The Last of the Fey

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It is really a very well designed and scripted story. The author stood out in individuality of content and fresh approach to well traveled story ideas. I loved the story and wish I had a chance to get to know the author. In her memory I'll send a donation to BCTS since I don't do Kindle or any electronic books. For those who do electronic readers, I don't think anyone will be disappointed with this beautiful tale.

The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask Now on Kindle

Erin, thank you and all the ladies who have made my life more interesting and enjoyable by your efforts. To all the authors who would have not had a chance to be read except for the efforts of the ladies of BCTS, thank you also.

Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously



erin's picture

We're planning a paperback edition eventually. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thank you Erin

WillowD's picture

This is one of my go-to novels that I re-read when I'm not in the mood for something new. I am so glad that it is available for new readers again.

Last of the Fey

I purchased this book when it was first on Amazon. It is a very good book and well worth purchasing. I really enjoyed reading the book and have reread it several times. I do wish that the sequel that was mentioned at the end of the book had been written or published. Thank you for bring this story back where more can enjoy it.

Second o n Thank you

I will also say thank you to the team who keep BCTS up and running for our reading pleasure

I have to add my thoughts to Barbie's and others.

The Last Of The Fey was a wonderfully well written, enjoyable read and I lament that Denise was taken from us so soon. She was such a fresh voice and talented author. She even emailed the book to me when I told her I couldn't afford to buy it.

RIP Denise. You gave us the very rarest gifts of all. Your talent, your heart and your generosity will not ever be forgotten.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Last of the Fey - a sequel???

Okay folks, I've seen several comments that note the individual reading would like to see a sequel or they state there is some indication there was to be a sequel. I don't remember seeing anything in the original material that suggested that. If someone has a sequel title, could they let me know so I can search the hard drive for it? Don't expect anything quickly as I have a lot of my own work to do and, most of the time, Denise kept her chapters as separate files. When she combined them it was usually as a pdf file so............. who knows. with a book name for which I can search then it is a lot easier to find the separate chapters.



I found this on Kindle not here!

Aine Sabine's picture

I just found this on Kindle. I'm sorry to hear the author is no longer with us. I was hoping for a sequel! I wish I had known her when she was still with us.

