alys9's blog

Howard Jacobson


Howard Jacobson is a famed British author .... quoting from an article in the Telegraph 20/1/24:

'Complaints about realism often dog him.
He had to fight to keep a character in his last novel, Live a ­Little: a 90-year-old man who has never had a relationship, being ­crippled by shame at having been caught trying on his mother’s underwear as a boy. Jacobson’s publisher found this implausible. “Then I asked a group of Jenny’s psychologist colleagues if this was likely, and they all said ‘Of course, it’d ruin your life, no question’.”

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I edited the LGBT Wikipedia site to emphasise that LGB references were for Sexuality whereas TIQ were primarily for Gender. The amendments lasted nearly 20 minutes before they were removed. I'll try to rephrase it. If it is removed again (and again) perhaps I'll begin to think perhaps there are those who don't like the Sexuality / Gender split to be emphasised.
Comments welcome.
Alys P

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Stories in progress


I've been writing ...... but I've done 50 stories so far and I want the next one to be (in my opinion) better than average. So there's some 5 or 8 works-in-progress but none seem to be good enough to be number 51. And I keep reading stories by others which I wish I had written myself. oh well.
Best wishes

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The Selene Vagi-Gaff?

Has anyone on the site actually bought and tried this?
How comfortable is it?
How comfortable is it to wear for, say, 48 hours?
Are there equivalent items that can be worn for longer periods?
How many of us as adults successfully and non-painfully can get our balls back inside?
I can't bend my penis comfortably down and under .... what do others do??

I can't write an upcoming story without real knowledge!!
Thanks for any replies

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Beyond Angry re Manchester


It is difficult to believe (and I don't know how it got to me) but a person/group calling itself 'Christian Voice' has implicitly blamed Ariana Grande's lesbianism for the terrorist attack.
It is difficult for me to comprehend the arrogance and wrongness and vileness of such a viewpoint. I suppose it is what one might expect from such self-appointed Guardians of Virtue. I notice they fail to condemn the terrorists.

The quote from the email is as follows :-

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Cliches don't happen in real life - ha!

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It's hard to believe that real life can prove that men are stupidly competitive. Even while many BC stories stress how 'men' are over competitve and 'women' are collaborative, is that how cliches work?

Check out this vileness from last Wednesday's episode on CBS of 'Survivor' (recorded last year).

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How many of us think the BMA is a bit silly?


Staff at the British Medical Association (BMA) have been warned not to call pregnant women “expectant mothers” as it could offend transgender people. Instead, they should call them “pregnant people” so as not to upset intersex and transgender men.

The advice comes in an internal document to staff outlining a raft of common phrases that should be avoided for fear of causing offence. “The elderly” should be referred to as “older people”, “disabled lifts” called “accessible lifts” and someone who is “biologically male or female” should be called “assigned male or female”.

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WOW - ugly response to BBC2 programe


Transgender documentary spills beans

Last night a BBC2 documentary on transgender activism spilled the beans about the psychological complexity of 'gender dysphoria' and how it can be treated.

After the programme - I have been sent this ugly rant. Please respond with restraint.

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Where is 'Bittersweet'?


I was reading a story about a cop's kid who announced his MtF-ness and was accepted as Melissa; days later dad is killed, many friends help - I thought it was 'Bittersweet' but when I reloaded a while later ...... I couldn't find it. Help

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Stephanie Anne Lloyd - died September 2016

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I am very surprised that there has been no comment about her death. As far as I know she had a significant impact on the access and visibility of the cross-dressing world in the UK with her shops, website and life. I do wonder why there has been no response from the folks of BCTS.

Alys P

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Happy, 100x Happy

I am really happy - I haven't got a clue how it happens that some stories catch the readers' attention and approval and others don't but ......... Anyway, my most recent story is the first to hit 100 kudos apart from my very first story not quite 3 years ago.
And it's only taken 10 days - which puzzles me almost as much.
Thanks everyone who posts a Kudos; triple thanks to everyone who posts a comment and thanks, of course, to every reader.
Best wishes
Alys P

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Amazing and True report of XY and AIS and Babies


Dear Fellow-Travellers

I am amazed that this story did not get onto BCTS within a few minutes of being posted – so a few hours late – here it is.

There is now a GENUINE example of a person labelled from birth as a BOY and then in her late teens being re-assessed as a GIRL with AIS.
After many investigations, a minute ‘proto-womb’ was detected and this was sufficient with hormone encouragement to develop into a working womb and she has now given birth to TWINS.

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I collect stories - can I post some of them

I collect stories which I enjoy re-reading. Sometimes, I find typos and so on which I correct.
Many of the stories come from the deceased site Crystal's Storysite or other sites which are no-longer-available (or sometimes I have lost the source).
How many different objections would there be if I submitted these for re-posting - always acknowledging the original author and site if possible.
For example - I have some 150 stories by Janet Stickney from about 1999-2004
& 12 stories by Rachel Anne Cooper.

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Women buying men's underwear is NOT equality

Women are buying men's underwear

Article’s original title :-
‘Why women are buying men’s underwear’ – copyright acknowledged per Guardian 29 Oct 2014

The article says it was ‘Prompted by the M&S claim about half of their men’s underwear is bought by women. Meanwhile, Acne have launched a line of ‘gender-neutral’ underpants.’ It then asked the banal and feeble question - Are men’s undies the latest example of unisex fashion?

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She implies she 'understands' transgender - Pfaff

Jenny McCarthy 'feels like a man in a Playboy bunny suit' - good grief - give me patience !!

Via PrideSource, Daily Mail etc & [copyrights obviously acknowledged!)

Jenny McCarthy ( ?from the Daily Mail – October 2014)

Jenny McCarthy recently revealed that she has always felt a little transgender on the inside (in an interview with PrideSource). And now, we’ll spend the next 300 or so words trying to figure out exactly what that means.

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Next Goal Wins - Jaiyah Saelua

Today, Sat 3rd May 2014 - the Telegraph Sports section has an article by Simon Briggs about their transgender 'fa'afafine' centre-half Jaiyah Saelua and her skills and effort in the team. The film was supposed to be about the nearly farcical American Samoa football (soccer) team.

Quote "How useful this film could be in breaking down the blinkered culture of professional football. Even by the standards of its peers, the sport suffers from alarmingly primitive values. ..... It is hard to imagine a better role model for this stiflingly masculine game"

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Looking for a story

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Bad girl converts several men into girls - our hero(ine) manages to break the cycle; she gets engaged to a chef friend; at the end she is changed back to a man as a sacrifice but her guardian angel banishes the devil and she survives.
Who where - when - I read it and have lost it - sad
Alys P

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What should I have said

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This evening I picked up a friend of my wife who was doing us a favour. He climbed into the car and began with ‘Do you realize that if I wanted to live as a woman all I would need to do is dress as a woman for 2 years, get a letter from a psychiatrist and then I would get a new passport, new birth certificate and so on. But my question is what would the law be if I went into the wrong toilet.”

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