I had a major accomplishment today.
I was able to go to my bank and get a direct deposit form filled out and a printout of my account history for the last three months, - both of which I need for my application for emergency assistance.
Why is that a major accomplishment?
Because for the three days prior to today, I have been planning to do this, only to be foiled by massive levels of anxiety.
So despite still having that anxiety today, the fact I was able to get this done is a major thing.
Big steps!
Hang in there! I know each step is a big one.
I am so happy for you, it takes real strength to do what need to be done when you are having anxiety.
Getting over anxiety
The best way of getting over anxiety is to do what it is you are anxious about. The old "face your fears" head on idea. People seem to think that those who can do brave things aren't afraid. The truth is that they are just as afraid as the coward, but they do what needs to be done anyway. You did a brave thing. That make you a kind of hero, if only to yourself.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
You're Doing Great
Forty years ago I was a young parent with a horrible job and a lot of worries.
I started having anxiety attacks.
I couldn't put into words then what was happening to me.
Then I found a series of books by Doctor Claire Weekes.
She taught me that my "anxiety" was really a normal burst of adrenaline followed by a natural "flight or fight" reaction which caused more adrenaline to flow, which caused more more "flight or fight" etc. etc. until my nerve endings were rubbed raw and each burst of adrenaline seemed to be an electrical shock.
Once I knew what it was that was happening in my body, I used her mantra:
1.) Face
2.) Accept
3.) Float
4.) Let time pass.
Face - when you're hit with a panic attack you need to self-acknowledge what is happening. I can vividly recall saying, "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh. What's happening?????? Why is this happening to ME????? Am I having nervous breakdown????!!!!
NO!!!!!. My body just saw a natural need to supply me with adrenaline. Because I'd had too much adrenaline in my body lately, my nerves over-reacted to it.
Accept - This is the hardest step. You need to believe. Accept what is happening as natural and not something horribly wrong.
Float - This is the part I loved. I would close my eyes and picture myself lying on a haystack staring at a perfect sky. I love the smell of new-mowed alfalfa. This image helped me relax.
Let Time Pass Adrenaline is a strong drug that needs time to work its way out of your body. Not a lot of time, but some time.
The good news is . . . once you start this process you start healing your nerve endings and your body sees less and less need to shock you with adrenaline. At the same times your nerve endings become less susceptible to the "shocks".
Like you --- I had become terrified of leaving my home. Within weeks I felt "normal" and within months I was making speeches in front of hundreds of people.
No one who knows me now would believe I ever could have been afraid to go beyond my front door.
I hope this works for you.
Dr. Weekes died in 1990 but her work lives on. I was fortunate forty years ago to find her books and hope you give them a try.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Great ! Now think, what do
Great ! Now think, what do you want to do next. Then work on that kiddo.