TopShelf Blogs

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Update to my court event from two weeks ago...

I think most of you knew about the court issue I had to deal with two weeks ago from my last blog. First off I wanted to thank everyone who had commented... I wanted to respond to each of you, but my time was extremely limited in the days before we had to appear. We made the trip safely and after spending eight and a half hours at the courthouse ironing everything out, I can say at least I’m not in jail, no matter how badly my ex was trying to get me there. The end result was much better than it could have gone, but not as good as I had hoped. At least I can live with the decision...


My temporary disappearance

To all who kindly read my stories and might wonder why they haven't seen a chapter about Harriet's adventures in a while - I fell over (sober I must add) and broke my arm - my first ever fracture. I can still type but the arm aches if I do too much. It's my prefered (left) arm. I've found that showering is especially difficult and I'm a very bad car passenger - there's a dent in the floor where I keep pressing an imaginary brake! If my marriage survives this it will survive anything.

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I would say that stories about growing up are pretty close to being real

I have just returned from my forty-fifth high school reunion and I would like to tell you about a lesson I learned. (Yes, I can still be taught at my age). I had not managed to attend many reunions over the years and I went to this one to see if any of the people I knew would be there. I wanted to find out if they behaved any differently from our time in high school.

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Quick Gaby Update

Okay folks

So i've just finished writing chapter 23.29, the second of an 8 hour writing session!

Tomorrow then will see the arc completed, a full day it will be, a longish ride in the morning/afternoon then into writing mode in the evening - I already have a fair idea of what's going to be included in the chapter so it will hopefully go quickly! Then it's into assembly and editing so that I can release to you lot on Sunday.

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okay this is getting ridiculous

Okay so this is getting ridiculous.

Last night I again dreamed of being an actress, this time with a guest role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a mystic healer who also worked as a nurse at Sunnydale hospital and helped Buffy and the gang, and then had to treat Spike who had been hurt during a battle.


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Not sure if anyone saw this

The Day My Dad Kicked Me Out For Being Gay Changed My Life Forever

I'm not sure if anyone saw this article on Huffington Post when it appeared in June, but here is the link to the article:


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That I wasn't able to post a new chapter today - my day trip was something i'd pretty much forgotten about but I really wanted to do.

What was it I hear you ask? Well for those who do history, specifically English history, I spent the day doing Richard III, Bosworth Battlefield, the Greyfriars excavation site and visitor centre and his last resting place, Leicester Cathedral. Just because it was there I visited the medieval Guildhall too - quite a full day!

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my brain, she is weird

Remember how the other day I talked about dreaming I was an actress on TV shows? Well, last night, I dreamed I was in a B movie, playing a scientist who was stuck in a groundhog day style time loop by a nuclear explosion, trying to use what they learned every "day" to get closer to stopping it. But to make things weirder, I also played the coo coo for coco-puffs head of the military base who set off the explosion, which gave me an opportunity to ham it up, especially at the end when the scientist found a way to stop the explosion, leaving the head of the base babbling about "But I won!

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"A Change Will Do You Good" dialogue sample for chapter 2

a segment from chapter II: "Every day is a Winding Road"

Spencer is in Orange Beach, Alabama, walking to the beach to join the rest of his extended family when he sees a girl reading one of his books. He likes the way she looks, even if its in a swim top and shorts, but he doesn't want to look like he's ogling so he decides to ask a question about the book she's reading:

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two very strange dreams

okay for someone who doesnt actually watch that much TV anymore, other than sports and Dr. Who. (and Agents of Shield), my subconscious seems to have been infected by TV shows.

Twice in the last week or so I have had dreams of being an actress on TV shows. The first time I played a young woman who had been a pioneer in getting an education in the early 1900's, and returned home to her small town in Eastern Canada, faced people who dismissed her because of her youth and gender, and helped solve a mystery.

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Okay - well I had to get online for another issue that was unforeseen so I've taken the opportunity to fix the Gaby chapter stuff before I go home to write more. Seems that I posted the wrong chapter for 13, 23 is correct so if you go to Commitment you can read the real chapter 13 which might make 14 etc more sense! Sorry everyone, back to the grindstone!


