TopShelf Blogs

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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter

I suppose I should place a bio or an introduction...and I will, but I'm also going to just go ahead and talk about one of the books I'm working on, and if you're looking at this post, you've probably read a few chapters here.

Main Characters:

  • Kristopher/Kristina Allie Nosvoselic
  • Michael Thomas Nelson
  • Daniel Rollins
  • Karen Anne English
  • Richard Mannis

Musical Influence: Jessica Andrews/Aselin Debison

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Having a particularly shitty day.....

It seems like every day I wake up and look outside the sky is grey and rain is falling. I remember when I used to love to walk in the rain, back when my life was simpler. It was a good way to be alone - no one bothered me and no one could see my tears.

Now I can't even cry in the shower without someone saying something.....

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6 years

So I looked at my account and it says I've been a member 6 years and 5 days. Of course i've posted very little over last a years and almost nothing for 2 years of that. But I am hoping to set things right again and start posting once more

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a recommendation

I have been re-reading a series of comics that have got me thinking, and if you dont mind, I'd like to share a little.

The series is from the Justice league of America, and its called "the obsidian age".

The basic idea is a couple of people come from the past and try and kill the JLA, believing them to be a destructive force. They lose, but retreat to the past, and the heroes decide to follow them - and things dont go well.

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Can't believe I just did that!

Well, it's out of my hands now. I just did one of probably the STUPIDEST things ever...

In a brief fit of insanity, I actually made a stand up comedy routine and sent it (along with an online application) to America's Got Talent. I figured if a tone-deaf, ukulele playing 12-year-old can win a million bucks, then why can't I?

Wish me luck (all bad, I hope... LOL.)

At least it's crossed off my "Bucket List" now.



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Two of the ABSOLUTE WORST Jokes ever

Once upon a time, an Egyptian soldier robbed a Pharaoh's tomb to help feed his large family. A search party was quickly formed, and the best general in the army was sent to apprehend the thief. Knowing this, the soldier decided he would be safe in a nearby ziggurat -- a holy temple. Unfortunately, the ziggurat was quite cold, so the soldier decided to build a small fire to warm himself. Alas, there was no where for the smoke to go, and the soldier ran out of the ziggurat choking and sputtering -- right into the hands of the waiting general.


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My apologies for posting late. My muse took longer than I thought to wake up tonight, and by the time I had written and edited the parable, it was already after midnight. I owe all my readers a total of three parables now, one for today (the 5th), as well as the 2 "catch up" ones I was planning, for January 2 and 3 *I am trying to post 2 parables a day, and hope to, by the end of the year, have a full 366 parables on the site.)

Anyway, enjoythest ory. I hope all the Lakota words are self-documenting, as I THINK everyone knows what pemmican and a tipi are.

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Movies of Interest

I love movies almost as much as I love books and reading.

This time of year the worthwhile available new movies are slim pickings.

I decided to review "TG" movies as rated by Rotten Tomatoes. I realize Rotten Tomatoes isn't always right, but the audience scores generally provide good direction. After reviewing this list I added about thirty movies to my Netflix queue.

I hope you find some value in this list of Rotten Tomatoes audience scores.

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Lessons I have Learned Here

Lessons I have Learned here –

I was so touched that Haylee V wrote a story about me. I have gotten so much praise that I didn't think I deserved and I thank everyone.

I have been writing just a short few months here. I started out by saying that I gave up on writing about thirty plus years ago because of a horrible experience in a creative writing course at university. I wanted to mention a few lessons I have learned here.

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Just a quick heads up

Hello folks

Apologies but there won't be any story posting today - as some of you know, I don't have my own internet connection (I'm writing this on my phone) so I'm reliant on access to my parents line and today I don't I have that.

So the last part of Nena - Remind me Again and first of Gaby - Friends will now be posted on Wednesday.

