Jazz Is Complete

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Jazz is complete. I am so happy for her.



Benn following her since she started on TV so very happy for her and KUDOS to her parents for their support of their child

I hated how they set it up

I hated how they set it up though...
As much of an icon that she is, the way she was shown pushing for her surgery then complaining about the wait and not getting what she wanted came off all wrong. I know it's not her doing, it's her producers' doing and like her mother's doing(as she seems to be her business manager). The other issues I can understand, but the way they presented her weight issue was a bit too much for me. At times it felt like they were going to cause an eating disorder, and the way they were harping on and on about it was making things backfire. Whomever thought it was a good idea to showcase that should be smacked, it sent the wrong message. It's one thing to address her weight and eating habits, it's another to make it seem like an eating disorder.

There's no denying that she was 100% female in all but biology, and had been openly living as a girl for what- 12 years? With 11 in the public spotlight? She's the first young lady we have seen go from her start to her finish, hopefully she's the first of many in this new era. She gets to complete her final year of high school whole, her dream has finally come true. Good luck to her and her recovery, and enjoy your senior year Jazz!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime