TopShelf Blogs

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Time for a giggle

Maybe someone needs a giggle....

A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Do you serve ducks here?"

"Yes, we do. We have several ducks who are good customers," says the bartender.

The guy reaches across the bar, grabs the bartender by his string tie and slaps him several times before running out of the bar screaming.

The bartender recovers his composure and wonders, "What was that about?"

A while later another guy comes in and asks the bartender the same question. "Do you serve ducks here?"

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I dont know how not to fight

When I was little, I had this rather bad habit of trying to lecture bullies on why it was bad to bully. Of course, that usually resulted in me getting pounded, me running for my life, or my brother trying his best to protect me.

All these years later, I still jump in when I see people getting hurt, even though there is nothing I can do except lecture people from behind my computer, and it has cost me more than I would like.

But I dont know how not to fight for what I think is right.

In Pathfinder terms, I guess I'm a Paladin, whether I want to be or not ...

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Metamorphosis - A Jessica Jade Story

Thank you to all the readers and future readers who are peeking in on Metamorphosis - A Jessica Jade Story. I appreciate all the comments and messages you are sending me as I post two chapters a week.

I appreciate Erin making BigCloset a writer's showcase to present new works. It's giving me an opportunity to hear great feedback and wonderful constructive criticism from many talented writers and fans.

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Hopefully this will brighten y’all’s day...

Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me early this morning, now I will admit at the time I was not amused in the least, but afterwards... It’s pretty funny.

My exciting adventure that happened this morning... At 3 flipping AM... Taz, the cat, decided that he desperately wanted to get up on the counter in the bathroom... We leave the toilet lid up and the seat down...

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Traveling by bike

For the purposes of a story or perhaps real life, I am wondering how far a rider can push a bike in a day? For my purposes, my bike has been quite nice with the gear ratios being to my liking but perhaps a bit low. My tires are 700 x 32 (what does that even mean?) with a maximum inflation of 75 psi, which I routinely run at 80 psi. It's got a Shimano sprocket set. The frame is one of those crosses between a high bar and a drop frame. I'm very tender, so there will be no high bar frame.

Due to a past broken C-6, I ride upright. 9-11 MPH is fine for me.

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Just my opinion, so just take or ignore it as such

To me, there are three critical parts to a book. The first half of the first chapter; major characters are introduced, tone and theme are set. If you don't have them hooked halfway through chapter 1, you're screwed and they may not continue. The final chapter, all questions should be answered and give closure unless continuation via sequels. Third; the backstory. No matter where you put it in the book, you eventually should explain why things are the way they are. If it's a series, you can stretch that, just as long as you don't contradict previous information.

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Just a quickie - again

So firstly, sorry for failing to post today, other stuff got in the way. What? Well a trip out to a Steam Fair - a lot of traction engines, fairground steamers, vintage trucks, cars and tractors all come together at Helmsley in North Yorkshire.

So it was photography rather than interweb out in the glorious weather we are still 'enjoying' in these parts.

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Soak Up the Sun

I started this one, like, maybe ten years ago and, like the main character, had very little of it completed. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go but now I kind of have a good idea on where I’m going to take it and I can assure you it’s not going to be stereotypical or the same ol’ same ‘ol but it will tell the story of a relationship from the other side of the fence (for lack of better words) and how that love story is endangered due to social media.

The title is not etched in stone.
In fact, I’m kind of thinking of switching it around

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Sorry but there will be no Flight of the Claymore this week

Sorry ladies and gentlemen but there will be no posting for Flight of the Claymore this. Unfortunately Mother Nature decided to destroy my PC by means of lightning strike this week. While I do have access to the Internet for blog posts thanks to the old smart phone I am unable to post large files such as a story chapter. My Insurance Agent as assured me that I will have a new PC by this time next week. Thankfully I have all my chapters on removable flash drives so there should be no delay in finishing the story.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Old computer giveaway

I've got an old Microsoft Surface tablet/laptop to give away. It's the atom CPU version of the Surface 3 so not too exciting but it has a nice display and the "type" keyboard with real keys. Battery takes and holds a charge. Includes power adapter/cord but I don't have the pen.

Would appreciate a pledge to cover shipping costs (probably around $12). US only unless you want to cover international shipping cost.

First PM claiming it gets it.