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Life-style change

Ok, it is time for some major explanations.

Let me commence by saying that I have a new birthday - 18th September.

For about the billionth time this year, I drove (this time accompanied by my beloved) from the UK to Switzerland. As we left the house in England I thought; "That's funny. The left side of my mouth is all tingly." We drove on and then I got a tingly sensation in my left hand, outside fingers.

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Footprints in the Sea

I've posted another teaser from Volume 5 in the stories section. Vol 6 is a work in progress and so is Vesta's Hearth Volume 5. And then, hopefully I can see about planning a volume from my competition short story but that's months away.
Meanwhile, anybody interested in an awayday trip to Charlotte's island?

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Did anyone catch the license plate of that storm?

*From The Diaries of Calamity Catt (Cuz my crazy middle aged human is having hot flashes atm): Catnip date* - Returned to human's domcile amid a rather humbling array of piles of future scratching posts and wood chips dotting those wide, black sidewalks that they drive those funny metal potential litter boxes on. Saw many of my favorite tall climbing apparatus that give me access to my afternoon tweety snacks looking more like snapped toothpicks. Even saw one taking a break leaning on the human dwelling next to my human's. Hmmmm. Might have to check out that one later.

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Hi everyone..I am currently testing the arrangement of items in my main author page. Please bear with me as I attempt to reorganise my author page in the mess ;)


O.T. but important. Need Info desperately.

one of our own writers and friends has been fired unjustly from his job. I won't mention his name here, but he is needing badly to find more work. He is very skilled regarding the internet and customer relations as well as diesel engines and their applications.

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Nails nails damn nails

Sort of about writing, nails had grown so long that tapping one key at a time was becoming difficult to say the least. It was a rainy morning when I passed my favourite nail bar.
I will
I won’t
I will
I won’t...and so on

After so many good weeks together my unbroken (natural) nails finally faced file. Temptation was to snatch back hand and run for it. Is it just me that loves even unpractically long no matter how much grief they cause?

Long story short...can even type on phone now -Yea!!

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Madeline rides again!

I've now got my head a bit sorted and the time to post more than a couple of sentences.

Where to start? I've given little snippets about my recent trip to Germania but not much real insight. The more nerdy readers may recall that the main focus of the road trip was to ride the Eddy Merckx Classic event in the Salzkammergut east of Salzburg. It was a significant step on my recovery from last year's medical issues and on that score it was certainly revealing.

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The Missing

There are some series' that I haven't seen any new work in for some time. For some of them I haven't seen the authors being active here either... One of my favorite series is the SPA universe. Yet I haven't seen any activity in the universe or from any of the authors who wrote in it for quite some time. There are a couple of other universes that are on hiatus here as well but right now I'm quite tired and can't think of the names...
Anyway, maybe other readers here could post the stories they're missing too.
Have a nice day!

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Any Guesses on The Average Age Here?

In the past, I know there were readers and authors here that were prepubescent, and that age ranged up to the very old, like me.

It is not likely that I'll be attempting anything of great length any longer, but short stories feel within my capabilities. I've got several things baking in the oven and I have concerns about the maturity of the stories because of the potentially young readers. Some write some really lurid stories, and some of them may be written by young authors, but that is their concern, not mine.

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Sci Fi genre TG fiction - a few more classic favourites

We had some fun discussing a few favourite epic fantasy genre stories and I discovered some great suggestions I hadn't come across before. As a result I thought it might be interesting to try the same for Science Fiction genre stories. In my definition of Sci Fi I am excluding 'superhero' powers.

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probably wont be on tomorrow, or the weekend

Tomorrow will be a busy day.

I am expecting to have to run to Sam's school and the morning, because the disabled transport will probably drop her off early again.

Then I got to come home, find time to get some groceries done, go back and take Sam home, and then go to my friend and pick up a key to their place so I can dog sit this weekend, and probably wont be on during the weekend either.

so have a couple of extra huggles each to tide you all over till I'm back.

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Older beta-readers needed for a story set in the early 1970s

I recently finished a short novel (46,800 words) set in a fictional midwestern college in the early 1970s. I've done research, but I wasn't born yet at the time the story is set, and I'd like to have at least one older beta reader read it and give me feedback before I do the final draft and publish it.

