Hi Everyone,
If' you've been wondering about Karen Lockhart and her current novel 'Ginny's Story', I'm sorry to inform you that she is currently in hospital after a fall. I am in touch with her cousin and will post any news. There are no chapters of Ginny available to post at present. Some of you know that I do the proofing, so as soon as I get another chapter I will proof it as soon as possible. I'm as keen as everyone else to know what happens next.
Regards, Bronwen Welsh
Healing Loving Hugs...
Please send her our well wishes for her returning health...
Love, Hugs, Cuddles, Huggles and Prayers
Love tmf
Please tell her
To get well soon and that we all miss her here.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
I hope she wasn't too badly hurt and that she recovers soon.
OUCH please send her a BIG CYBER HUG for me
Commiserations To Karen
Tell her we'll still be here waiting for her return,