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Blast from the Past

I was trolling the net just now, completely bored out of my mind. I entered the name I used when I was going through myRLT in Pensacola a few years back, and discovered some things I thought forever lost -- my first forays into writing. I was using the Pseudonym Veronica Haylee McKenzie back then, and the stories started out as Canonical for Brittany McMaster's MORFS site. I'm surprised to see them still up, as they have long since become Non-Canon, and hardly resemble anything on her site now. But I was young back then, and had lofty ideals.

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an apology

The last few days have been ... difficult for me. Besides the issues with trying to get help from the various levels of government, I have been dealing with pain and several PTSD attacks.

The result is chapter six of my unicorn silliness will be slightly delayed, as I need a "happy happy" mood to create the light and fluffy joy I want the story to have.

So sorry.

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"An Artist and Her ‘Beautiful Boy’"

"In their intimate portraits, the photographer Lissa Rivera and her partner, BJ Lillis, are building their own fantasy world.

On a long subway ride three years ago, BJ Lillis decided to share something with his friend and co-worker, Lissa Rivera. Mr. Lillis, who describes himself as genderqueer, told her that he had spent most of his college years dressing, full-time, in women’s clothing.

But in the professional world, he’d lost his confidence. To help him regain it, she offered to take his photograph."

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The UK takes another hit

Seems at about 5 PM CDT there was a two part strike in the heart of London - the Tower Bridge and a nearby pub district. People in the pubs were attacked by knife-wielding people. On the Tower Bridge a van veered off the road and struck some pedestrians then several people jumped out if the van and attacked people with knives. Further details will surely follow, but know that we Americans stand with our English cousins in this time of terrible tragedy.

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Transgender Pride March

I just attended the first ever Winnipeg Transgender Pride March and Rally. There were far more people - hundreds - than attended the first Gay and Lesbian Pride event I participated in here (and doesn't "Gay and Lesbian Pride" date me!). There were celebrants of all flavours (Canadian spelling there, eh?) of sex, gender, identity and sexuality, our friends, family and supporters - indeed, it was a lot like most LGBTQI* Pride events - but it was special, being about our gender and sex identities. Oh, and there were no parade floats.


Sorry about the end of yesterdays session

Hi girls, high elves, dragon born and whatnot...

I'm really sorry about the end of yesterdays session. I didn't gave it the attention anymore that it deserved. I've been distracted by a very heated political argument with my partner. We've only had a few minutes left, but I still need to calculate XP and HP for everyone as well as creating the log. I'll try to make up for it next friday with another hopefully interesting round fighting the monk.

After all, this is only the beginning of uncovering one of the greatest mysteries of Fiddler's Vale.


Top 32 Sexiest Actors of All Time

The following lists is in order of my personal opinion based on each person when they were, again in my opinion, at their peak. There are a least a few on the list who would challenge my firm beliefs about my sexual preference.

For example: Robert Redford in The Natural is . . . quite attractive.

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Decision Time

I am in the process of making a huge decision. Two months ago my supervisor changed at work, My prior supervisor was an easy going guy who respected my talents and was very laid back. The new guy is a micro manager, and on Tuesday accused me of spreading rumors in the workplace (completely untrue and unsubstantiated). As well, he did this in front of another employee. I decided that I would never work for him again unless he apologises. So the next two times I see him it is about filling in a schedule for my work listing what I will be doing for each two hour block through the week.

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Daily Parables by Haylee V

Hi. I hope you are enjoying my daily parables. I've included a title page, sorted chronologically, where all of them may be found. I'll try REALLY HARD to post a new, ORIGINAL one each day, hopefully by Noon, EST. I'll update the title page daily as well, adding links to that day's story as it's posted.

Haylee V

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Creating the right title for your story

In the 10+ years, I have been writing poetry, creating and finding the right title, for me, has been very hard. Often, I am forced, to wait, until the very end, before attempting to come up, with the right title. Will admit, I have many poems that are left, bearing the title of untitled, when I post them, to my poetry blog. So, how do I come up, with a proper title, when I am writing a serial story/novel, and want to post the various chapters, here? Would love any possible solution or answer, you may have.

