My trip to the hospital

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Well, after 6 hours of surgery on Wednesday followed by 24 hours in the recovery room (because of no beds on the surgery floors), I'm home. Actually, I was back home Thursday evening straight from the recovery room.

The surgery went well. I'm minus my thyroid and the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck. So now it's R&R (rest and recovery). No lifting for a month, but the keyboard isn't heavy. I'm still working all the drugs out of my system, so I'm not up to par yet. I felt reasonably good on Saturday (lasted a couple of hours), and I was able to answer a few emails, etc. I even tried to work on Tommy a little, but the spellchecker failed because of being overworked. It appeared that the connection between the fingers and the brain wasn't ready to be used, so that got put aside for now. And, I still have the radioactive iodine pill to swallow.

I do have a chapter of Tommy, that was almost ready for publishing when I went into the hospital. If, between a doctors appointment this afternoon and one tomorrow, I get a chance to go over it to be sure that it's clean I will publish it tomorrow. But, no telling when the next one will be ready.


Not simple surgery

Robyn B's picture

Teddie, Teddie, Teddie...

You have had a major surgical assault on your body. It is not an inconsequential event. Although I applaud your desire to be considerate of your readers, it is more important that you recover properly.

I have an ulterior motive in wanting you to be well recovered. We, the readers, will be prepared to wait for one of our favourites to get back on track, be fit and well before returning to the keyboard. We also have a vested interest in your writing return because we continue to desire your writing output.

Take a few days to get properly well and get back to your usual self, well as much as your usual self following such significant surgery. Your body will take a while to readjust to the different, make that absent, levels of endogenous thyroid hormones and get used to the new medication regime. You have only mentioned the radioactive iodine pill. I am sure that there are others.

Get well, our friend, and establish your new normal. Then we shall see the new Teddie in all your writing glory.

Robyn B

Thanks, Robyn. I'll only

Thanks, Robyn. I'll only push as hard as the body will let me.

With the radioactive iodine pill, there are two shots a day apart before the pill, then the pill, then 7-10 days later a full body scan. The only other pill that I'm aware of, is one I'm already taking, Synthroid and that just needs to be adjusted.


You need healing

You could use an Enemy Way (Anaʼí Ndááʼ), for certainly you have survived a difficult fight. Too bad Naainish can't visit you.

get well

Get well soon. Looking forward to your getting well and writing again. -Barbra Anne