TopShelf Blogs

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.....And this week

A busy week for me and for the Gabfen!

Trips to the far edge of the world (well Yorkshire) and intensive writing sessions mean there's plenty for my dedicated fans today so stay tuned:-

Of course what you've all been waiting for, Book 14's conclusion is the first thing of note - you can read that here.

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I'm trying to explain again

They are trying to compare my problems with normal people with body image issues.

It's not something they can understand, every minute with my eyes open is another second I'm screaming inside my head. Because when I'm awake I have to face the fact my body is wrong. The screaming inside my head doesn't stop anymore. I want to rip my skin off sometimes. No medication can fix the constant emotional pain, the frustration, helplessness and hopelessness I'm in It's why I stay in my room, reading sometimes distracts me.

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really bad news from my doctor

Well, my doctor got the results of my ultrasound and its much worse than I could have feared. My liver is very fatty, my kidneys are enlarged, and I am in serious trouble unless I can make a total 180 on my eating habits.

You add to this the fact I was already struggling emotionally and spiritually, and I am in a very bad place at the moment.

hugs and prayers appreciated.

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learning from my mistake with Mercy

I have been thinking a lot about the mistake I made with Mercy. Namely, that I posted chapters as they were written, rather than wait until I had the story complete. I believe that the length of time between posting, especially when I couldnt even say when more might come, helped lower the opinion of people about the series. Plus, I believe the pressure I put on myself to try and keep interest in the story led me to post very short chapters that also probably turned a lot of people off.

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Avatar 2 & 3 Have release Dates again.

According to Deadline Hollywood Avatar 2 and 3 have got real release dates.
We have been waiting for the Second Installment of this series for so long i feel it has lost relevance.
Maybe that is why they might actually o them, heck Camron has said the studio talked him into doing all the way up to Avatar 5 .
Heck Disney has gotten in on the Act.

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Used car salesmen

Was reminded of something that happened to me several years ago and thought I would share it here.

So the girl friend and I were driving down this street when she saw an older XJ6 jaguar in this small used car lot's back lot. Already knowing how much she loved the thought of owning one of those I turned around and went back to talk to them about buying it.

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New Chapters to the Little Boy-Girl Saga

New chapters will be posted for School for Transgendered, My Brother is My She-Male Twin. Plus four new stories.

Eddie The She-Male Lesbian, The Little Orphan Boy-Girl, Just Our Luck and The Single Father with Four Daughters

I'll be going back and fixing the main story and some links to the others.

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Indeed sorry to all the Gabfen expecting the last chapter of Gaby Book 14 today. For reasons outside of my control i've not had any internet access today.

As a result it'll now be posted on Wednesday when i'm expecting that part one of Book 20, Gaby Express to become available.

Which reminds me, I'd best get back to actually writing it!


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Where have all the Cyclists gone?

I know it is election day here in France and where I am now (SW of Brive la Gallarde) is wonderful cycling country. The roads and even the minor 'D' ones are well surfaced if you avoid the Department of Correze yet I saw very few out on the road today. The weather is perfect as well....
Where are they all? If this was England, there would be lots out on the road on a fine Sunday Morning.
I spoke to two Australians at lunchtime. They are in the middle of cycling from Oslo to Athens and they remarked on the lack of cyclists in this area.


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Not every story has a happy ending

Nature is reputedly red in tooth and claw, things will kill each other possibly to eat or as rivals. This was the sad end to our dormouse survey today. The picture contains the body of a dormouse which has been attacked and killed possibly by a wood mouse. It was the only one we found today, making it doubly sad. To think the poor thing survived the winter then possibly went torpid overnight and met a wood mouse...


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World Book Day - Celebrate with DopplerPress!

Hey Everyone! Today (April 23rd, 2017) is


Why not consider buying a book from Doppler.Press?

Every book you buy not only gets us our usual sales commissions just like buying via BigCloset links, but any book published by Doppler.Press will also give us our normal publisher share too!

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A touchy subject

Oh this isn't about politics or religion so you can rest easy on that front. What I'm writing about is something that occurs in some authors writing on occasion and that is references to other authors and their works. Now I understand that it's nice to be able to mention your friends and fellow authors in your work. I am sure it gives you and the aforementioned authors a nice warm feeling and does the same for many of their friends.