Gabycon update

If you are contemplating joining us at Gabycon 2018 this is for you. Due to some issues with the Teversall campsite we've had to relocate our base for the weekend a few miles across Nottinghamshire to Worksop. The new place is called Riverside Camping and it's situated close to the town centre, between the River Ryton and the Chesterfield Canal. (if you need a direct link to book please PM me)

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Blog Entries - from the heart versus Blatant Commercial Propaganda

Okay, so don't get me wrong. I'm not taking a side here and I don't know how many people actually read the blogs. (Is there a counter somewhere?)

But, here's a money generating scheme to shore up BigCloset.

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Footprintsin the Sea Vol 5

It's been longer than I expected, loads going on at the moment but only a couple of weeks later than I promised, Footsteps in the Sea volume 5, with the title Volcano is up on Amazon Kindle and should be available on Monday or soon after.
There will be a link in the right hand column so order from here and help the site.

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Sex with your kitty ?

I've been trying to work out if I have any sexual attraction for a long time, with no luck.

So today I was driving along near the Res. and I saw this huge Indian with long black hair, a Police uniform, he was a Sergeant, and all the cop junk on his uniform. Something in me liked what it saw and went Rowrrrr.

No, wait stupid, haven't you been bragging about you're being Celibate?

I thought about it for a while and realized that I did not want to do the nasty with him, I just wanted to crawl up in his lap, curl up and sleep.

Now it all makes sense.

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Aunghadhail, the many variations.

I have been reading Shadows blade's story about Rohanna and find it entertaining. There are, however some unanswered questions.

I think that several Authors have written about Aunghadhail, though I do not remember who. In one story, Aunghadhail is killed. I do not know who originated these tales about Aunghadhail, though in this story it seems possible that Rohanna and Aunghadhail may come to a truce of sorts.

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Sun worshipers and cancer

Talking to a boy I knew all the way through school. His parents owned several farms about thirty miles to the west of us. Of course when he wasn't in school he was on the tractor or elsewhere out on the farm the same as me. He was cautioning me to use sun blocker everyday I went outside. He "now" uses Coppertone sun screen the same as for younger kids. It doesn't burn the eyes if he gets any close.


Looking for recommendations

Ok, so I have a friend that I am trying to direct to some new authors and stories.

Her biggest interest is in transition due to technological or chemical causes that occur over a shorter period of time than typical HRT. She also likes big boobs, but has read most of Holly Wholeman's stories :)

Let me know if anyone thinks of anything or has any questions.

Thanks in advance!

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Something to ponder as we celebrate Independence Day

As I make my plans to celebrate Independence Day I remember the men who signed the revered document known as the Declaration of Independence. They were great men with a great vision. Their greatness was in their willingness to risk all they had. A testament to the fact they knew just what was at stake is contained in the final paragraph of that document.

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Missing Without a Trace Review

I've read Missing Without a Trace (Book 1) and love it. (See actual review below) I'm closely following book two.


Packed with action, this story grips your attention right from the start. The disappearance of a research team on a remote island presents a mystery that can’t be ignored. Our heroine finds herself in over her head while she, the local sheriff and her prospective boyfriend attempt to unravel it.

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Birthdays have always been a bit strange for me. Growing up, it never worked out for people to be available on the actual day, so if I wanted a party, it would always have to happen a couple of days later, to the point I started joking about "unbirthdays" like in the cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland.

Usually the actual day of my birthday was a quiet one spent alone, and this year is no exception.

I dont mind so much now, especially since I do get nice messages online from friends to keep me company.

Oh, if you havent guessed, today is my birthday ...

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Kneeling on the Ground Thankful

Did one of my evening escapes to try to get my lil ole haid to screw on and went to a Red Robin hamburger joint. Things were busy but I sat with my pin and pad trying to work out a story idea. My food came and I had a bit of Hair of the Dog also.

Finishing up, there was one of those computers on the table to pay with. While I was trying to work out how to badger that thing into responding to me, the waitress came up and said that the people across the way had paid my bill. ??? My first response was, "why would they do that"?

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A Holy Chore

A few days ago, someone commented about how scary Steven King novels and I was reminded of the story “I have no mouth and I must scream” by Harlan Ellison.

I think even King’s stories pale compared to the horror at the end of that story.

And then yesterday I learned that he had died last week.

I don’t think he wrote any TG stories, but his Dangerous Visions collection definitely broke many barriers and helped allow the wealth of TG fantasy and science fiction that we enjoy today.

And I found this quote especially inspiring.

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Too many things to move to chase down a BCTS piece of weirdness

All my stories that I post use exactly the same HTML preamble, with just the changes made to the titles.