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For those of you who are JPop fans one of the biggest just retired.

This Saturday, Sunday Japan time, one of the biggest idols in JPop retired. In JPop there are a few big female idols in Japan that it has their career path and a very successful one at that. I speak of Mika Nakashima, Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro. Amuro-san is the one retiring. She threw one last concert in Okinawa(her home province) apparently, along with local artists it sounded like from the news. Her more notable songs are "Can You Celebrate?" and "Sweet 18 Blues" along with many others. I own both songs and definitely enjoy each of them.

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A golden Oldie. Story is about a teen that refuses to cut his hair during the summer. Mother says okay, but you have to take care of your hair. Washed, conditioned, dried, all of that. And one more thing, when she is home, in addition to his hair being clean, it has to up off his neck, not cut, just up off his neck. So he gets a succession of up-dos, such as a french roll, a cascade of pin curls from an up do, or a Gibson Girl. Then he is spotted by a couple of senior girls, and things get interesting!

Sound familiar?

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Fantasy Genre TG fiction - Some of my favourite reads

You may have noticed that Erin has recently published my very first novel here, 'The Frozen Balance', on Kindle.
This is a part of my efforts to help keep this wonderful site going. If you read it please do comment, post a review or PM me. All feedback to help my writing develop is a kind and welcome gift.

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Writing Erotica Workshop

I ran across an interesting piece the other day entitled:
'Everything you always wanted to know about writing Erotica (but were afraid to ask) ' that may interest some of our authors. It is a free 42 page download of a Writing Erotica Workshop. The guy is obviously trying to sell his software/services, but the .pdf has some potentially useful info that may appeal to some of our authors:


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New here

Hi to all.

Really enjoyed a few hours reading some wonderful stories which inspired me to register and begin to post.

I mainly enjoy writing ‘leader’ stories with an open end. This allows me and hopefully readers as well to imagine how things may work out.

Best wishes A.


What's going on, and why I've been a bit distracted as of late...

I haven't really mentioned this to many people, as I didn't like thinking about it... Although trying not to think about something just seems to make one think about it more... I just figured I'd let you all know what I'm facing next week, and honestly I'm pretty worried. I thought I'd share, any positive vibes can't hurt right now...


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? is back.

If you haven't noticed "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" is back. I won't guarantee the chapters will come as close as they did in the past. I'm doing everything around the house right now, so the writing time is a little limited right now. But I'll try.


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Painting One's Self Into A Corner - The Cynthia Chronicles

Many years ago I started to write a series of stories based on the SRU Wizard. In reading about The Wizard from other points of view, the lack of consistency among stories bothered me. The Wizard seemed to lack genuine purpose. He did what he did because he could. There were times he seemed mean and vindictive. There were times he showed some heart. I particularly remember a tale where he turned a biker into an elementary school teacher, much to her pleasure.

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stressful day

Well, had a stressful afternoon.

I had to get a sticker so I can park on my street during stadium events, which requires my car registration. and then I discovered that my registration had lapsed in July. Not only that my insurance card was not up to date either.

I was starting to do the beat myself up stuff, but I was able to get a hold of my insurance company and they sent a copy of my updated insurance to the registry office, and with that, I was able to get my registry updated.

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ATTN! All our sisters and brothers along the east coast! Free hotspot info from comcast and spectrum.

Anyone living on the east coast of the U.S., from D.C. down to the Carolinas.

PLEASE EVACUATE AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!! Go for higher ground and take every precaution you possibly can!!


I've been watching the coverage on The Weather Channel and it looks absolutely horrible. ALSO, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OVER 11,000 FREE HOTSPOTS BEING SET UP by comcast and spectrum AND LET US KNOW THAT YOU ALL ARE OKAY.


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that isn't the half of it, the Hotel tonight has a free wifi connection through Vodafone which is, to put it bluntly, crap. What should have taken a few minutes has taken best bit of an hour but you can at least read Instant Parent tonight! I guess its not helped by the control pad on my lap top working in reverse, one day i'll have computers that actually work properly.

