TopShelf Blogs

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Good service at church today

Had a nice service at church today. Not only did we talk about Jesus as a young boy at the temple, but after the service, we had a lecture/discussion on the subject of "repairative therapy" - sometimes called 'conversion therapy" or "pray away the gay".

As it consists of little more than physical or psychological torture to try and "fix" people like me, and does much more harm than good, we are trying to start the process to get the Alberta government declare it illegal for people under 18 at the very least.

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Please HELP

According to Erin’s numbers about 8,000 unique visitors a day read at least one story on BC.

I’m going to assume that many, many BC users are frequent users and will guess that about 25,000 people read five to ten stories a month.

Those 25,000 readers are enjoying an immense service. About 1-3% of those are authors who also have the satisfaction of a great place to post their fiction.

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Shared tragedy

There are many on this site that have experienced tragedies too horrific to comprehend. Some have managed to, somehow, find balance and deal with these hideous, monstrous demons, some have not. I have shared some of my childhood tragedies with a few close friends- people that have been through, or are currently going through- similar circumstances. PTSD is a ROYAL BITCH, and sometimes, we all need a shoulder to cry on, a gentle hug, an understanding heart, and a listening ear. I would like to be that person, and give back to a site that in the last three months has given me so much.


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Hi all,

There used to be hardware and software, then came along firmware and the rest.

My favourite in those days (yes, back in the last Millenium !!!) was what was called 'Vapourware' - defined as something promised but never actually delivered.

Which is where I hang my head in shame and talk about the next Julina episode.

I see from my notes that the first words for this episode were actually written back in 2015.

(As a further illustration, I have already penned stuff for episode #80.)

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Questions about gym in highschool

Ok so in a lot of stories on this site gym in highschool is depicted as something totally alien to me, so I'm kinda curious if this is really how things are in America. Of course I realize America is kinda big and so different state, and probably different counties will have different ways to organise highschool gym so let's break this down in sections.

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Memories & The Results Of Remembering ----> Possible Triggers

I woke up about three hours ago, needing to use the washroom, fairly normal for me, as I have a weak bladder.

What isn't normal is what happened when I tried to go back to sleep.

To put it bluntly, I started remembering things that happened when I was a child, specifically things that occurred during the eight years of my being adopted. The memories wouldn't stop, and I came very close to having a full-blown panic attack while crying for nearly two hours.

To put the whole thing into a proper semblance of order, I need to describe my memories of my childhood.

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One of my old writings.

In between writing chapters right now I was rereading some of my old stuff, and thought this would be worth sharing here. This was one, that a few years ago that earned me speaking to several different support groups in my immediate area. While I wasn't writing fiction back then, I was more of an emotional writer. When I would end up with an emotional high, either good or bad, I would usually write everything out to get it off my chest. 95% of the time when I would write it all out it would end up deleted since writing it out did what I needed it to do.

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Fascinating Article on Teen Social Media

A few days ago, Lilly85 posted about the struggles (we all have) with authentic dialogue for younger characters. I just found a Washington Post article (link below) and while it won't help with directly with writing dialogue, it is a very illuminating look at how a 13-year-old girl lives in the social media world. For those of us who write about characters in their teens, the article (and the linked ones that follow the article) is helpful to add realistic touches of social media ... although the apps and websites used now might be obsolete in six months!

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Engaging my brain before speaking

I had one of those DoH moments where I felt very mean My son was returning me to bed at the end of a day with mt two year old grand baby watching he took off my wig to. My mouth led my brain as I said Ow!Uncle Jim just ripped my hair off Her eyes got real big and she ran out of the room he chased her down an showed her my hair wasn't real.I was feeling very small right then, lesson learned. Posted on FB yesterday.

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Call It Kharma or Lucky Charm

It has become increasingly apparent that there is direct correlation between when I send money to Hatbox and good things happening to me.

I don't own a rabbit's foot. Although there are several bunnies in our backyard, they're intact with all four paws.

There are probably some four leaf clovers in my yard, but they would be under a foot of snow and not functional.

I don't have any special amulets or lucky charms.

It seems that my good luck is created by the kharma that accompanies a donation to Hatbox.

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story shout - out

I am always reluctant to give a shout out to a particular story here. Not because there aren't fantastic stories being made, but the reverse - pointing to one story feels like not being fair to all the others being offered here.