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National DONUT Day

Tomorrow, June 2nd, is NATIONAL DONUT DAY here in the United States.

Several places are giving away FREE DONUTS tomorrow: Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Donuts, Entenmann's, and Tim Horton's to name a few. (You may need to buy a coffee or beverage, though, or mention Donut Day.)

If you're NOT a donut connoisseur, then may I suggest donating yours to a worthwhile charity, a policeman / fireman / EMT, or a homeless / battered woman's shelter? I'm SURE they'd appreciate them.

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bad day

Well, today has not been a very good day for me.

First, I had a serious PTSD moment trying to get into the shower this morning, and it took me till almost noon to get calmed down enough to be able to actually get clean.

then, I had a bit of a breakdown at the unemployment office, and started crying.

On the plus side, they did tell me to expect a phone call on the status of my claim before the end of next week.

I'm ... gonna go to my blanket fort now ...

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Interesting story on the BBC

This is a quite moving piece on the BBC about someone who is transitioning MtoF. The come from a farming family in Wales and the piece is told by the family of Llyr.

I found it quite moving how accepting they were even though the father is obviously having a hard time calling his son 'she'. I expect that will come over time.

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The Selene Vagi-Gaff?

Has anyone on the site actually bought and tried this?
How comfortable is it?
How comfortable is it to wear for, say, 48 hours?
Are there equivalent items that can be worn for longer periods?
How many of us as adults successfully and non-painfully can get our balls back inside?
I can't bend my penis comfortably down and under .... what do others do??

I can't write an upcoming story without real knowledge!!
Thanks for any replies

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a couple of big news announcements

Well, today has been a big news day. First, I might just have a job opportunity. It would be working from home for an escrow company doing customer service mostly over the phone and online. The company would train me, I'd get a small salary during training and assuming I could handle it go to full time 9-5 monday to Friday.

Fingers crossed ...

as if that wasn't enough, I also got a call from the gastro specialist, giving me the time for my consult on getting surgery. It will happen July 18, 130 pm.

As I said earlier, fingers crossed ...

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What's been going on.

Hey just letting folks know things have been extra busy IRL and am changing employers so there's been a pile of certs and recerts going on with that plus all the other things that goes with full time graveyard shift plus being the single caregiver to an aging parent.

I have been and am working on a bigger single too that's been dominating my brain as well.

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Hypothetically Speaking...

The Decision

Imagine you have a case of terminal cancer, and your only hope for survival is an experimental new therapy which will rewrite your genetic code at the molecular level. On the upside, you will live in perfect health for at least another sixty years. On the downside, you will have the appearance of a beautiful teenaged girl for the rest of your life.

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Second chapter of "The Seven Deadlies"

Just a heads up, about to post the second chapter of "The Seven Deadlies" here today or tomorrow and will be fixing the editing on chapter one. Apologies to those who had to read the giant junked up paragraph as that's not how I meant it to look posted.
I will probably be looking for an occasional editor in the near future.

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chicken soup for the trans soul

I was trading messages with Haylee V., and she had suggested I submit works to magazines and publications like Reader's Digest and Chicken soup for the soul. Which got me thinking, what about several of the authors here collaborate on our own little collection of stories?

We couldn't probably call it Chicken soup for the Trans soul, but there is probably an equivalent we could use, but that basic idea - real life examples of trans people overcoming difficulties and having success as an inspiration for the rest of us - could be really interesting.

What do you guys think?

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Questions about pacing

So, as the name suggests, I have some questions about pacing!
When I write, I have a lot of trouble doing time-skips. I love writing detailed scenes and putting in as much information as possible, but I always have trouble moving on from those scenes, so I kind of keep the story going throughout and end up moving important scenes up so I don't have to time-skip.


Bike - heading up to another hundred.

I hope no thinks it arrogant, but as Bike heads towards 3200, I know I shall be able to fill those episodes, albeit not necessarily on a daily basis. I've submitted my (I hope) end of term assignment which Whizz helped me write - got to blame someone if it fails. If it does I have to resubmit as I passed the others.

