TopShelf Blogs

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Site Feature Concept for Authors Who Want Help and Readers Who Want to Help

While reading I often encounter errors. Does the Author want to know? Has someone else already reacted? I want to help, but maybe the author doesn't want help, in which case, I don't want to impose on the author. And, I don't want to divert my attention far from the story I am reading.

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She handled her son's transistion PERFECTLY

I could NOT do a hundredth of the research coming my way without the help of so many eyes out there catching the items not making main stream news. Once again I thank phydeau for her support. Please understand transgender are individuals and are not produced from an assembly line where all think alike and have the same opinions and ideas. They aren't mass produced in an evil lab to take over the world. About the only thing in common they have is they are some of the most intelligent people one will ever meet.


Something Happened :D

Its not a bad something, its actually a pretty good one.

You see usually I do a lot of thinking while I'm walking. Many of my stories and chapter ideas come from when I'm walking from place to place. I was walking to Walmart today to meet my mother and sister to do some shopping. I was trying to think of ideas for the next chapter of Whisper Pines when something strange happened: another story came to me. Not a new one either. One that I thought my Muse had abandoned a long time ago....The Unusual Clownfish.

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Stuck with Mercy

Well, I ran into a brick wall with my Mercy story.

I was gonna have Faith meet with a suicidal student, but since Vantier just did that in her latest chapter, and I don't think I could top it, I need to go in another direction.

If only I knew what that direction was ...

I'm trying to bribe my muse with chocolate but no luck so far ...

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I've only gone and done it and it's not an April Fool's joke either. After a mammoth 12 hour session i've finished the next arc of Gaby Book 19 so the impatient should be able to tap in to it at some point tomorrow!

It has some classic Gaby inside, racing, eating and getting up to mischief.

I will of course be cracking on with the concluding arc on Monday so it could be complete as early as Easter weekend!



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The joys of time and politics... D&D

Hello fellow adventurers,

those humans of the nevarious profession - if we want to call it so - the politicians, have bestowed upon us great confusion once again. First it have been daylight savings in America now the European continent was to follow down the road of stolen time and confused humanoid beings.

Until the day we finally will solve this matter, please be aware that we're starting an hour earlier again at 23:00 GMT.

Your caring DM

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'Death by a thousand cuts'.

Human rights groups in the US are worried about what the White House is doing to various bills regarding lgbtq protection and the fact that the proposed census will no longer collect information to determine how some lgbtq people are living and the difficulties they face.

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Transgender Visibilty Day

My son's fiancé sent me a text earlier today, which although not unheard of is at least unusual enough to catch my eye.

She sent me a short note that said, "Just want you to know that you inspire me. Love you!"

I cried when I read it, and I am crying now as I type this.

She reminded me of something. Today is Transgender Day of Visibility, and although most of us just want to live our lives quietly and peacefully, attracting as little attention as possible, please help those you can to understand who you are - who we are.

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An introduction to pamphlets

Every story I write is designed so that a new reader can start it without any prior knowledge of my previous stories. However, my stories often feature standard products from a fictional store, and I inevitably spend a little time describing those products for the benefit of new readers. In my latest story, The Will Chaser, I have introduced the pamphlet.

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Corralling a Muse

Okay so I got a really big monkey that has been lately standing nearby throwing his wrench into my writing for the past year or so.

The Good: My little 9 year old wants to learn to play the violin, so I bought her one and have been teaching her. Also bought myself a new electric one. This caused me to get back into playing music and ended up buying myself a new 6 string guitar (gorgeous Fender with a mahogany top)

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treasure hunt - a shared universe idea

I have been noodling the idea of a group of explorers who are taking clues which lead to different parts of North America and a hidden puzzle piece that only when all are found and everyone cooperates will lead to the ultimate treasure.

What I'm hoping for is a group of authors, each one following one of the teams looking for the answers through them finding a puzzle piece, and then one large story that would be about all the teams working together to get the treasure.

Would you want to be involved?

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Horizon Zero Dawn

I am NOT a gamer on any media, though I have been watching some Youtube videos of Horizon Zero Dawn, #1 so far, and it is about the most visually appealing one I have seen. There is not a bunch of grunting guys and combat. :)

Last night I was looking at what it might cost to get setup, and the Ps4 is $400, a 48" TV is about $400 and the game is about $60. One of those goggle things is about $400. That is a lot for fritter ware. Would the goggle thing replace the TV?

