The Dragons Are Back At The Balcony...

After a long absence while it was being polished and updated I have now brought back Rebekkah DeMere's long and wonderful masterpiece, "The Eight Dragon's Trilogy" with new illustrations and easy reading online of the complete books as well as text versions for easy download to handheld devices or just those that prefer the simple text without all the graphics. Below is one of the cover's and intro by your's truly to give you a little taste of this fascinating tale for either you first time readers or simply those who want to go back and reread this excellent adventure.

The Eight Dragons Trilogy
When you get right down to it, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really, but it does. When they do happen what are we? Some helpless pawn in a chess game or a puppet on a string? No. The big moments are going to come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you really are. You'll see.

We all make decisions, big as well as small, whether we realize we are making them or not. Once you make a decision, you change your world. Some of your desires become possibilties, however they are still only possibilities. And not all that results are the possibilities that you desire. Then you will have to make other decisions. You can trust that you will make the right ones, but how do you know what the right ones are? Only you can decide that as you continue to make one decision after another until you become who you should be. However until you decide just what that is, you will continue to live in danger as well as fear.

This an epic tale of one such person who made a momentous decision which started him along a path that would change the world forever...

Feedback is always welcome for both myself and the author's. This and more may be found at Beverly's Balcony

Beverly Colleen

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