So easy
To give in
To hate.
In letting
Anger rule me
Against all men.
Most of my abusers/bullies
Were born
Of this gender.
And yet
Tomorrow is
Father's Day.
As I honour
My opa* and dad.
Two men
Who's love
Have helped me.
And shoulders
I have cried
Willing to do
Almost anything
To protect me.
Whose deaths
Have marked
Transitional moments
In my life.
In becoming
Who I am
As a woman
And a person.
© 2017 Therisa Godwaldt
Author's note: *Opa is Dutch/German, for grandpa.
Author's note
My opa died on my 14th birthday, marking the end of childhood. The dad's death started the incubation period, which I will realize, I am transgender, on the 7th anniversary of his death.