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husband and wife actors

I've been trying to find a story about married actors where the husband wants a staring role as a TG. To prove he can do it, he goes through a producer's hoops, ending dressed as a Vegas showgirl. I don't think the final chapter was ever posted. Pretty sure it wasn't on BC/TS.


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Caitlyn A Lady Worth Knowing

Caitlyn Jenner reflects on how her life has changed since transitioning into a woman

It is a nice article where Caitlyn expresses her emotions and feelings. An excellent read from a beautiful person who only wants to be what she has always felt in her heart and soul.

sound bites from the story:


the end of book 1 for Mercy

Just so anybody reading chapter 20 of Mercy and worried that it says "The end ... for now", dont worry just yet.

I plan to bring Mercy, Brand, and company back for a Book 2, with a focus on the idea of self-forgiveness.

I mean, its great to forgive others, but what if you cant forgive yourself?

I have no timeline for when I'll actually be able to have something to share, but I promise that as soon as I do, I will post it for everybody who still likes these characters to enjoy.

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Katie Leone on Facebook

This friends request is bogus and will result in your account being hacked or cloned. I opened the post thinking it was a updated from her BFF and 2 hours later my FB account started to go nuts with people getting friends request from me even though we are already friends
Delete request or any post from Katie may she rest in peace. How dare them to use our friend like this.
Sorry if any of you who are my FB friend have a problem
HUGS Richard S. M. you can figure out my FB page by that


I feel really beautiful - not.

I consulted my GP this afternoon about a couple of patches of something probably solar induced on my face and right arm. The bit on my arm is no problem, I have a plaster on it since he zapped it with liquid nitrogen and it feels fine. It'll breakdown and weep for a couple of days, crust over and heal up. The other thing is on my nose. He wasn't sure what it was but we agreed to zap it as well, though he did offer to wait a bit longer and have my nose amputated. I opted for the liquid nitrogen again.

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My time is over

I've come to a realization that I'm not the kind of person I thought I was. Last night I went to post a story I had written and I come to find out that what I had written had unknowingly ripped off another story. Upon that happening it really hit me, I can't write anymore. Anything I write could possibly end up the same way and I don't want that.

So, to save my sanity and put this to rest I'm putting down the pad and paper and moving on from writing as a whole.

To anyone that even cared to read what I wrote, I thank you.

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Making progress

Well, I am glad to report I have made some progress on stuff. I got my tax rebate into the bank today, and discovered that my former employer had FINALLY given me my holiday pay. Then I went to the E.I. office, and discovered I had made a small mistake which was delaying my claim, and fixed it.

All this, plus I've gotten some serious progress done on the next chapter of Mercy, so I am super happy at the moment.

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worn out

I've been busy tapping away at the keyboard again but i've got a problem. I keep miss typing which is slowing me down as I obviously have to keep redoing stuff. Then I realised that i've been working so hard i've worn the letters off almost half the keys!

Looks like I need to buy a new KB when I can get to a shop!

Anyhow Gaby book 20 is now 6 sizzling chapters long, I may have the first arc finished to put out next week!


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Your Name - Give it a chance

Anime is an art form, specifically animation, that includes all genres found in cinema, but it can be mistakenly classified as a genre. In Japanese, the term anime refers to all forms of animation from around the world. In English, anime (/ˈænəˌmeɪ/) is more restrictively used to denote a "Japanese-style animated film or television entertainment" or as "a style of animation created in Japan".


Bike delayed.

Had an interesting day, put up some trellis for my ex, took my daughter to lunch and then fixed her bike plus a hundred mile drive each way. Then just as I'm gearing up to start scribbling Bike, my glasses fell apart or shall we say, a lens fell out. I then spent a fruitless twenty minutes trying to find the screw responsible only to discover it was still in the frame. It's a weird arrangement because the screw holding the lens in is under the arm not on the top and I couldn't see it because I didn't have my glasses.

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Penultimate Chapter

Yes, Book 14 has already almost ended, todays chapter, Nuptials, is the penultimate posting!

Next week will see the start of posting the fifth Nena book here at BC, a short break from Gaby before the start of Book 15. Before that of course is the grand conclusion to Book 14 which you will see on Sunday.