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Throwing things against the wall

Never underestimate the power of guilt. :-)

I have never stopped writing. I have just stopped believing any of it was worth posting.

Out of an overwhelming sense of shame that I have abandoned the characters in my tales and the readers who have taken the leap of faith to invest their time reading in progress... I have - very reluctantly - posted slight additions to three of my unfinished tales.

They don't terribly advance the narrative. Their purpose is more to show that I have not given up on telling any of the stories.

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Been hearing a lot about Patreon(differences?).

I've noticed people on here using Patreon as well as hearing about journalists and artists using it. What makes this service more desirable than donating to say...someone on Twitch if you're a broadcaster, YouTube or Daily Motion? I talked to this one guy who was raving about it, in terms of journalistic coverage.
I mean I've looked at a bit but would be interested to hear why you like it so much.

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Great show to watch: SBS's Fantastic Duo.

There's a great show on SBS(Seoul Broadcasting System) called "Fantastic Duo's". The way it works is you download a region-locked app. from the Korean marketplace on iOS or Android. After you download it there are multiple options but one of them is "Sing With Star" and you pick the one that says "Now Apply" or something like that and you sing along with the star in the video that pops up. It's called Smart Karaoke and cues you accordingly in Korean text on the screen.

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Confusing IPA entry for Catalonian "a".

I'm looking at learning the Catalan language and some of you might already know the IPA chart and how it really helps for you phonetically properly pronouncing a sound in your new language.
The problem I'm looking at specifically is the Catalan "a" vowel, most of this is because those of you who know the IPA know that a letter is linked to a specific sound. Bottom line, the issue here is I'm seeing conflicting positions on the vowel chart for the "a"(not sure if this is the proper IPA designation for it, just using it as a placeholder).


Anothr retail store front dies!

Another Electronics Retail Chain has died.

Radioshack has been laid to rest and they will be auctioning off the assets of its Dallas, Tx Corperate office.

Like those who fell before, CompUSA and Circuit City, they failed to adapt and move with the changing world.
First Wal-mart moved in by offering a selection of products that directly competed, I know from experience with Best Buy that they started letting people go and pushing there employees a lot harder so the experience went down, started only offering over priced in house labels of accessories, etc...

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Woman's Soul came with XY Chromosomes

Russian Documentary about transgender and transvestite women. One of the best responses to WHY? I have ever heard. "that it was just nature's mistake, and an XY set of chromosomes came with a woman's soul"

approx 30 min long
Transgender model prepares for the sex-change surgery. TransReality Ep 3


Repressed memories & the last bastion

I have a therapist who I just emailed and I'm going to try a hotline if I am still like this in the morning and it makes a full week of me feeling this bad. I don't think I have ever been this far gone even though I have said that before. However I have never started making a good bye list before and thinking about what I would say to the people on that list.


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Busy busy

Sorry haven't had the time or energy to write much of late. I have one more assignment to do for my course for this year, which I have to complete this weekend to submit before next thursday, the deadline. It counts as an exam and will be marked quite strictly and by someone other than my normal tutor, so I'm slightly anxious about it. I've been researching the subject in any spare time I have, hence no Bike this week and I've also been coping with a sore shoulder which doesn't like me typing for very long and occasionally has kept me awake at night, so I'm a little more tired than usual.

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About Dirty Dancing

They just showed a remake of Dirty Dancing on television and I know some may disagree, but I loved it. I loved the original movie, of course, but there was so much family and social transition going on that fascinated me, besides the question, "Will Baby do the lift?" The new one offered much deeper and different characterizations, including a different ending. So ...

SPOILER ALERT! Do not read any further if you A) Haven't seen the 2017 version or B) Loved the final scene just as it was.

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May 25th Update

So, just a quick update on what has been happening as of late. I've been working on my second book and it's nearly complete. All that's left is a bit of editting to do, choose a really cool cover, and publish. I've already started working on refreshing my Whateley series so it's non-whateley, which basically means rewritting most the entire first book, which is what I'm currently working on. I don't get nearly as much time to write as I'd like so hopefully it won't take long to do.