Every single other one I have posted displays our "Anmar Grakh" 'logo' we use to alert readers. For some reason my latest (#90) does NOT display this on the Story Teasers page and yet DOES display it when you click on the story title and go there.

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Writing with my minions help. (Funny)

So... This conversation happened with my eighteen year old earlier... I was discussing my current story that I’m writing and with me writing a teen romance type story who better to bounce my ideas off of than a teen... I was telling her about a future scene that I am planning and once I was finished she actually shivered and went, ‘awwwww’... Then she fussed, “Dang it Dad! (I’m still dad to them, thats okay with me) That gave me chill bumps!!! Now I need to shave my legs again, I hate you!!!” By the way, her ‘hating’ me was said with her laughing while rubbing the bumps on her legs...

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BC Should Charge Authors for Posting

Big Closet is true to its mission to be A friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgender Fiction. However, in order to execute that mission, Big Closet must fiscally sound.

Every month Erin sounds the alarm – and every month the same small group gives financial support. Relying on so few for so much is a recipe for disaster.

Nothing is going to change, unless change is provoked.

I know how crazy this is going to sound, but maybe it’s time to start charging people to post their fiction.

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a huge compliment

I saw this amazing compliment on a blog here: "Dorothy is not just a great soul but has one of the most inventive storytelling minds on this site. Her Chekovian economy with words means a whole lot of story with very little investment of time. "


I'm ... stunned, and flattered.

Thanks Laika (aka Veronica) !

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6th book-Cheerleader: College - Starting Over (Lee Corcoran Book 6)

Word Count: 100,000+

College, Starting Over, the sixth book in the Lee Corcoran series, follows Lee Corcoran, a freshman in college at the University of Michigan whose life is not going totally as planned.

Let’s be honest, if you want to understand everything, reading the previous five books is the only way. The books follow Lee and his best friend Darby, a girl.

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who taught me to apologize for liking things?

I was having a conversation with my brother today and was talking about "life without people" which is this fascinating show, and then I apologized for going on about it.

Now, I'm wondering why I was apologizing.

Who taught me that my interests weren't important enough to share?

Sighs ...

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To comment or not...

Ahhhh, to post, or not to post. 'Tis the eternal readers question, with nary a sign to guide ones way. Do I have something relevant to say? Is it alright to post years after publishing? What will I say? Will anyone see it?!? Does anyone care?!? What if my comment sucks and everyone hates me?!!!?

With much angst and wringing of the hands and.... Erm, ahem.

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Always be ready for problems

It's been more than X amount of years I began warning the girls to find a lawyer before they found themselves facing harassment from the police or anyone else. Trying to think of who one could call when in the back of a squad car, jail, or at the very least pulled over on the side of the road is not a good situation. Back then finding a lawyer already clued in and sympathetic to one's situation was a crap shoot.


Player One Trial by Fire

Hey everyone, I've had some conflicting feelings about Trial by Fire. I feel that some of it is completely unnecessary and the torture scene shouldn't be there. Also, I think that the story should be more definite and realistic than the MC having a massive panic attack and being taken by the Silver Legion. I think there could be something better. I don't know though, I mean as some of you said, it's like the whole thing is going down a rabbit hole. The idea of the story isn't that, but to show a world through a narrative.


Now have a book cover for Missing Without A Trace 2

I have drawn/designed the new book cover that will go with Missing Without A Trace 2: Repercussions. This is a sequel to my non-tg novel, Missing Without A Trace: A Kelly Mitchell Mystery, which I am publishing here on BigCloset TopShelf, chapter-by-chapter.

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Player 1 chapter 2

Hello everyone! I need to talk about Player 1 for a second. Because I'm going to revision it. Why? You may ask.

Why in the hell would a group of highly armed men rob a clothes store?

That's one reason, another is that the next chapter would just be too short for my taste.

I hope everyone can read this before I change it to something I can continue on into the next chapter.

I may change some little stuff in the fourth part, so, please reread Player 1 chapter 2 part 4 if you have the time.

Thank you so much for reading <3


Medical good news, with an exception noted

I had to go downtown today to see my doctor. It turned out to be a fairly good visit.

A large part of that is the fact that I have a new doctor now, one who has had no issues with listening to what I have to say. Considering that I have had, with more doctors than I care into get into details about, bad history due to them NOT listening, she's a miracle.

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Status Update 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hi everyone, quick status update. Money's been tight lately and I've been trying to deal with that, which has taken up most of my time. Dissonance Part 1, FatIT Part VI and Witch's Mirror 2 are in a holding pattern while I get stabilised. I'm also getting some therapy again now, so that's good. I'm not about to drop off the end of the earth, though I understand I haven't published anything for six months, which isn't ideal at all. I'm sorry, needs must and all that.