Elsewhere, I've made a start on Book 20, Gaby Express, the first four chapters are with the editor already.

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Ready to strangle my Muse..

This is so frustrating and not sure what I should do... I'm so close to wrapping up Robbie's Revelation (The 1st book at least), I have 3 maybe 4 chapters left to where I want to end the Revelation part at.. Now my time is already limited severely for writing, so what's my muse decide to do?!? She starts throwing a completely new story around in my head and it's distracting me from finishing Revelation...

Trying to get her to focus on the story I want to write right now would be harder than herding cats..

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Help Needed

I am in need of serious help - about 2 years ago my muse packed her bags and deserted me part way through a story I was posting namely 'Lady in Waiting'.
Now she has returned and my dilemma is this - Do I carry on where I left of starting the story with a brief précis of the story to date? Or do I repost the story from the beginning?

Please help
Christina H

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Induced Temporary Insanity!!!!

God if I have to hear anymore Hold Music I am going to snap!

45 minutes on hold with the Good Old Sate DPS customer service to find out where my License is since I renewed it over a Month ago.

Now I have been on Hold with one of the local hospital for 30 minutes on hold!

If I ever find the people that designed those automated systems just to get threw to a human being, and or chose there Hold music, it will not be pretty.

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The River runs anew

Well my little break is over, and chapter ten of River is in editing. My health problems aren't over, but I am feeling better. I hope to get back to a weekly schedule on Monday. This was a hard chapter to write, and I was in tears several times as it unfolded before my keyboard. I won't say more, lest I create a spoiler.

Dawn Natelle

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How I write

I dont know how others write, but I tend to write in sequence - that is, I write the first part of a chapter first, then each event as it occurs.

Once in a great while after I have finished a part of a chapter, I realize something would actually work better earlier, and switch it around, but generally the story unfolds as I write it.

But I think I need to do something different for the next chapter of Mercy.

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Living with Lisa

In this week's Clacton Gazette there is a wonderful article covering 2 pages about Lee and his journey over 48 years from Lisa. He has written his life story and it is now available in print. Aged 40 he started his path to becoming the man he is today. Lee David Carter's book is titled Living with Lisa, for those interested.

PS Thanks to Cyclist for her assistance in producing this inaurgal posting.

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I'm Not Dead

Okay, so in case you're confused, the title of this blog post is a Monty Python joke, not a response to some rumor that I've shed my mortal coil or anything. Many who frequent this site and are kind enough to give my work a look and even a comment or two time and again might be wondering why the story well has dried up so suddenly. Well, things have become a bit complicated as of late. As you may know, I finally published Prom Changed Everything on Amazon and I must say it's doing so much better than I had ever hoped.

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The impact of what you read.......

Sometime last evening, I read a new chapter of A Longer War by Cyclist.

This has proven to be one of my favorite stories, and many of the chapters have had a serious impact on me - especially the early ones. As the story progressed, it continued to stir my emotions and sentiments - although for different reasons. But this latest chapter, lake many of the early ones, has stricken a particular chord within me.

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Change of Heart~Passion of the Soul

Thanks to Cathy for her hours and days of reformatting Change of Heart back into something readable. She has to be a trooper. For all of you who commented. For all those who gave me a heads up on where the story line was way off from being close to the truth. For all those who gave me information on the story line missing necessary data.

Thanks is not enough. But sincerely thank you. I truly appreciate all of you sharing your knowledge and your skills.


Cliches don't happen in real life - ha!

It's hard to believe that real life can prove that men are stupidly competitive. Even while many BC stories stress how 'men' are over competitve and 'women' are collaborative, is that how cliches work?

Check out this vileness from last Wednesday's episode on CBS of 'Survivor' (recorded last year).

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this is not a beg for kudos

I am not going to beg for kudos on Mercy, but I am curious.

258 people liked the first chapter of Mercy enough to give it a kudo.

With every chapter that number has declined, to the point that the latest chapter has 63 kudos at the moment.

If you gave a kudo to chapter one, but have since dropped away from liking the story, and you're comfortable sharing, I would really like to know why.

Too short chapters? Too long a break between chapters?

Anything else that might bring you back ?