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I know that many of you here are on Spironolactone. I've just been prescribed Spironolactone and I see it's primarily used to reduce high blood pressure. This has me concerned because I already take Atenolol for blood pressure. Were any of you on another blood pressure med before going on Spironolactone? If so, did your doctor alter you blood pressure med?

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Thank you ma'am

Well, I've got to give Kaiser top marks again. A while back, I decided I'd like to explore a transition of sorts. While I'm sure I'll never seek bottom surgery, since I've retired, I have no need to wear men's clothes again. So in anticipation of that, I wanted to see just what kind of development I could induce on my chest. To that end, I asked my PCP (primary care physician) for an estrogen prescription. She referred me to the "Gender Pathways" clinic. After an interview with that doctor in charge of the and reviewing the permission documentation I got that prescription.

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the weather outside is frightful

As I write this, it is bucketing rain outside, and Edmonton has a high wind warning for this afternoon with gusts up to 100 km an hour.

So today is a good day to stay inside, and I decided also a good day to release the next chapter of "Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!"

I know these chapters are short, which is one reason why I want to keep them coming fairly regularly so it hopefully doesnt get too annoying.


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Beyond Angry re Manchester

It is difficult to believe (and I don't know how it got to me) but a person/group calling itself 'Christian Voice' has implicitly blamed Ariana Grande's lesbianism for the terrorist attack.
It is difficult for me to comprehend the arrogance and wrongness and vileness of such a viewpoint. I suppose it is what one might expect from such self-appointed Guardians of Virtue. I notice they fail to condemn the terrorists.

The quote from the email is as follows :-


Too angry to pray.......

I have been fighting depression for weeks now - just the usual things, still not settled on a new job (the problem with being senior management is that finding an appropriate position takes time - especially as this is the first time I have interviewed since transitioning), and of course there is the never ending issues with family. I'm not saying that my spouse and children are not supportive - they have in fact been very supportive this past year, but life for them has been impacted by my transition. And of course, what hurts them hurts me - deeply.

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Tammy's end!

Finally, I have published the final chapter of Tammy:It's Complicated

Sorry for the delay, but my muse went for a very long walk and it was only this morning that I felt sure I could put together a decent chapter - although that's for everyone to decide!

Meanwhile, it'll be a while before the next Tammy series (which has no title yet), but I'll first return to work on Unaccounted Gains


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Largest state with the smallest minds

The lone star state has apparently passed 'bathroom' legislation against transgender students, showing that the conservatives who control things there are still bent on bashing anyone who doesn't conform to their ideas of normality. I wish them happiness in their narrow and bitter lives.

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What's Your Real Problem?

Spent lots of my life in therapy and under drugs, but quit therapy and drugs a couple years ago. Doing OK but now have to ride the ups and downs out by my own self and that's fine because the solutions of the Military therapist weren't any better than mine. Stopped going there mainly because them threatening me got old.

Working on stories seems to be as much help as anything.

It occurred to me today that being transgender isn't a problem. The biggest issue is the PTSD, BPD, Abandonment, Self Sabotage, and figurative hostage taking. Hmm, that never became clear before.

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The Fog of Time.....

I'm not really much of a people person. I kinda had to grow up that way to avoid a lot of the pitfalls of childhood. It's made me not much of a social butterfly and quite awkward in social interactions even though time has rubbed some of those rough edges off. However, the wounds still remain and the scabs over them never quite heal properly leaving their scars behind, not quite visible to most though the pain never completely goes away. That saying that time heals all wounds? Hmm..... There may be something there. Maybe not. Time will tell.


