Cathy and her mob these days, I did notice it has been several weeks since she updated Cathy's memoirs and I was afraid that Bonzi and Whizz might be holding her computer hostage (by the usual method of sleeping on keyboards and chewing cords and such). Nevertheless I have grown a bit concerned. (For Whizz and Bonzi of course!

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The Fog of Time.....


I'm not really much of a people person. I kinda had to grow up that way to avoid a lot of the pitfalls of childhood. It's made me not much of a social butterfly and quite awkward in social interactions even though time has rubbed some of those rough edges off. However, the wounds still remain and the scabs over them never quite heal properly leaving their scars behind, not quite visible to most though the pain never completely goes away. That saying that time heals all wounds? Hmm..... There may be something there. Maybe not. Time will tell.

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Resurrection at the Balcony...

Due to the easing up of finances and the ability to replace some of the software, I have managed to reconnect with the server and save the site and work on newer updates which I have just posted. Thank you very much for those who have kindly sent offers of help and support.

Beverly Colleen

Beverly's Balcony

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Twilight At The Balcony...

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Sadly real life had reared it's ugly head and due to recent financial concerns and psychological issues of myself the Balcony is due to see it's last days in the near future as I don't see any reason or means to keep it up anymore. Lack of interest of myself and loss of the outdated software I used to use to connect with it and even the software I used to create some of the pages has been lost due to depressed disinterest and lack of any real responses over the years to the site. Anywho, Erin, Bob and others have done a much better job that I in keeping the literary word flowing.

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Update at the Balcony

Just to let you all know I am still alive and well and keeping the Balcony alive, I have finally dug out and dusted off some old files on my hard drive and completed the Seasons Collection at Beverly's Balcony with all the stories thus far. Yes, I know it's long overdue. I blame all these excellent authors who keep distracting me and maybe real life issues too.

More recent updates are also posted as well so come by the Balcony, pull up a chair, grab a drink and enjoy the view!

Beverly Colleen

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The Dragons Are Back At The Balcony...

After a long absence while it was being polished and updated I have now brought back Rebekkah DeMere's long and wonderful masterpiece, "The Eight Dragon's Trilogy" with new illustrations and easy reading online of the complete books as well as text versions for easy download to handheld devices or just those that prefer the simple text without all the graphics. Below is one of the cover's and intro by your's truly to give you a little taste of this fascinating tale for either you first time readers or simply those who want to go back and reread this excellent adventure.

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New Update at the Balcony

I thought it was about time for a real update at the Balcony and here it is!

I would like to welcome Lilith Langtree to the library of quality authors at the Balcony! For her first story at the Balcony, I have posted the enthralling tale "The Center"! Look for this and other stories to come from this talented author. Please come, pull up a chair and enjoy the view!

Beverly Colleen

Beverly's Balcony

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Beverly's Balcony

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For those who either do not read or are aware of Sapphire's List, I am posting here to let the one or two people who do frequent my site that I have been updating the Balcony the last couple of days. Probably nothing exciting and new for some people, however if you want to stop by the Balcony and pull up a chair while enjoying the view here is the link:

Beverly's Balcony

Beverly Colleen

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She is still alive!!!!

Sigh. Yes I am still alive and kicking for any and all who really gives a rats arse or have even heard of me which I don't think either of the above is likely. I am the proprietess of Beverly's Balcony, which has been around for a number of years in all it's disfunctioning and picturesque glory. I have even been registered user and silent participant of other sites including this excellent one.

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