First I want to apologise to everyone reading Dragonfly for not delivering the final chapter back in the mid-July range like I said I would in my last blog entry about this story. It was a combination of real life and work getting I the way of my writing time. As well as being in a heat wave for the latter half of July as well and I don't have air conditioning at my place so that sapped any desire to do anything that didn't involve cooling down.
Another reason was the "final" part kept getting longer and longer so I decided to break it up. At this point, I really don't want to put a deadline on when I'll have the final part written and posted because I feel bad each time I end up breaking that promise and feel that the writing doesn't come out as good when I rush to meet a deadline when something unexpected happens that would delay things.
I hope I haven't frustrated too many of you hoping to read the finale to Dragonfly and like in my earlier blogs, I hope I made it worth the wait to see the mysteries uncovered. If anyone has any questions then please ask me.
Thank you all for your patients thus far,