At long last The epic tale of Dragonfly is completed. I have to admit that I had a lot of fun writing this and I want to personally thank Morpheus for letting me write a fan fic base on his Legacy universe. To anyone who hasn't read his Legacy stories, I say go now and read them as they are an exciting and fantastic read. I just hope I did his universe justice.
I also want to thank all those who've stayed with Dragonfly, and those who happened to notice mid-story, for putting up with the delays. All of you have been more than patient with me on this and I hope I at least made the wait worth it.
On a personal note, I wonder if anyone can list all the references Copy Cat made through-out the story.
Once again, Thanks to Morpheus. And thanks to all my readers.
Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. I want to thank the person who made the cover page for Dragonfly and organised all the chapters. I liked the picture they selected as well as picking out the part from the story that best describes the story. Thank you mystery editor.