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Details of actors-actresses in Whateley Universe

For fun, isn't that what writing is all about? Unless we are trying to change the world. I started a Whateley Fan story. I bogged down when I realized I had no idea who all the main actors-actresses in the story were named.

Head of the school is Ms. Carson That's a no brainer.

Mrs. Horton Den mother for Poe

Security Captain Franklin Delarose

Ophelia Tenent Dr. Teacher, counselor

Anyone familiar with the others want to give me a heads up?


70 Today!!!!!

Wow! As my old idol Mickey Mantle said, "If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'da taken better care of myself."

Yep. April 15th. The date Lincoln died, the date the Titanic sank, Tax Day. Does that tell ya anything about the way my life has been? LOL. Frankly, the way my luck goes, if I inherited 400 acres of pumpkins, some ratsass would cancel Halloween!


Sacrifical Alter

Sooo sorry - I'm late in posting the last chap of SA. But it's coming! It will be up within the hour. Of course, life went crazy today. It will be a long chapter - 3x as long as the others; possibly more satisfying since the others were almost too short (I probably won't post like that again). Thank you for your patience.

Hugs! - **Sigh**

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The Legend of Georgia McBride play

This play seems to be very topical AND good. In SoCal now it may be coming to your area. Stay alert. "But how can a straight dude explain to his wife that the cash he’s hauling home is coming from a new line of work that involves full makeup and falsies? But what’s most memorable... is the tenderness between Burnap’s Casey and Okoro’s Jo...Casey may still be a boy but he’s a lovable one. And as he grows into a man by discovering himself as a woman onstage, he becomes even more endearing.

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Hello All

Hello everyone,

Wow, looking at the last time I posted it does appear I had dropped off the face of the earth. Felt like it too. Recently I replied to the emails sent to me (thank you for them) and it was suggested that I go and post a 'Hello' blog to tell everyone I am well.

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Happy Easter!

Yes indeed, it's Good Friday, start of the longest weekend of the year.

I've been working like billy O to get Girl's on Fire finished for you and i'm pleased to say that from today you can access the complete book at Lulu and Amazon. For technical reasons (I'm writing this on the phone!) I can't give you direct links until Sunday but you know where to go right?

So at Amazon you can get Kindle and Paper versions and at Lulu, PDF and Paper.

I hope you all enjoy it and please if you can leave feedback/reviews and I'm happy to hear your comments either here or via PM.

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I'm at the worst place I have ever been

I'm not in a good place right now, I'm not functioning at all and haven't been for months. The only thing that distracts me is reading and it isn't working as well anymore. I'm either constantly near tears or in tears and I'm constantly wishing the pain would end and thinking about how I wouldn't mind so much.


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Becoming Robin, Moving, MotK Delays, etc

Hey guys,

Just posting a quick note here to let ya'll know we're moved. I only just got internet hooked up today. It's not half as fast as what we were expecting, but it's faster than what I did have so that's something.

Chapter 11 of Magic of the Kingdom will be delayed a bit. The move kind of interrupted us finishing it :-P As always it'll be on Patreon first for a week then we'll post it here.

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good news/bad news

some good news, and some bad news

First, the good news. I got a call from Employment Insurance, and they said that they should be making a decision on it soon, but my claim looks good.

But then, the bad news. I had an emotionally exhausting counseling session, and came home to read 2 stories here that look like they are headed into very dark territory, which has left me shaky.

Hoped to get some writing done, but it might not happen now.

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I hope you are well. I would like to apologise for the long delay without new chapters. I have been so busy at work lately and am dog tired all the time. It has become impossible for me to write anything meaningful as I am usually too tired to think. I do have some free time coming up this holiday so maybe I can get a few chapters out. I know how it feels when a story you enjoy just stops with no end in sight >sigh< and I always try to avoid that though I am failing abysmally.So i hope to get going again this weekend, fingers crossed!))


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Meltdown Update

Hi All;

So....yes, Meltdown will continue and be finished. But it is going to take a while yet. I have just finished 3 years on my union's bargaining team getting a tentative agreement for 70,000 of our members. I finished the last ratification vote on Friday, and my mind can now concentrate on other things - you know, like writing.

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Help me make a web site!

No, really!

