Last Ep of Eureka Tonight!

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Grace stepped into Café Diem, hoping for a quick bite with some friends for company. She searched out the little restaurant but no one was around, though she did see Vincent standing by a table with a girl sitting there glumly, her head resting on her arms, and her arms on the table.

It took a few moments for her to realize that the girl was Jack Carter, currently in his Melissa Benoit morph.

I wonder what’s gotten Jackie so down? she thought. Better find out what’s up.

She went to the table and sat down without waiting to be invited.

Currently, Vincent, the proprietor of Café Diem, was proferring a pizza to Jackie-slash-Melissa. It was one of Vince’s very special pizzas that everyone called “The Works,” because it had all the toppings that one could ever want on a pizza. Plus it was very, very, very, very delicious.

But Jackie (Oops, I mean ‘Jack,’ she thought - he doesn’t really like to be called Jackie.) didn’t seem too enthused about the pizza, and just went on staring into space.

“Hey, guys!” Grace said in a manufactured-but-sincere-sounding cheerful manner. “What’s shakin’?”

“Well,” Vince said, “I think you better talk to our little Miss Sheriff Carter here. She’s been sitting here for a an hour now, moping. I even made her a pizza to cheer her up. But no cigar.”

That worried Grace. “Jack? What’s the matter? Something wrong?”

Jack just sighed.

“Is it the morphs? Are you in any pain or anything?”

Jack just sighed again and shook his head.

“Well, you better tell me, or else I’m going to drag you back to GD for a full physical.”

Jack sighed again. “Hey, Grace,” he said laconically.

“So. Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing’s wrong.”

“Nothing, huh?” she scoffed. “We can see that nothing’s wrong.”

“Really. Nothing’s wrong. I’m just a bit depressed.”

“Why are you depressed?” Vince asked, worried.

“I just realized – tonight’s episode will be the last episode of Bobbi C’s story, 'Eureka: The Day’s Not Over, Yet.'

Vince sighed in relief. “Is that all?” he said.

“Well,” Grace said, “we already knew that the story’s only going to be until the end of the month…”

“Yeah, I know,” Jack said. He sighed again. “Still…”

“Well, listen,” Grace said, “Bobbi C has a lot of other stories in the Big Closet. Why not check them out?”

“Oh, yeah!” he said, and started to look more cheerful. “I didn’t think of that!”

“And you still have the last episode of 'Eureka: The Day’s Not Over, Yet,' to look forward to, right?”

“Heck, yeah!”

“And while you’re waiting on the new episode, you can re-read the eleven previous ones.”


“When’s the last episode being posted it again?”

“The last episode’s being posted tonight at 8PM Eastern, here in the Big Closet!”


“In the meantime – Vincent? Can you make me one of your special pizzas?”

Vince growled and waved the large platter he had in his hand.

“Oh. You have one already. You’re the best, Vince! Lemme take that off your hands.”

Jack cleared the table and put down the platter with Vince’s still-hot-from-the-oven pizza.

Vince harrumphed in mock exasperation and started walking back to the counter while Jack enthusiastically got a slice and took a big bite. When he was out of Jack’s line of sight, Vince turned to Grace, grinned and gave her an A-Okay sign.

“Thank you,” Vince mouthed silently.

Grace grinned back, and nodded. She then proceeded to help herself to Jack’s pizza.


To read all of the previous eps of the story, go to the Organizer Page by clicking the button below,
and be sure to check back tonight for the last episode.



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