That said, I hope you don't mind if I say I am really enjoying a story called "Prom changed Everything." Mostly because I can really identify with the main character who is struggling with her feminine side at the same time as she tries to recover from PTSD.

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In dire need of a proof reader!

I really don't want to sound needy or pitiful, but I truly need a proof reader. I am a novice writer, retired and in my mid sixties. So, now have some time to write the type of fiction that I loved to read for most of my life. Although years of writing clinical notes has killed most my grammar skills, that I am just not starting to remember. So if you have time and patience to work with and old novice please let me know.

Warm Hearted

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Need some Advice.

So for those of you who have read any my fiction on here, you'd know that I have a very unique writing style. Lately I've been working on my story Time to Fly. I've been able to get a bit done each writing session I do but looking back on what I'm writing I've come to realize that I'm not writing the dialouge between characters to suit the ages of the respective characters. Now if all the characters were Adults I wouldn't be making this post. In fact the story revolves around a group of 5 year olds that take the main character under their wing and help them adjust.

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Comment request

I hope this post isn't violating some kind of site rule, but I need to make my fans and readers aware of something I think is quite critical.

When you read my blog(s) and/or stories, please either comment or PM me your thoughts. Some of you may not realize this, but I really DO READ your comments, and rely on them to gauge whether my writing is being well received, what points need to be addressed and/or expanded upon, and to glean further ideas. Your comments have helped- and continue to help- me develop into a better writer, and, in a way, help encourage me to continue.

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An End to My Hiatus - New Story Teasers

OK, I've been too lazy for too long. I'm bored to tears, and want to touch base with my friends, fans, and dear, devoted readers. here's a glimpse into what I've been working on:

First, Smoky Corners. I plan to, EVENTUALLY, finish "Third Time's A Charm". Unfortunately, though, my muse for all things SC has fled to parts unknown, and I'm having significant trouble finding her again. when I do, I will post updates.

Second, I'm working on THREE new stories. One involves a new concept and possibly a new universe. The other two will be SOLO stories.

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a writing challenge

I thought I would throw out a challenge to the authors here:

We have a lot of stories about little kids transitioning, some teenagers, and a few who are college age.

But we don't really have a lot of stories about older transitioners

Anybody wanna take a stab at writing a story about someone transitioning at 40, 50, or beyond?

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Old West era story

I have trying to find a story that I read some time ago. The story starts out in either New York or Boston and the main character is a young man who sees an add for mail order brides and decided to try to trick the company with the help of a brothel of ladies who disguise him. On the train to his destination he meets an old lady and an orphan boy and is slowly changing into a girl but doesn't seem to realize she is female until she meets her husband and saves the boy from a hard life with the family who are only wanting him to do the work on the farm.


like love tabs

I sometimes do not know if I should push the like or love tab on a blog. usually it is easy, but when the blog says something bad is happening to them it is hard to decide if I should push the tab. I want to push the tab to show that I like hearing from them and that I support them but if the blog says that they are having health problems then pushing the like or love tab feels like I am glad they have problems which is not what I want to convey at all.


"Doctor" claims Trans people are just autistic

Yesterday, my local paper had an article about a "doctor" who thinks trans people are just autistic with a "fixation" on opposite gender stuff.

I'm 100 % sure the anti-trans people - especially the "Christians" will latch on to this guy so that's gonna be fun ...

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Reading comprehension is apparently one of my failings

On the dreaded facebook, I have just stirred up a shitstorm.

I think I will coin a new word - Megativity. That means mega amounts of negativity.

Here is what happened:

Someone (a well-known singer) posted a reference to a controlled woman who went out and 'enjoyed' herself when the controlling husband died.

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12 words of wisdom

The things I've learned, from the people that matter most:

1) "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

2) "Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins."

3) "A fool's name, like a fool's face, is always found in a public place."

4) "It's better to remain silent- and let the world think that you're an idiot- than to open your mouth and prove them right."

5) "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all."


More Health Problems

Just a quick note. I had some facial eruptions on Monday last (9th) which I thought were due to a resident Staph. infection I have. This has gotten progressively worse during the week, though curiously limited in extent. I was given antibiotics which didn't seem to help.

After severe pain early this morning I went and saw an emergency doctor with a completely different result.

