I realized that the title I chose for my most recent series is especially apt. The working title was the horrible Alison Hangs. I changed the main character's name to Rachael from Alison, since I had used the latter name in River, and didn't want people thinking it was the same person. And as a working title it had no chance of becoming the actual title, since the suicide is only the trigger for the rest of the story.
The story had been written as one long file, and I never realized how dark the initial chapter was. Once I posted it, a lot of people judged it to be a dark story, and anyone who has read on has found that it is anything but (I don't do dark well, it isn't in my nature). So it is apt that I called the story A Second Chance (thinking of the man who becomes a girl and gets another chance at life, with only the proviso that he do it better than the original girl). But I have noticed that many of my current readers also gave me a second chance and read on, in spite of the dark beginning.
And if I can get busy and stop mucking around in the blogs, I will get a sixth chapter (a new one) out tomorrow or the next day, at latest.