Is it worth it getting into games or should I just go on a nice hike?



my mom's childhood had something in common with mine

So last night, my mom and I were talking about when she was a kid, and it occurred to me we had something in common. See, she's left-handed, and in those days, they tried to "fix" left-handed people by belittling them and physically punishing them. My mom was assumed to stubborn, stupid, mentally ill, or even just evil just because she was different from the norm. Gee, that sounds a LOT like what trans people go through ...

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Atalanta UpDate

First I want to thank all of you that asked when the this third installment of Atalanta was coming and apologize for its lateness. Portions have been written for over two years but there are/were several reasons for the delays. Logistics played a big part in the delay as Atalanta was being considered for canon at one point but after deliberation she was turned down and that's okay. 18 months ago my daddy passed away and that drained my creative urges for a time.

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yay - i think

I seem to be going from one thing to another at the moment, if the leg wasn't bad enough I've now got some inflammation in the face which is causing a degree of deafness!

Maybe one day i'll be back to reasonable health!

Anyhow, you don't want to hear to much about my woes, you want writing and so today you can get the next Gaby chapter, Invalid.

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A brighter future

There's been so much hate exhibited in the media recently that it was a pleasant surprise to read in today's New Zealand paper a respectful report on the unfortunate death of an early female to male transitioner . This reminded me that New Zealand was the first country to introduce votes for women and the first to have a woman who had transitioned as first a mayor and then as a member of parliament.

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My first anxiety attack

Andi twas unpleasant(a feeling of impending doom.. It nust be common, Endocrinologist has offer ed antianxiety meds.. And a lot of olks talk about it, Here Iam bedbound due to paralysis. If stress ia criteria Iv'e got Apparently Icant 'have female hormones any more due to the stroke risk. Any medical plan I have had has collapsed. I have finished my transition.

Ithink most peple know me here I dont want to join thrmemorandium list.I;m scared,

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mixed bag of emotions at my daughter's birthday party

Well, it was a mixed bag of emotions at my daughter's birthday last night. I was very happy to have some time with her, of course, and the food was good, but the conversation ?

Well, not so much.

See, my mom started talking about my brother going to college, and my sister in law going to university, and how successful they were and are, but when it came to mentioning me ... well, let's just say I have had less success in my life.

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Watch for computer attacks

I typically have at least one of three 1 TB usb drives plugged into my computer, and at night I generally just put it to sleep. This morning when I got up, I had no internet connection according to the message on my screen. My IP provider was able to help me badger my computer to work again but all IP addresses had to be re-entered manually.

This evening as I am watching a movie on youtube, I noticed file explorer open, but was able to shut that activity down. This after running malware bites this afternoon. Malware bites uncovered nothing.


I will have new glasses soon

I cant remember if I've mentioned it here, but I have been struggling for a while with needed new glasses, but its been a bear to get any traction on the issues. well, I finally managed to get things straightened out, and I should be getting a pair in the mail in about 2 weeks. Despite the fact that my errors made this take longer and be much more complicated than it had to be, I still want a adulting sticker, cause I persevered until it was done.

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Mystery of the Vanishing Story

So, those of you who follow my work, for which I am eternally grateful for, might notice a rather significant change has taken place with my postings in that my Prom Changes Everything series has had the entirety of the body of work removed. That's because...well...I have no clue how to actually delete the post itself until the BCTS gods and goddesses hear my pleas and are able to remove it for me. But I guess you want to know why it's been removed in the first place. Well, that's because I finally took the quite scary plunge of actually publishing this book on Amazon today.


Jane's Boy Press seeks poetry & nonfiction submissions for an LGBTIQ anthology

I saw just this Feb 22, 2017 request for articles/poetry dealing with LGBTIQ issues. Read their site for details & decide for yourself if this is worthy of your efforts. (I know nothing about this organization or their integrity)

"The collection is open to submissions from anyone having been subjected to or closely affected by conversion therapy as well as anyone who stands in opposition to the practice. To allow time for new submissions, we have additionally extended the deadline for the call to April 15th. "


Late Gaby

Sorry there was no Gaby Wednesday, I'm pretty much housebound atm and today is my first chance to get online and out this week.