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After having watched one of my favorite anime series yet again (I My Me! Strawberry Eggs), I can really feel for Hibiki Amawa-sensei.

I have a lot of sadness within me, and maybe a little too much bitterness that I need to deal with. I think, at times, we all have the ability to become bitter and calloused, if we allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity and doubt. Well, I'm tired of just wallowing. Thanks to the person (you know who you are) that pointed out what I could not see- that I had begun to let the bitterness consume me. I don't want to become THAT person.

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looking for old story

I am looking for a serial story. It revolves around a teenage male whom is the assistant director in a small community theater. As AD he knew all the parts of the show. when the leading lady gets sick he is asked to cross dress and fill in on opening night. This involves wearing her costumes and breast forms. the forms and adhesive were purchased and after much complaining they were glued to his chest. The show was a success, and afterwards when the breast forms are going to be removed the costumer discovered they had been sent permanent adhesive instead of temporary.

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My doctor's appointment went well

Well, I am home from my Doctor's appointment, and it went better than I could have hoped. The occasional pains are minor muscle issues, and nothing to worry about. Plus, the doctor was very gentle and told me everything she was gonna do before she did it, and between that and using my grounding, I didn't have nearly the trouble I was expecting.

So yay!

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Going off grid

Due to my ongoing health issues, I've decided to take a short break and go "off grid". What this basically means is that I WILL be on site, but WILL NOT be responding to questions, comments, or messages until Sunday afternoon, Jan. 15. I apologize to all my friends, readers, and fans, but I really need this time for personal reflection and healing. Those few people in what I consider my "inner circle" know who they are (I hope), and know how to (and when to) contact me, if needed. I love you all, and will be back soon.

Haylee V


On being me

I am Veronica Haylee McSwain.

I am 47, and a transsexual.

I did not choose this role in life, yet I cannot shy away from it either.

I hurt. Often. And it's not a physical pain, but a pain of indifference, intolerance, and bigotry.

I do not want, nor do I have the unyielding need for, your acceptance.

I do, however, require your respect. Not because of WHAT I am, but rather because of WHO I am- a fellow human being.


My prizes for the Christmas Contest

After due delibaration and contemplation, I have come to a decision.

Cue drum roll....

First Prize goes to
• Lost and Found by Julie D. Cole

Second Prize goes to
• Ghost Gift by Dorothy Colleen

Both of these are IMHO right on the nail when it comes to 'The Spirit of Giving'.

The money will be on its way tomorrow according to the wishes of the authors.


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true story

True story. When I was in elementary, I went to the principal and asked to be promoted to the next grade. Trying to give a reason why I shouldn't, the principal gave me a test equal to what that grade would get. I passed it. Then he gave me a test for the next grade. I passed it. Finally, he gave me a test given to university students, and I failed. When I realized they weren't going to let me skip a grade, I bawled like a baby, saying I had been trying to catch up to my brother, who was 2 1/2 years older than I was.

40 something years later, i still haven't caught up to him.

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Playing her way 2 - delay

For those wondering what has happened to "Playing her way 2", the answer is i'm busy writing.

Those of you following the story will realise the is a meeting between Emily and her aunt/uncle that is missing. I am writing this meeting as a flashback that happens after the guests have left on Christmas day.

I have the Christmas day chapters written, but I'm holding off posting these until I have the flashback sorted, so that I can fix details in the Christmas day chapters if I start to contridict myself. I don't want to write myself into a corner.

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It's Wednesday

and its Gaby time!

fresh from a breezy (there's a 40-50kph north westerly blowing) Yorkshire there's new Gaby, Sobering Thoughts finds the Apollinaris party in Hiroshima.

That's today, on Sunday you can expect part three of the latest book to be available through the usual channels - more excitement and angst than you can shake a stick at!

That's it for now


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Lawsuit Coming up

I am going to need a programmer to take apart a web site for all the data it contains. Unless of course they don't really have my novel and are only a scam site. I didn't sign in to see if the novel is really there. If they are pulling stories off of BCTS I'm betting a lot of other authors have stolen stories too.


It occurred to me

As I was writing some Gaby yesterday (6 new chapters in 4 days writing!) that a lot of readers, especially newer arrivals here may be unaware of something important.