Thank you for your patience, I hope to get something out for you all soon.

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writing update

Just wanted to pass along an update on my writing.

"E-Girl - the gift" - work in progress, I'm hoping this weekend to maybe get close to finishing the final chapter.

Staycation story: work in progress, should be finished or close to by the time the contest opens

Pathfinder story: gotten started, gonna be a while.

"The secret of M.Y.T.H.": kinda stuck. hoping for inspiration

"Jaci and Dottie go to Whately": started. we'll see how this one goes.

"Branded": Stuck. I need a mastermind character. any suggestions appreciated.

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For those waiting on Coyote

Sorry I haven't been able to complete the rewrite/edit and get the next chapter posted yet. This chapter had the most rewriting needed and we've had a really nasty heat wave here that had mostly turned me into a mindless vegetable once home from work. Good news is the heat wave has passed and I can get back to my normal routine :)

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Code for the bathroom

Went to go shopping at my local Safeway after my electrolysis today. When I got out of the car, I realized I should have used the bathroom before I left electrolysis. I was wearing a knit white top, a blue print skirt and some light tan sandals. I had my usual make up for electrolysis; mascara and a light pink lipstick. In the electrolysis building they are used to seeing trans folk in the restrooms. At Safeway not so much.

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Worth a read

"Coming into her own
How an Amazon software engineer made the decision to come out to her team and transition at work."

Sorry about the link 404 error. Thank you, Sammi for this workaround!

Copy and paste the above into the address bar



There's going to be no chapter update this week. I do have the next chapter finished---Ch.3 is ready to go---but I've made no headway on the story at all last week. Suffice to say, the last few days of the week were hell. I had to deal mostly with a selfish bitch of a friend who wants everything her way and won't let anyone else contribute. I know its a game and all but when someone WANTS to do everything in said game and get's pissed off when she can't...its ridiculous. "I feel worthless" -_-.

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Father's day is kinda weird for me.

Father's day is always kinda weird for me.

I lost my dad so young I dont remember him, and my stepdad was a horrible abusive person I could never call "dad".

But my mom did her best for me, my brother protected me, and my grandfather gave me a positive role model for men.

Then there is the fact that I am a father, even though I have felt more like a girl than a boy for 90 % of my life, and have finally embraced and integrated that girl into myself and let her become the woman she should have always had been.

Like I said, Father's day is weird for me ...

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I seem to spend my life doing this lately, apologising that is. I had. Hoped to post you both new Gaby and a new Trixie today but stuff hasn't gone as I thought - no internet time for Maddy today. Both will now go up on Wednesday instead.

This change to plans is due to both UK Fathers day and a trip to visit Mum. Definitely a day of mixed emotions and I must admit some depressed thoughts now i'm home. I'm to say the least in a bit of a trough at the moment, a Churchillesque Black Dog.

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I hope that Barbara Allen,Torey,Amethyst,Irvine,Katelyn,Leila,GrandiaKnight,Waterdog,&Natasa Jacobs is doing OK & where they are at.I hope to read more of they're stories soon


daughter gave me

I will qualify this post first off, I am 55 years young and 13 plus years post op. I am also a gym rat that works on her figure and my weight. Today my daughter gave me fashion advice that women my age don't and shouldn't wear what she termed booty shorts, no matter how good we may look. I do admit they were a bit tight but that's how I wanted them, but not painted on tight, no camel toe showing.



I edited the LGBT Wikipedia site to emphasise that LGB references were for Sexuality whereas TIQ were primarily for Gender. The amendments lasted nearly 20 minutes before they were removed. I'll try to rephrase it. If it is removed again (and again) perhaps I'll begin to think perhaps there are those who don't like the Sexuality / Gender split to be emphasised.
Comments welcome.
Alys P

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Oot and aboot...

Lately I've gotten a bit of contract labor that has me out-of-doors cleaning up around campgrounds and a local boat launch ramp... Where I live is heavy with poison oak and ivy... being out and about doing what I've been doing means I've been all up in the poison oak and ivy! So I'm feeling somewhat good about earning some immediate cash, but I'm also suffering somewhat due to being all up in the poison oak especially. I didn't see any poison ivy but suspect it is there too, so sort of a toss up for days as far as what I'm feeling....