Being ill sucks - being incapacitated when you've otherwise got a 100% clean bill of health sucks even more but them's the numbers on the dice!

So without further ado here is Chapter 30 of Book 14.

I may get on line Sunday but don't be alarmed if not.


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Universe Rules Updated

Doing some administration around SEE and associated works I realized that the Universe Rules were the same as when I first posted them ages ago.

Since the main tale is now complete, and many more facts have been published since I wrote the original rules, I have completely revised them. They now mostly describe things that are self-evident but will still provide a useful guide for anyone else attempting to write in that universe.

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dress codes that include high heels may be gone soon

I was reading the other day that a lot of places including the U.K. and Canada are looking into dress codes that force women to wear heels at work, as well as overly sexual outfits like short skirts. While this is a good thing, it sucks for those of us who are used to trans stories that feature a guy following the girl's dress code ...

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Just finished a conference by phone, and it was chaos. There has been a stabbing, shooting and murder-by-car at our Parliament, and many of the people I was talking to were in lockdown, literally. Everyone I know (including one member of the House of Lords) in the area is safe.

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Publishing Becoming Robin!

A few months ago, Piper approached me about publishing Becoming Robin. At first I was reluctant because I always said it would remain free, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could reach a much wider audience by actually having it published, so I did. :-P It's not 100% the original story in that chapter 1 uses my revision to make the introduction a little more subtle and, IMO, professional.

Bear in mind it was my first novel, so it needed some work, but the... Spirit... *ducks the rotten tomatoes* is the same.

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searching for a story

Hello everyone

i am looking for a story that i read a few years ago
i till remember the main character is moved a long way from home i think a relative like an aunt or sister is taking her in but the main part is that the character catches a baseball to avoid a little girl getting hit with it

thank you for your help

Carpe Diem

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My Brother the Bridesmaid (Children's book)

I just found a copy of this off ebay. It's a kids picture book (about third grade level) about a girl who tells how her twin brother wound up as a bridesmaid at their aunt's wedding. The kids were English, but the aunt lived in Australia. She never realized that 'Jo' was a boy and when she got married she asked the sister to be a bridesmaid. The family didn't realize that Jo was included in that invitation. In order to not ruin the wedding, Jo (who is about ten) is forced to play the girl during the ceremony (the aunt just thinks Jo is tomboyish, and never finds out the truth).

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Blind no more

Well,it is eight hours later, and I seem to have survived my cataract surgery. It was kind of interesting. The doctor has a sort of assembly line set up, with about eight people prepping and/or assisting. It was about an hour and a half of waiting and being prepped, and eventually I was one of the four on gurney's waiting to be wheeled in to the OR. The operation only took about 10 or 15 minutes, during which I could do nothing except "stare at the light" while he did his stuff.

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Interesting new feature on Amazon: Hide Sensitive Activity

So it just came across my twitter feed that "AMAZON IS HIDING LGBT BOOK REVIEWS!", and my knee-jerk reaction was of course, "WHAT?!"

But then I looked into it, and I think I get where Amazon is coming from on this issue. Namely: not everyone who reads LGBT fiction is "out and proud" nor do they want their Trump supporter anti-LGBT sister/cousin/parent/boss who knows their Amazon profile name, to know that they read/reviewed Tiffany and the Amazon Orgy (Just a made up name... I hope :P)

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Ricki Ortiz - TG Streetfighter Player

I'm not a computer gamer but this caught my eye.

I'm not sure about viewing it from outside the UK though.

She came out as Gay but she still didn't feel right.
The Gaming Fans seem to have accepter her very well which is a refreshing change,

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I'm challenging everyone....

I retired after a sextuple bypass surgery last May. I've been getting by on Social Security spoual survivor. Next month I begin MY Social Security. Needless to say my funds are tight.

However, Big Closet is important to me. So important I,m willing to tap into my personal IRA retirement funds to do so.

I sent $250 on 3/17. After Erin's plea I just decided to again send $250. I'm not bragging... I'm saying that Big Closet is that important to me... and I hope for you!

Please support BC!


personal update

Some of you may recall me mentioning a leg issue over the last few weeks, well it got worse at the weekend so today I availed myself of the services of the NHS.

