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it seems storysite is down i was rereading a story and went to refresh the page and its down link to what i was reading is included
Transient DNS issue.
This is an issue that pops up from time to time and the best I can tell you is if you dump your cache, reboot your router, etc, it should come back.
The problem is there are 5 NS servers listed for StorySite, (I control 2 of them), and 3 of them don't actually exist or at least no longer announce for StorySite.Org.
We've been unable to get a hold of Crystal, and so we can't fix it. So sometimes you get a no response or possibly a bad address from a rogue server, but the site is up and running on our servers, your computer is just having issues finding it.
thank you
thank you for that info and imma try the link in a dif browser see if that works
Is one of the DNS servers Comcast?
Address: 2001:558:feed::1
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to timed-out
I was just on the site using the portal that's listed at the home page and had no problem.
But I did see a problem with the link as I looked for Texasgal finding no such author. I don't know why if the writer was under a different handle but it's safe to say the site works.
TexasGal is the story name.
Crystal (C. Sprite) was the author (and site owner).
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