If it seems you've heard this song before, well, you probably have. I know I've sung it more than a few times in the last 30 years.
I'm trying to write another story. At the same time, I am trying to analyze what led me to write in the first place, what motivated my writing and in that way, hope to address what is stop-blocking me now. Oh, I know I don't have my tiggress-muse anymore, but since she never read any of my stuff, her effects were indirect at most.
Anyway, I am also writing a series of self reflective essays, addressing why I (a mathematician, physicist and engineer) even dared to write fiction and in examining those whys, see how it affected the stories I wrote at those times in my life. In many ways, the whys seem to follow my life and work, but are mostly my personal reactions to some external stimulus. That is my first take on it, and we'll see if that holds as I write and reflect on me as a writer over time.
At the same time, I am working on a new story idea. Part of the reason for reflecting is the story idea is itself a cause for reflection because it is not something I ever thought I would want to write. Now, I think maybe I need to write this to move on. We'll see, I guess.
I will share my essays as I write them. They will be works in progress and likely subject to change because I'm not trying to direct or order my thoughts. I am, as Brandy used to say, 'thinking through my fingers'. Maybe, I am feeling with my fingers, too.
Thanks for listening.
warm furry hugs
Reasons for writing
I first wrote in an English Comp class in the late 80's to fulfil requirements for that class, and I took it to encourage my then wife as she fearfully worked on a degree in Nursing. Finding such activity fun and fulfilling, the practice seemed to take on a life of its own. This was before computers for me, so I used an electric Typewriter. Still having that first "manuscript" I can say with some authority that it was just awful! I've been wanting to rework it but so far have not.
In 2001, writing helped me to work out my pain by writing, "Desert Princess" (First spelled Dessert Princess), something Cathy and I still laugh about. I must have been hungry.
So, it is good to hear from you and that you are considering getting back to writing. Welcome.
Here's hoping I get further this time than just considering. Really appreciate the encouragement.
warm furry hugs
"I can do better than that"
I'd been lurking and reading TG fiction for a couple of years when I got to the point where I said,
"I can do better than that!"
It wasn't as easy as I'd thought. It was more than 40 years since I'd last written any fiction. I'd written Engineering documents, Software Documents, Test Plans, Proposals and reports galore in my work but there is a certain 'dryness' needed for them. You also follow a defined format.
Writing fiction was hard. Most of my early work is utter shite.
That said, I had some good ideas, a lot of decidely wacky ones and some that were 'really? You wrote that? I mean.... that is?????' (a good friend of mine read one of them. All 250K words. She was lost for words but she admitted that she could not put it down)
I still get some of the latter from time to time but they are not for publication.
I've been going through my back catalogue of work that was started and never finished. Some gives me the shivvers. 'Did I really write that?'
The 'Why I write' is more than likely different with each of us but Tigger, you were one of the authors that I always read when I saw something new from you in those early days.
. . . did I write that???
Oh man, I SO get that.
One of the on going themes of my reflections is that I am not the writer who did those stories because I am not the person who reacted to the situations the way they are presented anymore.
I'd like to be able to say that, 'ahem', I have improved at my craft since then, but that is plain night soil of the well fed male ox. I have 20 or more years of experience since them and my reactions have evolved. Not to say they'd all be different, but some of them would certainly be.
anyway, that's okay because I can read my own stuff and yell at the author! How cool is that?
warm furry hugs
It's natural.
A mathematician, physicist, and engineer walk into a bar. Everyone fled as they were scared of the tiger...
Joke aside, I think your learned jobs aren't a hurdle towards your writing, but help in making it blossom. Some of the best authors I read have a colorful past regarding their previous jobs. The more variety one has in life-experience the better.
I think it is natural that any writer soon or later has to go on a self-reflective journey. I hope yours will turn out good.
As a starting out writer, I am curious about your essays. I might learn something from them.
Till then, cheers!