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Doing things for myself

Went for an appointment today, with no attendant. I'll be doing this more and more in the future, Still haven't figured out how to dress myself, that comes later. Lately I've been very depressed, to the point of thinking the unthinkable. The reasons I didn't do it a long while back still hold true, I am very aware how much it hurts the people we leave behind.


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Trixiebell Heartswoon

Just a quick note.

Well today we have silly gale force winds with storm Hector so i've had to put off today's bike ride. Pity as it's otherwise a nice sunny day - with a following wind (ha ha) i'll get out a bit later for a couple of hours..

Anyhow, due to that i've been sat writing and the current lump of Trixie is now complete! It may get posted on Sunday if I get the opportunity so keep an eye out.

So now i'll crack on with Gaby book 23 - with luck the first bit will be done before the end of next week.

Ta ta for now

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The story behind “The Best Damn Thing”

First off,
I apologize for placing small snippets of the story; but it’s coming to me in pieces that I want to try and share.

Thank you for everyone who read my last blog post and responded to it.

Thank you to everyone who is reading the story in its bit by bit format.


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snakes and ladders

Just wanted to give a shout-out to Bailey Summers' "Snakes and Ladders".

Its an unapologetically romantic story, originally started in honor of one of our late writers here, Wren Phoenix. It has a few references to sexual abuse in one of the early chapters, but otherwise, its been a sweet story with elves, dragons, and much more.

here is a link to the title page, should you wish to try it out:

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Drain the Swamp

Someone said the other day that in the current political climate it is becoming harder and harder to say anything that doesn’t sound like a slur against one party or the other.

I sat down this morning to write a blog about contributions. I’d decided to base the blog on the question, “What could Erin be doing if she wasn’t constantly forced to spend her time fund-raising?”

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10 - A new "undesirable classes" story coming soon.

Hey writers and readers of TBC,

after two long writing sessions today I am finally done with "A Tale Of Two Dolls".
It is the third story in my "undesirable classes" universe.

This time there will be more action again, but as the other two stories, it has a unique focus on itself.
Now I finished the raw version and edited it.
Meaning I checked for grammar and spelling mistakes to the best of my ability.
Usually, I post a story at this stage.

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Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Story Contest: Results!

It's been a week, and huzzah! The votes are in!

All the stories in the contest did quite well, but two in particular managed to grab the most thumbs-up from our readership, and those two were:

Cursed, by Nuuan

The Fairy, by Bru

Congrats, young authoresses! I get paid this coming Thursday, upon which each of you will be given your prize, a three month subscription to the BCTS Hatbox!

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How a bout of psychosis brought my muse back

Hi there everybody. My name is Jamie (also lovingly called "hey you!"), and I found my muse after 6 years or so without it thanks to my brain's misfiring. I'm being nitpicky about my first story here, so give me a week or so, and I'll have a decent chapter for you all.

Also, I am one of Erin's little birdies, so if you need something in the middle of the night, I tend to be awake :)

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Sam had her grad tonight

Well, my mom and I went to my daughter Samantha's graduation ceremony tonight, and it was pretty good. Sam is recovering nicely from her surgery, and looked very beautiful in her grad dress.

But, Sharon decided to introduce me to the other parents at our table as "Sam's Dad. He wears women's clothes, but is a good person anyway."

I believe my response showed my level of sophistication and maturity.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

Ah well, it was a good night regardless.

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Sixteen feet of steel - a very strong commendation

For those of us who enjoy epic fantasy (LOTR, Game of Thrones, etc.) might I suggest if you haven't read the ongoing "Sixteen feet of steel" episodes you are missing an absolute treat (all 285,000 words to date).

Bailey is prolific and talented author and extremely worthwhile reading.


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Special Offer

Following Commentator's comment on my last post, I have spent the last couple of days working out whether I can do something special for you all and it turns out that I can.

I have put the first three Angels of Etain books into one big fat omnibus edition available as an ebook from Amazon for just £4.99. That's a saving of over four pounds on the individual sales prices.

It may take a few days to reach the shelves, Amazon can do that sometimes but it's on its way.

I hope some of you find this helpful.

Love as always


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Maybe a little help?

So, my latest story is out, and admittedly I should have split it in two. Perhaps, what I had thought of as my "style", should have had an editor fix it? I don't want my writing to be like it just came out of an English Composition class, so maybe somewhere between? I wanted it to portray speakers that were not English or US folk.

It is obvious that my High School English teacher would be having a fit.

Or can it be that the readership just did not want normal, nonviolent Middle Easterners?

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