Dresses, Doctors, Extra Lbs.

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Anyone been to the doc lately? It was only a checkup, how complicated can that be? I knew I had gained a few pounds. I mean 135 to 140 is my fighting weight. Already tried that dress a few days ago that looked so damn hot. Okay, maybe a few years..., more than a few. Hey, it's a woman's right to lie about her age and her weight. A 151 lbs means I'm carrying 11 more than my top. Figure the percentages and it gets scary. That's 12 percent of my "normal" weight. Now we are getting there on what those extra pounds really mean. If someone weighs close to 200 lbs that 11 would only be approx a 20th of his basic weight.

Does everyone understand what all those itty bitty pounds mean now? Oh a pound or two doesn't mean I need to go on a diet. Yes it does. Easy on, hard off. Getting back in that leather dress isn't going to be easy. Leather looks hot when it fits. When it doesn't it has no forgiveness in looks nor stretch. RATS!

So let's get off how fat I am and talk about that doc's visit. She wanted to know my daily habits, what I did for a living, if I cook my own food, if I'm tending to animals, birds, the farm, am I depressed? (Oh HELL Yes! My JD broke down when I need to get the wheat in the ground) Doc it doesn't get any more depressing that that. LOL Do I feel nervous, anxious, etc? Doc, look at the answer to the depression question. Do I exercise? Yer, kidding me aren't you doc? I farm. Do you have aches and pains? Every day I been on that tractor for sixteen hours, or when I'm trying to hook up that eighteen foot mower, or when I need to move a couple hundred bushels of wheat with a scoop. or..., you want me to go on? Damn it doc, I'm five five and usually weight a hundred thirty to a hundred forty. This body wasn't designed to do the things I have to do. Those extra pounds means I have more weight to move and it doesn't help.

Okay, last question. Have you ever thought of suicide or do you think of suicide? Doc that is a trick question. You tell me you have found someone who hasn't ever thought of suicide and I'll tell you they are lying. Even you have if you are truthful. Careful doc, I have the research and credentials to back up my mouth. A more truthful question would be have you ever tried suicide. Now we get to the real meat of the question and better than ninety nine plus percent of the population will tell you no. When it comes to transgender which is less than one percent of the population over sixty percent have committed suicide. They need support, they need help, they are normally struggling to find themselves and what they are handed is bullying and hate for the most part.

On the same thought, I read where MRI can now identify those who are transgendered. Men and women's brains don't develop exactly alike and they can see the difference in an MRI scan. I guess they no longer have to die and have their brain sliced into a couple thousand pieces to realize they really are what they claim. She told me she was going to look into it.

By the way, I love my doctor. We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot, exchanged a lot of data. The only contention was where she told me I was getting older. And all those questions? It seems they are told to ask them now. Imagine that.

Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

PS: Bru is that cobalt blue dress you said you burned after wearing been replaced? I'm still waiting for the story to why you disposed of it. Spies R Us? Maybe?

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