My Challenge

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I gave myself a challenge here, to finish the first (clean) draft of a story that evening and sit on it a week before revision. Clearly I didn't make it, but the first draft is done now -- only off by three and a half weeks.

Now let's see if I can avoid looking at it for a week or so (six days might suffice) before reading and revising it.



Because depending on the word count I would strongly suggest much more than a week. You need time to forget everything you wrote except for the vague details, and then start revising.


Daphne Xu's picture

It's a short novelette. If I cut sufficiently, I might be able to cut it down to a long short story. We'll see. I've noticed that for my longer stories, I've forgotten earlier sections while finishing up later suggestions.

I'm not sure I can wait long enough, though.

-- Daphne Xu

the hard way

To be honest with you Daphne I've learned the hard way. Although to be honest I do struggle with grammar and punctuation. Happily I've found a very talented editor who has helped me a lot. But at the end of the day it's your story and I do understand the excitement. Plus if you are like me you worry about the story as well. You just hope it is well received, at least I do.

My Challenge Story

Daphne Xu's picture

... is finally completed and posted. I guess I off by only about a third of a year. That's rather good for me.

-- Daphne Xu