I'm looking for a few interested tech-heads, game geeks, and dungeon masters! You! Yes, and you too!


For a venture I'd like to try: an LGBT friendly (though, to be clear, by no means strictly LGBT FOCUSED) gaming site.

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Just wanted to confirm that Gaby - Girl's on Fire part 4 will be available from the usual sources tomorrow, that's Wednesday 12th of April.

The 300 plus page full volume of Book 19 is taking a little longer to put together - it will have a character appendix and I hope to include a basic location map too to help readers make sense of some of the story! I am planning to have it ready for release this weekend - something to read over Easter!

So ttfn

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had a very bad day today

Well, I had a very bad day today. First, I tried to get my pink slip from my old work only to be told its up to my local guy - a guy I cant even get a hold of - to get that done.

Then, I went out and found that someone had gotten into my car - again - and threw everything in my glove compartment around. At least this time, my battery wasn't dead ...

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Playing her way - rating upgrade

I have publishing my story, Playing her way, under a general audience rating up until now. For the chapter just released I have upgraded the rating to PG15.

Those of you who have been observantly following the story may have spotted reference to an incident that has yet to be expanded upon. In the Christmas day episode, it was mentioned that Emily's whereabouts is being kept secret because somebody was mistaken for her and beaten up.

Chapter 11 covers this incident and therefore comes with a violence warning.

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Bits and pieces of trans and other things.

From Best Man to Puzzled Woman
Girl actions and speak is completely different from boy speak and actions

It's a lonely world out there searching for answers everyone else tries to give when they have no idea what transgender is or means because they never had those emotions of being one.


Gaby news

It looks like Spring has sprung outside, I'm down to one coat indoors - lol.

Anyway - the next Gaby chapter is available now!

The other top news is that I'm ahead of the game with writing, 5 new chapters completed since Wednesday so with just one chapter to write tomorrow, Part 4 of Book 19 should be out on Wednesday. If you are hanging on for the complete volume that, with luck should be available at some point over the Easter weekend!

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A Milestone???

Every now and them I go to the "My Stories" link and see if there are any new comments on any of my stories. I haven't put out a new story for years, so I don't expect any comments or activity on my stories. Surprisingly there was one new comment on a story. More surprisingly though is that one of my stories have reached over 10,000 views.

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General PSA to all readers (it's brief, I promise).

To all readers,

Remember to hit the "Kudos" button. You know, the one that's shaped like Facebook's "Like" button and which serves a very similar purpose. Unless, of course, you legitimately didn't like the story and have no intention to comment or read any more of it. Then, don't.

I am writing this because I recently realized I forget to do it sometimes.

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Distrusting the muse :-(

Not dead. (Yet) ;-)

As numerous PMs inquired. :-)

Just wrestling with the muse.

SERIOUSLY wrestling with the muse.

I've churned out a lot of my 3 open stories (Secondhand Life, Summer of Love and Roomies) - and coming back a day later to read over, decided none of it was worth posting. :-(

I'm not sure whether the muse let me down or that self-doubt caused me to smother her...


Anime gender body swap movie

“YOUR NAME” the movie - Mitsuha begins switching (genders) bodies with Taki, a teen-age boy at a Tokyo high school. “Make me a handsome Tokyo boy in my next life!”

I'm not a fan of anime movies or cartoons but many people are. So here's info that you may find of interest. For move info & reviews Google "Your Name".

Your Name movie
Enjoy the movie and your weekend. Donna T


To Mormons and Xmos

I have exchanged emails and PMs with at least 4 other Mormon or Xmo authors here and this is really to them, only. I was initially exposed to the Mormons in March 2011, and had some very healing years with them. I do not want to forget the good the local members did me.

In November 2015, it all began to tank with their ill advised announcement aimed at the children of same sex marriages, and I almost quit then but I vainly believed that eventually in the face of devotion and a sense of morality, they would change.

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Looking for "Sweet Sixteen" ideas.

I've been working on my third 'sweet sixteen' story. Our bubbly protagonist is, again, more than she seems at first.

But I'm looking for some ideas for terminology.

As with most technological advances, new jargon is invented. I'm looking for suggestions.

First of all, what do we call the various generations? We currently have the boomers, gen X, gen Y, millennials, and the like. We need terms for:

Those, like our sweet sixteen girl, that were born early enough that they grew up knowing that they would live to less than 100, then die.

