Progress despite distractions (+story ideas)

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Another Sunday and another update of "The Lokian Way". I was a bit worried I might not make it in time. Especially as I had been plagued by distractions the last two weeks. Turns out I shouldn't have been worried. This part was done on Wednesday. I could have kept my old schedule. Except not, as part 11 will be a little bigger I think.

Those distractions proved to be very interesting. For one an very old story idea wormed itself into my mind again. "Doll Rebirth" was about someone who needed a whole-body-prosthetic in a world that was dominated by magic. What drew me in was that I had, for this story, lots of background details. So when I looked for a story idea to use to practice pacing of feeding the reader world details it was an ideal match. It also got quickly out of hand. I finished the raw version today and I gave it to my many many test readers. Who am I kidding? My two test readers. (Still looking for more ;P )

But "Doll Rebirth" wasn't my only distraction. "Arti Vaino and the hunt for the lady of the lake" is another writing exercise gone ballistic. Here the focus was for me to learn to learn writing conversations with more than two person. Something I've been struggling with in the past. Thankfully the main protagonist is never alone as he soon gets two buddies stuck to him. Namely two sentient breasts. Fun times. The story is at around 7000 words and I think about half done. It would have second highest priority - right after "The Lokian Way" - if it wasn't for ...

Yet another distraction. "Royal Jelly" is a silly little story idea I came up with to incorporate the lessons learned from "Doll Rebirth" and "Arti Vaino and the too long title". The setup is quite simple and thankfully very spoiler free. In a medieval world, many exotic races exist thanks to an artifact. One hundred people gather for a new start. The artifact then chooses one of them at random who creates a new race from scratch. Our main protagonist was expecting a new race but is surprised that he also gained a new gender. The story is already at 11000 words and I think about two-thirds done.

Despite all these distractions I have already a got a good portion of the next "The Lokian Way" installment done. It had been two very productive weeks. Even if it had been spread out over four stories.

In other news, I decided to split the "short story" category in my author profile into two. Some short stories are done and complete. Their story told. Others are more like the pilot episode of a series or serial. Those I want to move into their own category. Who knows. Maybe I'll pick one of them as the next serial after "The Lokian Way" is done.

I also have made a new category of small and silly stuff last week. The first two entries you could shake your head over in disbelief last week too. Let's see if I come up with other silly stuff soon.

As always I'll finish my blog post with another round of story ideas. As before here a small disclaimer:
I do not claim copyright for any these story ideas as long as they are included in my blog posts and can be viewed publically!

23. Jokes gone too far?
Omitted because started by myself.

24. Focus!
Omitted because started by myself.

25. Error 404 - Reality not found:
The male protagonist is surprised when one of the hottest and most popular girls at school asks him out. First, few days are like a dream come true. Then he notices changes about his body. He slowly gets more feminine. The only one who notices the changes besides him is his hot girlfriend. She explains that it is probably the doing of her ex-boyfriend. He is a demi-god and can bend reality. The changes in reality can only be noticed by the victim and other demi-gods. She too is a demi-god, but a weaker one. She tells him that she can become strong enough to protect him only if he helps her. The demi-gods grow stronger by the emotions released by the victim. In order for her to grow in strength, he has to live through many temporary reality changes while steadily his body by the jealous ex-boyfriend.

26. A panties life
A mage tries to pull a deviant spell on a sorceress. The sorceress is furious. Before the mage can react he is transformed by the sorceress into lacy panties. He is also cut off from most of his magical power. The sorceress places him in a lingerie shop and heads off. The mage is angry but comes up with a plan to break the transformation. If he would be worn long enough by a person he could slowly enchant the person with a spell-breaker to free him. In order to get there, he needs to be worn. He slowly enchants himself that the first person to touch him would be drawn to purchase and wear him. The plan works till he realizes his mistake. The first person to touch him is a man who looked for a gift. Now every day he is worn by him. And the mage hates it. In the end, he pushes the spell-breaking enchantment off in favor of another spell. One to make the wearer a woman. Because if he has to be worn it should be by a woman. The story then revolves around the slow TF of the wearer from man to woman from the panties/mages perspective.

27. Please use all holes:
The story is about a curse. Those affected are transformed into a busty sex doll. The curse is broken once every hole/orifice was used 6 times (or more). The one who (so to speak) breaks the curse gets the curse. Those freed find themselves back in a body made of flesh, but still very much modeled after the doll they had been.

28. Shift by shift:
A young man is kidnapped by a sorceress. She transforms him into clothing. Each day another piece. Except for Saturdays where he is made a body part of her. The catch is that each time he is a body part his original body changes accordingly. On Sundays, he is in his normal body (but still trapped in the sorceress mansion) so he can witness his body changing.

29. In the eye of the beholder:
A man gets a gift from a friend: a ring. Soon after an old gypsy warns him. He wears something cursed and the curse will change him accordingly how he is perceived. His 'friend' meanwhile works on how he is perceived: first as a sissy, then tomboy and finally complete big-breasted bimbo.