I'm back in the land of make-believe again. Reality is not my thing after the move to my new home.
But I have nearly finished Footprints in the Sea, Vol. 4 and after proof reading I should have it on Kindle by the end of the month.
I have also posted another of my non TG books; Lake of the Guardian No.2 (The Pebble Thieves) which should be up and running on Sunday or Monday. I know some of you have been reading the non TG books I have on my Amazon Kindle home page and that has really made me happy and please remember, order through the Amazon Link on the right because though they are non TG, Erin and the BHTC team still earn a commission.
The next project is the short stories anthology I have started and posted bits and pieces on here. I was hoping to have that done by Christmas but it now looks doubtful but I will try. Thank you all for being patient.
Oh, I forgot, there is the Christmas story as well but I don't think I can manage one this year but I'll try I do have an idea. Perhaps if I write on two computers at the same time, I might increase my productivity.