You don't need the gritty but the long and short is that I have a venal blood clot in my thigh. It's a wonder it hasn't done for me with my riding over the last few weeks but the expert's seem to think the prognosis is reasonable.

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recovering from being sick

Well, my weekend did not go as planned, as I spent it bent over the toilet instead of being able to do stuff.

As a result, my attempts to publish my short story collection have been delayed, as have been my writing in general.

I'll post another update on the status of the story collection and when you guys might be able to expect more chapters of Mercy from me when I have more info to share, promise.

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Amadeus Irina ~ Part 20 -- Edits

Hi All,

Anam Chara made me aware of a few boo-boos I made out of my naivete on all things musical vocabulary. While I can certainly hang 'ballet speak' with the best of them, when it comes to orchestra positions and such, I am more than a novice.

I have made some edits, thanks to Anam, and hope I have it right now.

Forgive me for my ignorance and I hope you continue to enjoy the story anyway! :)



Why the bride is usually to the left of groom

I was going back through "Somewhere Else Entirely" and noticed Miss Penny Lane put the women to the left of the men in most instances. Obviously she either knows why or it was pure instinct.

"Garia was now always seated to Keren's left, just as every wife was always seated to the left of her husband."


Sorry I've missed a couple of Bikes

I've had an exhausting week work wise and haven't had the energy to do much at all in the evening not finishing until 8.00pm most nights - and I'm supposed to be semi-retired. Then last night I went to bed early and woke in the night for a wee and couldn't get back to sleep for ages. consequently sleeping in this morning. However, I woke feeling much better and resolved to have the morning doing something I enjoy instead of slaving over a hot text book. I went to check the barn owl roost I know and found some more pellets.

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Lady Love: A New Superheroine In The Making?

Like it often seems to happen with me, I woke up with an idea from my crazy muse who decided I should be awake, not sleeping. LOL

A young man discovers in his early teens that he should have been a girl, but being from the bayous of Louisiana, life doesn't come easy. His parents were always ready for a party, and like they had many times before, they joined several friends on an old and not very well kept twenty foot long speed boat. A really nasty storm raged through the area they were in and the boat went down with all lives lost.

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A very big "Thank you"

I just wanted to publicly thank Crazy Pagan Gurl for her help in editing my short story collection.

If I can, this weekend I'm going to try and submit it to Kindle, and I'll let everybody know when it's up.

Of course, doing this also means 26 of my shorts will be taken down from this site, but don't think I don't appreciate all the comments and kudos those stories have received here.

No matter how successful this little experiment is, I will always be grateful for this place, and I'm not done contributing just yet.

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sexual assault survivor slams anti-trans group for co-opting her story

“I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others...”

On March 5th of this year Kelly Herron was assaulted in a park bathroom in Washington state and badly beaten as she fought off her would be rapist and captured him for the police.

Weeks later a friend called her and told her that a group (Just Want Privacy) trying to pass another one of these anti-trans bathroom bills in her state was using photographs of her battered face as proof of what allowing trans people use the "wrong" bathroom would lead to. The group hadn't asked her, and she was really really pissed off at being used by them to promote a bill that she is 100% against and has nothing to do with her being attacked by a cis male rapist.

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The week that was

So - parcel fetched - it was a dig report from something I worked on for 6 years in the late '90's - only took the authors nearly 20 years to finish writing it up!

Fairly relaxing trip to Manchester Tuesday and finally today took delivery of the new passport, I can escape this madland now! hurrah!

And whilst waiting for the passport delivery I managed to write most of another Gaby chapter.

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I must apologize to all my readers for letting so much fall by the wayside. With the new pacemaker implanted at Christmas, and the subsequent hack to my account (If you only knew how sorry I am that such a horrendous thing happened to you, 'Dox... *weep*), I haven't been able (or really willing) to post much. Now that I am health(ier), and have a new computer and tighter security measures in place, both on my laptop and on BC in general (Thanks, Pipe, Seph, and Erin! *kiss*), I am in a position once again to write.

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advice, please

I was having a conversation with Efdumb the other day, and he suggested I might want to put some of my stories into a collection for sale on Kindle.

Its a good idea, but I am stuck on what stories I would pick. I mean, it would probably take 10 stories to make up a decent sized book, and my stories don't tend to be connected to each other directly, so how would I select the stories?

Any ideas, anybody?

