Bailey Summers

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Happy Birthday Bailey! *spanks then hugs*


Peaches, icecream, chcolate cake?

BarbieLee's picture

Birthdays are important in so many ways. Milestones in who we are and what we represent as each year of our life passes behind us. At thirteen we hit the teen years. At fourteen we got our first driver's license. At sixteen we could "legally" drive the cars, trucks. At twenty one we could vote and legally buy alcohol and were considered an adult for all the things we did, good and bad.

Miss Summers, I wish you a Happy Birthday, a prosperous, happy life ahead, many happy memories. Many blessings for all the joy and time out of life you bring to all with your stories.

Never look back and say, I wish I had. Instead let it be,
"Damn, what a ride that was!"
"What does she do?"
"You'd never believe me if I told you."
Hugs Sweety

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Happy Birthday Bailey

Unless you live with your parents to make sure they are okay which is near me and have a 9 year old daughter, because then I would have already told you happy birthday

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Too many Birthdays

At my age the only thing worse than having more birthdays is not having more birthdays.


Happy Birthday

If there's one person I would love to sit and drink a bottle of wine with, it's Bailey.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Feliz Cumpleanos

waif's picture

Happy birthday and thank you for letting us know, Alecia.'


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.