It was pointed out to me, and rightfully so, that my previous blog post was both a while ago and a bit worrying. I was hesitant to write because compared to others my life is going great.
I have actually transitioned and am perfectly happy being myself. The children (14 & 17] accept me and love me. I have divorced, which in this case is a good thing as the negative influence of my ex partner is mostly gone and more easily mitigated.
I have transitioned in place at work and there everybody is accepting. I am still singing in several choirs, only I have move to the sopranos now, I was a low bass and first tried alto, but vocal wise soprano is better.
I have entered my local church which is a small parish where everyone accepts me as a person. I have been blessed with my new name for the full congregation during the Easter wake mass.
I am legally female since December 2017 and on hormones since May 2018. I have the “luxury problem” of having to pick a hospital to go to for SRS.
I still do have some issues, but those are problems that also hid behind the wall I erected around myself to hide who I was and issues for being and issues with keeping a household running as a single, working mommy.
Thank you, Love Anne.
its good to hear success stories
I think we need to know some make it.
In that case glad to be an example
Anne Margarete
Don't hesitate to tell us your good news too. We need to see/hear those as well. Congratulations on moving forwards in your life!
- Leona