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Another try at tabletopping at the BCTS chat

Hi people,

after one of our friends and D&D group members went missing in action, we want to try to revive D&D roleplaying at the Dungeon (just left of the Mainroom ;) ) at fridays.

So, whoever is interested in some fun with friends and some intense gaming sessions should join us in the mainroom or dungeon on Friday at 23:00 GMT. Interesting characters are welcome. After all we we have our own quirks too ;)

If you have any information on the whereabouts or fate of our beloved friend Doc, please PM me, Stardraigh, Rasufelle or Arwen's Tears.



The online seriel "WORM"

A few weeks ago... or so, someone pointed me via a blog entry, to this online seriel "Worm."

Whoever this was, I have alternately thanked and cursed you. The story is VERY well written and it's also VERY graphic, pulling no punches when it comes to violence. It's compelling and seemingly never-ending. I've read myself into a stupor, trying to reach an end that never seems to come, and yet... I cannot stop reading this damned story!

I'll include a url to access the story, but if you're not a superhero story fan, you'll probably not enjoy it very much. It's also not TG.


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Status Update

Ok so I thought I'd give everyone a quick status update on the whole "Tree Fiasco" from last week.

The tree is no longer on my roof, having been removed by my neighbor. He was also nice enough to put a tarp up there, over the hole. So at least I don't have to worry about doing that myself and definitely don't have to worry about paying a professional to take care of the tree. He said he'd fully do that.

The real problem now is all the damage.

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Time waits for no woman......

For those in the United States, don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. At 2:00 AM most of us go on Daylight Savings Time - unless of course you live in one of the odd (not a slur, just different from the majority) areas that does not make the change.

So remember, at 2:00 AM it's really 3:00 AM - for those of us who can't sleep, we get to spend one less hour staring at the ceiling over the bed, listening to soft music, and praying that our demons remain at rest for one more night.



Apologies & New Ideas

First of all, I'd like to apologize for not updating several of my older stories recently like Home Is Where The Heart Is, No Place To Call Home, Upside Down, Inside Out, Step By Step, Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow and Stumbles Of Love. I went through a two week period where I wrote absolutely nothing, then when I did start writing again a few days ago, it was a brand new story.

It's even worse at the moment, I started a new story two days ago, took a break yesterday, and now I'm starting another new one. LOL

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surviving dysphoria

f you guys don't mind, I wanna talk about dysphoria for a bit.

Now, it's not a subject I tackle often, partially because I'm not sure how to convey the feeling to someone who has never had it, and partially because I'm not an expert on the subject in any sense other than my own experiences.

That said, as I had a really bad day with dysphoria yesterday, it is worth attempting to give some ideas on it.

My dysphoria tends to come in cycles. Not surprising, since everything else in my life seems to come in cycles too.
Sometimes, it's only a mild irritation.

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Lil Abner

After reading Erin's story and the comments my thoughts centered on the musical Lil Abner.

The lyrics to one of the songs are as poignant today as they were sixty years ago.

The Country's in the Very Best of Hands
– Li'l Abner and Marryin' Sam

Them city folks and we-uns
Are pretty much alike
Though they ain't used to living in the sticks
We don't like stone or cement
But we is in agreement
When we get started talking politics


Idea! lets have a chat with Rohanna and Kyley!

Here it is a rather simple Idea!

You my more than rabid readers, you ask questions here just like you are chatting to either Rohanna, the Pixies and group or Kyley and her group?

Just remember to 'say' who you are chatting with to keep all of us on the same page?

I will try to answer as best I can, without killing story plots or ideas?

SO let the fun begin!

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Reminded of a hot summer day

Bailey Summers' newest chapter of Jem got me thinking of a moment when I was a teenager.

A couple of girls who had become part of an unofficial D & D group with me were at one of their houses and we were just goofing around, and then the girls decided it was too hot and since they didn't have bathing suits handy, they simply stripped to their underwear. Despite feeling a touch self-conscious about my body, somehow I got talked into doing the same.

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that there wasn't an update/posting on Sunday - family day and no internet!

But here's the chapter that should have been posted - Planning for Mischief.

I was hoping to have the next chunk of book 19 ready for the weekend but a meeting Monday and a wayward muse yesterday have both impacted the time line so Part 2 could be out Sunday or it might be next Wednesday.

Well I think that's everything


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