Post Op TG star on Australian remake of 70's TV show

If any Australian member of this website knows about Prisoner and it's remake Wentworth then the news and magazine Women's Day has revealed that in an interview, Danielle Alexis who plays one the inmates, was born male and spends her time between Melbourne acting and Northern Western Australia managing a gym

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Inquest report on Vikki Thompson

From the Guardian, an inquest report on a young transgender woman who hanged herself at Leeds Prison in 2015. It makes quite uncomfortable reading and as with so many of these cases, these youngsters have been badly treated or abused since an early age, so it appears it was the case with Thompson, who then made things worse with drugs and alcohol and petty crime as they so often do. Surely, prison was the wrong place to send anyone with such a chaotic lifestyle without some form of rehabilitation/psychotherapy?

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Getting close to finishing a new story

If I still have fans after the disaster of my last story, they will be glad to know I've made some progress on a new story, and if all goes well I hope to be able to start releasing it a chapter at a time before the end of the month.

Cant guarantee this, though. Real life has been a slog this week, and if that trend continues my available spoons for writing will be seriously diminished.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let everybody know.

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Damn near blind

Time for an update on my health issues. I had my third cataract surgery on Tuesday. No, I don't have three eyes. The first on my left eye didn't line up correctly, and had to be redone. I can now see perfectly ... at things that are more than five feet away. My close up vision currently sucks, and I can barely read my iPad.

This has delayed my productivity, although I did manage to do my part in getting The Wildcats chapter posted today. And I managed to get 5000 words written on River, my own story. (Wildcats is by Leslie Moore).

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Tornado missed me

It was a mile south of me. Killed one, several injured, destroyed a power sub station. Elk City was without electricity. Total blackout yesterday and last night. All critical services were running on emergency generators. This particular monster started over near Shamrock Texas and came our way. Impossible to see by the storm watchers as it was wrapped in rain most of the time, leaving a debris path in its wake.


New serial up on D.A.W.'s website

Just a note to my fans as discussed in my previous blog, the first part of my new serial is up on my website! I do hope you enjoy. Click the link below to read it.

Psyren's Redemption - Chapter 1 Part 1

Also, I added a direct link to the RSS feed on my website to make it easier for folks to subscribe.

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If I don't get this right please forgive me.

Good Afternoon All,

I hope this will do what I intended but.... As I am new to this site - who knows?

The reason for my attempt is a notation I found on my sister's computer stating someone here wanted a copy of her story,
"The Last of the Fey".

The request was likely made back around the start of the year as she died April 01 so it would not have been after that...........

at least I hope not. If it was, then that would mean she could see the future or she could leave notes on her computer post her death for me to find.

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Funny Joke

I was reading through my comments today on my parable, "True Riches", and something AuPreviner said resonated with me, and reminded me of this joke, which I'm sharing...

Q: What do you get when you play a country song backwards?

A: Sober and pardoned / paroled, plus you get your wife back, your house back, your truck back, your dog back...

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The play “As One” is a winning coming-of-age story that is about a transgendered person

The play “As One” is a winning coming-of-age story that is about a transgendered person

“The world clearly needs a readily accessible transgender opera with a warm heart” – LA Times

The specific aspect of sexuality is, surprisingly, almost incidental. No one grows up easily. Every first date is a trial. We all have issues with family. The point of “As One” is that we all are one.

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Trixiebell Heartswoon - the end?

Well its been a less than exciting week so far - damp weather, trips to collect meds and parcels on Monday but otherwise I've been tied to the keyboard writing even more Gaby! Yep, I'm well into the next arc and I expect to have it finished for the end of the month.

This week however, the writing is over and advance warning - no post on Sunday as I'm taking a trip archaeological to the Brecon Beacons in south Wales, starting tomorrow.


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Story updates

As you all may know I posted a blog semi recently saying I was quitting writing for awhile. Well I decided to give it another try and I have made some decent progress on a few of my stories:

Broken Phoenix: This story will be making a comeback soon. I have Chapter 4 in the works and it's going steady.

Time To Fly: This story will also be making a return. My plan is to alternate between this story and Broken Phoenix every other week.

I also have a short story on the way before I post either of the previously mentioned stories.

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