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Life in General

The last blog I wrote, I was in a pretty depressed state. I'm still not doing great but life is getting better. I'm finally out of my great aunt's house. A place of hell for me for the past five years. This last year the worst of it after her shocking passing. My older brother and I are finally 95% moved out of there. We're in a new place, its a big room, lots of natural light---3 nice windows. I have a lot of space here too. My old room was so cramped and I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

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No Escape?

Well maybe there is but No Escape is the new Gaby chapter.

Well we made it to Osterreich for the bike ride which I completed in glorious sunshine yesterday. I may not be the quickest but I was far from slowest so I was quite pleased. So now we are spending the week drifting back up through Bavaria to catch our return ferry on Friday.

So there might be a Wednesday post depending on wifi availability Rothenburg!

bye for now

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It's weird isn't it?

So this week I've come down with a particularly nasty virus that has left me sicker than a dog. I missed two days of work which should tell you how sick I am as I rarely call in. I mention this not to elicit sympathy, but rather as explanation. I seldom am so sick that it effects my writing, but since taking ill I sit down at my keyboard and I am unable to string even so much as two words together. Even writing this blog is taking me far longer than it normally would.

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Technical Gaps Need Filling

I’d like to chat with a few folks who have a sense/knowledge/expertise in creating gaming environments. I’m not creating one, just writing a story.

I need help with the technical stuff, terms, jargon, etc for a new SciFi story I’m working on called NeverWorld.

I’m also looking for someone who can help me with the Japanese anime, manga, hentai world, too.

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A heads up for "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?"

Just a heads up. My SO is having heart surgery this coming week (the week of 2018/09/09), and I might be a little late with the next chapter of "Tommy." But, I'll try not to leave you hanging by your fingernails for too long.


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Health update & Story help.

Just a quick update on me and me asking you guys to help me find new stories to read that I can get into. My health is improving although I’m still in the hospital, I was in the midst of a very severe Anorexia episode and now I’m improving although it hasn’t come easy. As for the stories I like, it varies. I love Tiffany Shar’s stories, Sue Brown,Torrey,Zoe Taylor, Paula Dillon, Jennifer Sue, Jennifer Brock. I could list at least 20 but I think you guys get the point.

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Slow Progress

It is tough going at the moment. I am still writing, though I seem to keep finding other things that need doing.

Since the original episode, I have been on steroids now for nearly five years. This is making my consultant nervous, so he has decided to do something drastic. Since that time, medical techniques have moved on and there are apparently new ways of dealing with my condition.

Basically, it amounts to chemotherapy.

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Copy. Cure. Second Edition is available!

I just wanted to announce that Amazon approved sending email notices to all of you who had purchased "Copy. Cure. - a Nanotechnology Adventure" to get a free copy of the second edition.

I listened to what my reviewers said, (except the one who equated me with porn!) and went back and reworked the whole text to reflect a smoother, less redundant tale. It's still chock full (whatever that means!) of an interesting story with better flow and description. I've tried my best to eliminate the road bumps. I hope if you bought a copy, you'll download your free updated copy.

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I am ashamed

I haven't posted in a while because I am ashamed of myself. When my internet went out mid July I thought it was going to be a month or so to get it fixed. My roommate would not hear of using my phone to tether the net to my computer to my phone (in her world the phone is better) I snapped I tried to hurt myself with a fork in what amounts to a temper tantrum. It shocked me to something closer to sanity. I didn't succeed because I was not serous, like I said it was a temper tantrum, pure and simple.


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This 12-Year-Old Girl Is Going To Leave Her Town Because She's Transgender

Maddison Kleeman Rose is a pretty normal Oklahoma 12-year-old. She enjoys school, she dances at the drop of a hat and she loves church. She also happens to be trans, which is why Maddie's life is anything but pretty normal.


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Anyone familiar with 'The Tick' Comic/TV series?

Is there anyone familiar with 'The Tick' comics and/or TV series (in particular the 90s cartoon or the 2000s live-action)? I recently started watching the amazon 'Original' reboot of The Tick and was a little disheartened to discover that the superhero agency was called AEGIS. For those that are following my ongoing serial on my website you're probably beginning to realize my problem, but for those that aren't well... I also named the superhero agency in my series AEGIS.


I'm still here

I'm still here.

I haven't given up.

