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Blog About: 

Thanks to my guardian angel Andrea Lena the second chapter of 'Andi and Allie' will be posted today. The third will be upcoming hopefully this Sunday. I could not do this without Drea's amazing assistance and very patient effort. It seems that anything beyond an e-mail and such out paces my puter abilities. In an off handed compliment the big oxen of an Irishman I happen to keep company with simply states that puters are NOT a 'bab's' thing. I'm not sure whether I should feel warm and fuzzy or I should smack him. Such decisions! :-) Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the tale as it unfolds.

May We All Know Only Peace...

Kelly, daughter of the Fierce Warrior



A Dose of History

Historically, women programmed computers. There are numerous articles on how men -- once they saw the job market and money -- shoved women aside. There was also a social move away from sweaty blue-collar to white-collar jobs, and the male question of what to do with "less than macho" boys -- hey! They can be programmers! Here are just two of the articles (the first from the Smithsonian, should he think it's biased); read them and let the oxen know the truth ...

Computer Programming Used to Be Women's Work

How "Computer Geeks" replaced "Computer Girls"
