I just received this at 10:43AM this morning.
Thank you for the e-mail concerning the status of your account.
After reviewing your response, we have reinstated your account, but we are upholding our previous decision to remove the following books from Amazon:
Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery (ASIN:B07BBW4T2X)
Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery (ASIN:B07BF9FKJ4)Please note that you are ineligible to receive any KU and KOLL royalties related to these books.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].
Best regards,
Amazon KDP
Best Regards,
Samantha L
Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.
I sent this reply.
Upon thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that I do not wish to do business with Kindle Direct Publishing.
While you are reinstating my account, you are pulling my book from sale--hence, I get nothing for working with you.Your business practices make no sense, business-wise. What is the point of having a Kindle Direct Publishing account if you
won't publish and sell my books?I wish you people well in your endeavors,
I just won't be a part of them.Charles Schiman
[email protected]