It has been so long since I've written anything in my Goddess series that now that I feel like writing again I can't remember my continuity. The laptop I used to write my first 4 stories crashed some time ago so my character outlines are gone.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I guess it's time to reread everything and start taking notes. :)
You"re not the only one to have lost data
I had one laptop destroyed when I was overseas (rocket attack), and another one stolen by a LN.
I use an off site service to save my current work, and have nightly backups to a local USB drive. this way I have at least two copies, one of which should be working.
On the plus side
They're really great stories, and you should enjoy them greatly!!! :)
May the muse inspire StepB to continue writing what I think is one of the best series of books I have read in recent years.
Hmm. Perhaps the next time I re-read this series I could do it in front of a computer and write notes on the characters and geography. I would certainly love to see more books in this series. I have often suspected that when Harley stripped Kaley of her memories of the supernatural encounter that Kaley just pretended that her memories were erased. I would love to find out what Kaley's up to in future books.
I could give you a break down
I could give you a break down if I have time. I've pretty much read the entire story group about 15 times and actually rereading Shades right now