What I hear you ask? Well back in the distant past the Gaby series had a few very active fans, several of which went as far as writing fan fiction, the bulk of which can be found on the GMS (Gaby Mini Site) pages of

So a couple of things - firstly, would people be interested in reading some of those tales here at BC? Secondly, have any of the authors got any issues with them being posted here?

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A Bad Case of Writer's Block Isn't Always a Dirth of Creativity

I know I've never been the most cherished author here, but this has always been the place I felt most comfortable sharing my creativity. I love writing, and I love stories, both reading them and sharing them, and for much of the last 10 years BC has been THE place I did so.

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40 yr drouth in TG care in Okla

It has been a long time since I have read about any TG care in Oklahoma. Don't get me wrong, there have been meetings and support groups which seemed to wax and wain. The first TG Care opened in the Baptist Medical Clinic in the late sixties. They lasted approximately three years before they were shut down by outside influence. in the void, I've meet doctors who will see TG for an astronomically high price each visit ($300/visit). They want to see the patient once a month.


Someone made my day today

I'm having a WONDERFUL day today, mentally. I was reading my site messages, and some (to protect her privacy) nameless individual actually asked for my opinion and advice on a story she's currently writing. i can't possibly even begin to express how empowered that made me feel!!! I just hope I was up to the task, and provided her with some information that will, ultimately benefit her. She really is a talented author, and I KNOW, without a doubt, that she will do well on this site. Thank you for putting your trust in me and my opinions. I hope I didn't disappoint you...



OK, so it's not Trans, or Smoky Corners, but here's something I wrote a few years ago. Enjoy.

"Requiem For the Deranged Poet"

(c) 2006

With neither rhyme nor reason
I cater to the call
And thrust my mighty ink-stained pen
Upon the parchment wall.

I dabble in the darkness vexed
And whittle words once wise
And quote the thoughts that I've annexed
Amid my mind's demise.

I can't remember things forgot
When I was but a lad
When jumbled thoughts ran cold and hot
Zounds! I've gone quite mad!!


Attention Smoky Corners Contributors


OK, so I now have two contributing authors writing stories for Smoky Corners. I consider crazypagangurl and Leila friends, and accomplished authors in their own rights, and am DEEPLY HONORED both chose to write such marvelous works that add depth to the universe I designed.

That being said, I must address something that will prove crucial to the survival of the Smoky Corners universe:


An obligation......

After dinner this evening, I sat with my oldest son and watched the end of the movie Platoon. One of the final lines of the movie that Charlie Sheen gives through a voice over as he is medivac'd out has always stuck with me. "Those of us that did make it have an obligation to rebuild - to try and find some goodness out of what we survived."

That could be applied to most of us in one way or another. We are all survivors in our own way, and we all have an obligation to make the world better - not just for ourselves, but for our children and for those who will follow after us.

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I'm Back

First, a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone for all the well wishes. I felt each of your prayers and am so thankful that you each took time out of your busy schedules to think of me. I missed you all and love my brothers and sisters (and others) on the site.

Second, there's going to be a moratorium on my posts for a few days. I'm working on QUITE A FEW new projects, and I'll post them soon.

Third, everything's going good with the new pacer, so no worries.


Cerulean Sins Anita Blake book 11 by Laurel K Hamilton.

Does anyone happen to have the audiobook for this, because it has been discontinued by the publisher and I am having a hard time finding it. I started to listen to what I have when I realized how much is missing and its driving me crazy, that I also can't find it online. Thanks.

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"Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best?"

On Thursday evening (BBC2 9pm) a programme will be aired in the UK that will appeal to transphobes across the planet. Discredited Dr Kenneth Zucker is quoted as an expert concerning young (pre-teen & teen) transgendered children. One suggestion is:
“A four-year-old might say he wants to be a dog. But do you go out and buy him dog food?”

Mermaids is said to be very concerned and were not asked to participate in the programme.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Name change

Due to several members of my spouse's family creeping around the internet and trying to find things to use against me, including anything I have posted on this website, I asked for my posts to be un-published. I have also changed my name in order to hopefully put a firebreak in any trail they have been following.

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So... I started to understand PTSD and Panic Attack...

I am out of my mind to invent new excuses to not call and to not visit my parents... And now I had a moment of clarity... Thought of visiting my parents is causing me to have mild case of panick attack... And so I try to overcome it and visit my parents in that season of love and understanding....and just a thought of it causes me to have a panic attack...