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Delay in Atalanta next chapter

I planned on another chapter today but somehow when I went to copy the edited chapter to a separate document that document doesn't note the changes (it looks the same) and in the edited version every word has a line through it. Its a mess. I've asked Ashleigh to send me another copy so it should be resolved soon.

What a mess.

Thanks for your patience


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Complete or not? It is up to the reader as the end of the story got a little sketchy. The author was moving the tale around too much and losing continuity as if she had lost interest and was in a hurry to be done with it. The other indicator she was tired, she had moved away from dialog for the most part to description in order to try and get finished. (dialog is one or more people talking. descriptive is a recipe or history book)



A new anime series start airing today!

Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism

The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls. When it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed.

After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students, and the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them.

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thank you Bailey Summers

If you havent read it yet, Bailey Summers' latest piece, Touch Starved so hits it on the head it hurts.

I often feel like I am starving to be touched, but thankfully I do have my mom so the occasional hug can happen for me.

So thank you Bailey, for saying what so many of us feel ...

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Angharad's Computer

Hello All

Angharad has asked me to let you know that she had computer problems last night. Hopefully, she will be back online in a day or so. I am certain she will be back blogging and writing 'Bike' as soon as she can.

Her priority, naturally, is in her university course work so please no fretting.

Love to all

Anne G.


Accel World, 2nd Ending, "Unite" by Misawa Sachika

One of my favorite anime songs, sung and instrumental-wise, is the second ending to the anime series "Accel World." I sourced the pieces of this blog from a variety of places to bring it all together onto one page to view it as a whole - "Unite." ~Sephrena

Accel World End 2 Creditless.jpg

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Just added info to chap 2 of Sacrificial Alter

I was reading through chapter 2 for the 50th time; I had already posted it; and I realized I didn't address some things. So I added more to it. Not much but something essential. If you've already read chap 2 and don't want to have to read the whole thing again (even tho it's really short), it's in the last 1/2 of the chapter.

Yes, I know. Don't mess too much with completed stories. Remember Michael Jackson's nose after the surgeons messed with it too much. Did Picasso try to go back and fix a painting?

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Essay essay essay!

Depending upon how you say the title, it could almost be the start if a music hall joke, except I've been essaying an essay essay as an essay all day. If that doesn't make sense, neither does most of what I wrote. An essay can be an attempt, a piece of written work shorter than a treatise, a first draft, a trial or an experiment; according to Chamber's.

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RIP- Denise Trask

Sadly, I report the death of Denise A. Trask on April 1 in Milan, Italy of a cerebral hemorrhage. Denise was seventy seven. At this time, I have no information regarding funeral services.

Denise was a well known author and patron of this site. Denise collaborated with T. D. Aldonetti, author of Air Force Sweetheart, to write the sequel, Duty Calls, which Denise continued after Teddy’s death, under the non de plume of Renae A. Dumas.

Denise also wrote Last of the Fey under the pseudonym Anesidora’s Urn, which she later published under the name D. H. Trask.

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I wanted to say thank you

Just wanted to thank everyone who sent me a suggestion for Mercy. If you gave a suggestion and I don't choose it, please know that's not because your suggestion sucked, but that at the end I had to make a decision. I am noodling, but some health issues are draining my spoons right now so it might be a while.

huggles to all.

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You Might Be A Trans...

Leila and I were talking last night, and we were discussing what would have happened if Jeff Foxworthy had been transgendered.
Here's some of what we came up with:

And now, without further ado, Ms. Jethrene Foxx, with another installment of "You might Be A Trans Person If..."

If you've ever given makeup advice to a woman, you might be a trans...

If your family didn't know your birth name until you were 27...

If you own a cigarette lighter, and you don't smoke...

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Hello, and my newest story explained.

Hello Big Closeteers! Long time no write.

Long time no LOTS of things for the past few years. As some of you may have heard, I had a leg injury and 2 surgeries with a complicated recovery. Was essentially crutch and wheelchair bound for a while. After that I had a more generalized health decline, causing a steady loss of stamina; I started cutting off more and more extracurricular activities because it took all I could do just to go to work.

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