I collect stories which I enjoy re-reading. Sometimes, I find typos and so on which I correct.
Many of the stories come from the deceased site Crystal's Storysite or other sites which are no-longer-available (or sometimes I have lost the source).
How many different objections would there be if I submitted these for re-posting - always acknowledging the original author and site if possible.
For example - I have some 150 stories by Janet Stickney from about 1999-2004
& 12 stories by Rachel Anne Cooper.
I don't want to poach so I would probably create a new BCTS 'author' called ppJanetStickney; ppRachelAnneCooper and so on.
The choice is up to you - fellow travellers.
Alys P
Personally, I wouldn't mind you posting those stories. But, this is not my website. Not my call.
Though, you have made it clear that you want to give credit where credit is due.
And some of these authors are no longer among the living. I would hate for all their work to be forgotten.
In the meantime, I hope you have backed up these stories to CDs. Just in case you hard drive someday fells.
I don't know the policy here, but..
A fair number of stories are post with a notice stating that re-posting is OK as long as the Authors info remains intact. (wording may vary)
Those at least should be OK. Others may not be.
Some it should be clear that they should not be, it will be clearly stated.
It is the ones that don't really say that may present a problem.
It is shame that many good stories will eventually be lost this way, but...! *shrugs*
Just my thoughts on this.
>i< ..:::
I would try to gain the author's permission before reposting so as not to attract their ire and not have to put Erin, Piper and crew into the position where they have to remove stories.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Policy on posting
It's our policy, expressed in our permissions tags, that a poster have permission to post someone else's story. This permission is the poster's responsibilities, we don't check. The only abuses of this system have been more or less accidental and quickly cleared up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Pay Sites ...
I found my "Desert Princess" on a pay site and found it unamusing because they had no asked me nor offered me a share of the profit. They had made some changes to make it pornographic. When I objected, it disappeared. I suppose it would have been flattering if they had offered some of the loot? :)
Sure, post mine if you like, under the conditions you mentioned.
Yes, but no
because you do post your own stories already - even if Kagira hasn't been expanded since 2008?!
I enjoy your work - but unless you have stories elsewhere that need reposting, I'll leave your stuff alone for now.
Thanks anyway
Alys P
It's the owner who decides
I realize I'm late to this discussion, but the topic is important to me.
In my opinion, no one has the right to repost stories they don't own, unless they have express permission from the author.
If anyone did this with my stories, I would not be flattered -- I'd be furious.
Even if this website (god forbid) shut down, the reappearance of any story would be the responsibility of each individual author.
I'm sure that the question was asked with the best of motives, but -- at least for me -- there is a larger issue at stake.
I'm with Kaleigh
My work belongs to me. If someone reposts it without my permission, that's stealing.