Read it and Weep

It reads just like an autobiography. Is it fiction, or was it Real Life™? All I know is, it is my story—the one I would write for myself, if only I could. Since I never had even the ghost of a prayer of creating such a life for real, it has to remain my wish fulfillment story. More than any other story I have ever heard or seen, so far, that is what it is. My wish-fulfillment story. All I can do is read it…and weep…

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Someone (Thanks, Terry!) pointed out that some of my stories need a caution. I added it to those that I could remember needing it.

My apologies to anyone that I inadvertently triggered. Please forgive me. I don't want to hurt anyone.

If anyone sees any other stories of mine that need a caution, please let me know. I'll handle it as soon as possible.

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im... shaken... and very well stirred.

First off. My last parent, my dad, is going in soon for surgery to have a tumor removed from his spine. Btw soon in Manitoba medical is NOT a good thing. It means they think it is serious.. He was told he has a 10% chance to walk again after surgery. For a man that hasn't sat still for very long unless sleeping this is not good news.

I refuse to cry.

Second there is many "experts" out there saying that you should only let your car warm up 30secs then drive it.


And Sometimes I Think of Holly

Ok here's the first 3 chapters. It's not scifi, so it may very well not be your cup of tea. And if it isn't or it's just plain awful just say so. I won't take it personally.

- Krunch

I don't know how you're supposed to ask a stranger to commit at least a year of their life to helping you write a novel, for free. That's how I did it. I don't know if this is a good way to go about it, all I can say is this is how I asked Holly Hart, and for some reason she said yes.

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Hi to all the old readers of my stories, namely The girl inside the boy and Carla's Journey, I haven't done any writing for quite a while because life become very busy once you have fully transitioned, I have been post op now for four years and have never looked back. But of course there are always some family members that will never recognise your change, it is their problem not yours. I may in the future do some more writing and being seventy one years of age with a bit of a heart problem I am happy to just read some of the stories published on Big Closet.

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SmallScale DDoS

This is just an FYI. We have detected, and are currently mitigating, a small scale DDoS attack against one of our VPS host nodes. Because this VPS host currently hosts assets for YourBigCloset it could possibly affect the performance of BigCloset as we host some of our VideoAds from YourBigCloset. This is just an FYI and we don't know if it has any relation to Bigcloset.

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SEE Commentaries #15 to #18

Author's Commentary on Somewhere Else Entirely: Chapters 15 to 18

I'm now into the meat of the story (or so I innocently believed, anyway) and I am working my way through the preliminaries before the essential action takes place - the as yet completely undetermined journey to the north, which will resolve everything.

Well, it did and it didn't, but that is for another commentary. For now, Garia is still establishing her place in the palace structure.

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Possible delay in awarding my Christmas comp prizes

Just a heads up to say that there might be a delay in the awarding of my extra prizes winners for the Christmas Competition.
My 94 years old Mother was admitted to Hospital last night. The Doctors don't really know what is wrong with her at the moment.

I've read every entry at least once and was in the process of producing a shortlist when this happened.


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and the results are

X-Ray results today.

pneumonia in the bottom of my left lung.
scarring in the top of my lungs.

and the most troublesome

a thickening of the pleural.
this is the membrane that surrounds your lungs, the thickening adds a restriction to inhaling.
1) asthma, a difficulty exhaling
2) emphysema a difficulty exhaling
both are forms of COPD
3) thickening pleural causing difficulty inhaling.
the beginning of CRPD
Chronic Restrictive Lung Disorder.

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Bloody Dormouse forms

I have spent hours this evening trying to complete my returns to maintain my licence to tickle dormice. At the end the other computer rejected them twice. As this is a priority for me, I shall have to keep trying at this when I have time so Bike is on hold until I get it right. Thanks for your patience, I'm sure you'll enjoy the next twist in Cathy's story when I get round to writing it.


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.....And this week

we get more of the girls adventures in Nippon.

In Shindo we get a lot more racing and a hatch is plotted for later in the week.

Like all royalty, I'm feeling a bit under the weather this week, a trip to Nottingham intended to lift spirits didn't do much other than get me out of the house and writing is stalled as I can't concentrate for more than a couple of minutes. Oh well, it'll all come out in the wash.

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