I've managed to not give up.

I'm struggling to not give up.

The thing is, I'm a sucker for routine. If there's a break in routine, it messes me. up. If it's a big enough break, it's that much harder for me to get back into it. back in 2015, I had my the last appointment with my psychiatrist. Their scheduling system was down so I couldn't book my next appointment.


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I'm really sorry

I need to apologize. Until I actually posted my entry in the double dip contest, I hadn't really registered just how short it was. Its basically little more than a drabble. I really hope enough people enter the contest that I wont have to worry about winning with such a tiny piece.

I have another piece I'm working on that might be acceptable for the "music" part of the contest, but no guarantees I'll have it ready before the contest closes.

Again, I'm sorry.

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Russian Speakers

Recently I saw a Russian made movie about Aliens crashing (After they were shot down by a Russian Cowboy fighter Pilot) in downtown Moscow (?) It was a very good movie in spite of the fact that I do not speak Russian. I am hoping that someone can name the lead Military man, and the girl who fell in love with the Alien. Anything else would be a bonus. I'd rather not simply call them Boris and Natasha.

I am thinking of writing a short fan fiction sequel.



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Delay on Flight of the Claymore

Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but there will be a delay in the posting of the final chapter of Flight of the Claymore. I will be honest. I have rewrote this chapter a few times already and have deleted those attempts. For whatever reason Terresa is refusing to let her story end but like all good things it must. I hope to be posting the last chapter sometime this weekend.

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Fall Special

As a way to ring in the Fall, I'm offering two books this month instead of my usual one. Happy reading!

Advertisement 2.jpg

Going to a new school is always a bit unnerving. Going to a new school that's in another country and specializes in teaching fey how to use their abilities, well that's on a whole different level of scary and exciting. It sounded like a dream and felt the same when Ashley, Aiden, and Kitty had been accepted.

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Footprints in the Sea Vol.5

I have posted the first chapter of Footprints in the Sea Volum 5 and it is available now. on Amazon E Books and if you can't wait to read a bit more on here, just click the link in the right hand column and TC will earn a small commission from sales.
There has been a longer than usual delay and I'm sorry but I have a lot going on at the moment including a visit to the hospital for my annual blood check. They found a suitable vein but when they inserted the needle there was no blood so they had to use a metre and a half long needle to find some down near my left foot.

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Five-Second Rule

I rarely read serials because of the high percentage that are never completed. If I do read a serial, it's after the entire story has been posted.

That's just my preference after two decades of being left hanging out to dry by well-meaning authors who either got bored with the story, or wrote themselves into a corner, or simply had better things to do.

Just today a blog indicated frustration for a story on FM that was apparently quite good but never completed.

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Imp Side Story

Just did an Imp marathon. Damn, Morpheus can write a great character!!!

Now to my question: I distinctly remember a story about how Imp got her alternate classroom from Everhart (sp?). Everhart thought she'd put one over on the Imp because the room was full of junk that would have to be removed, a task Security had been dragging their feet on. But there turned out to be buried treasure in amongst the junk, including a cache of old Dr. Seuss books, some very rare and valuable printings. Dr. Seuss . . . hmmm. . . Green Eggs and Ham . . . . Guess what Sam gets?

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Operations Kitty Update

I read the post Erin made on the 20th asking for donations because the Hatbox was broke. I understand completely that it is never fun to do that and a shame it has to be done. Many free-takers here. I also am well aware that the caretakers of this site are very busy as are many of us. However, I have a rub to get off my flat chest. Reading through the respondents to the plea made, there were many who gave the little they could share while there were others like myself were able to share more of the load. Some donations not even acknowledged.


Hello after a long absence - need a beta reader

Hello everyone!

I’ve been away a while. I can’t believe how long it’s been. But I’ve been working on a new novel which is in desperate need of a reader/editor. I plan on selling it when it is complete, so I feel happy to credit you and give a cut of the proceeds.

Update 8/29/2018: Found an editor! Thanks very much everyone!

A summary of the book:

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The Family Girl #095: Part Seven now 150,000 Words

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #95: Part Seven now 150,000 Words. But Stuck…

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hi, everyone!

Still alive. But I’m buried with work…

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