Dresses, Doctors, Extra Lbs.

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Anyone been to the doc lately? It was only a checkup, how complicated can that be? I knew I had gained a few pounds. I mean 135 to 140 is my fighting weight. Already tried that dress a few days ago that looked so damn hot. Okay, maybe a few years..., more than a few. Hey, it's a woman's right to lie about her age and her weight. A 151 lbs means I'm carrying 11 more than my top. Figure the percentages and it gets scary. That's 12 percent of my "normal" weight. Now we are getting there on what those extra pounds really mean. If someone weighs close to 200 lbs that 11 would only be approx a 20th of his basic weight.

Does everyone understand what all those itty bitty pounds mean now? Oh a pound or two doesn't mean I need to go on a diet. Yes it does. Easy on, hard off. Getting back in that leather dress isn't going to be easy. Leather looks hot when it fits. When it doesn't it has no forgiveness in looks nor stretch. RATS!

So let's get off how fat I am and talk about that doc's visit. She wanted to know my daily habits, what I did for a living, if I cook my own food, if I'm tending to animals, birds, the farm, am I depressed? (Oh HELL Yes! My JD broke down when I need to get the wheat in the ground) Doc it doesn't get any more depressing that that. LOL Do I feel nervous, anxious, etc? Doc, look at the answer to the depression question. Do I exercise? Yer, kidding me aren't you doc? I farm. Do you have aches and pains? Every day I been on that tractor for sixteen hours, or when I'm trying to hook up that eighteen foot mower, or when I need to move a couple hundred bushels of wheat with a scoop. or..., you want me to go on? Damn it doc, I'm five five and usually weight a hundred thirty to a hundred forty. This body wasn't designed to do the things I have to do. Those extra pounds means I have more weight to move and it doesn't help.

Okay, last question. Have you ever thought of suicide or do you think of suicide? Doc that is a trick question. You tell me you have found someone who hasn't ever thought of suicide and I'll tell you they are lying. Even you have if you are truthful. Careful doc, I have the research and credentials to back up my mouth. A more truthful question would be have you ever tried suicide. Now we get to the real meat of the question and better than ninety nine plus percent of the population will tell you no. When it comes to transgender which is less than one percent of the population over sixty percent have committed suicide. They need support, they need help, they are normally struggling to find themselves and what they are handed is bullying and hate for the most part.

On the same thought, I read where MRI can now identify those who are transgendered. Men and women's brains don't develop exactly alike and they can see the difference in an MRI scan. I guess they no longer have to die and have their brain sliced into a couple thousand pieces to realize they really are what they claim. She told me she was going to look into it.

By the way, I love my doctor. We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot, exchanged a lot of data. The only contention was where she told me I was getting older. And all those questions? It seems they are told to ask them now. Imagine that.

Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

PS: Bru is that cobalt blue dress you said you burned after wearing been replaced? I'm still waiting for the story to why you disposed of it. Spies R Us? Maybe?


Sliced Brains

I remember some Scandinavian Doctor slicing Brains up. Seems like his name began with a Z. So now they can use non-surgical means to spot it.

I've been very angry about the plight of the T person, especially for the post op MTF folks. With all the losses, I had decided that the whole thing was invalid. Now, in the calm moments after the Grief Storm, perhaps the T thing is valid, and I am just pissed off that those who willfully don't don't show kindness and understanding but are just dicks.

151 lbs? Bitch.



MRI scan as proven method to

MRI scan as proven method to determine are you really TG? I don't usually swear, especially in English, so I just say - it's just another way to tell me (or you or anyone here) "You are not a woman cause science proves otherwise"

Where do you get all of that ... about normal weight?

There is just no such thing!
5'5" you should be like 95 pounds?.. It is just plain crazy! Me? At my almost 50 years of age, 5'8" I know that I should not weight 250 pounds. But official "normal" weight for me is like 125 pounds? Are they crazy? I had that weight when I was around 13! And I had no single fat cell on my body, and I spent 12-16 hours a day on my bicycle! And yes, I've seen 100 pounds 5'8" 15 years old guy once. It was not a pretty sight. And he was treated for distrofia in the hospital... (and it was quite terrible to see that guy who was 15 and somewhere between chihuahua and 3 years old human in his responses...)
Don't forget. You are doing a lot of physical labor. Muscle weighs more than fat. Bones to support the muscle so they don't break when you do something weigh more than muscle. You could have been like 110 pounds at 5'5"... if you had never ever left your bed and was on a strict diet always. But not anymore! Just bones in your body will not allow you to be so light without getting very ill! (I hope you don't take seriously tropes/fantasies about 6" guys going to 100 pounds of weight through dieting and corseting?..)
And no, I would not suggest you let yourself go and become 200+ pound blob of fat like me ;-)

Normal is subjective

BarbieLee's picture

ManicRacer, every person is unique unto themselves. The sizes and weights dreamed up by the MD profession is a guide not a hard fast rule. Although I have met doctors who thought their charts were given unto them by the gods and had to be followed. You do realize those height and weight charts were developed in the forties and fifties don't you? Look at the pictures and movies from those years. A completely different body shape as if they lived on a different world. Dust Bowl, Depression, War, and no Quick Stop on every corner. Oh yes, no computers to waste the day away in front of.

I have NEVER floated when in the water. I sink like a rock. The only way I stay on top the water is to keep swimming or dog paddle. Otherwise it is straight to the bottom. Sadly my metabolism has changed. I can no longer eat like a farm hand and keep my figure. Well in all honesty age and life has been doing that anyway. I have joined the female club big time as salads and small servings have became my normal meals.

Being human, I complain a lot but in reality, I have been more blessed than anyone I know. Life is a gift. I made a lot of mistakes along the way from beginning to end. That is called learning. When the girls in school were having parties, going on dates, I was kissing cows and hugging a tractor. Looking back, I had the best deal. When my time comes, if it were possible, I'd ask to do it again. With all the pain, heartache, millions of tears, the good times were made that much better. The only thing, I'd ask God to leave out is this boy-girl stuff.
Hugs hon
Life is too short to take seriously. Poke at it with a stick and see what fun you can get.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


The standards do allow a range of weight due to frame size and whether extra weight is muscular weight. My best weight is around 52 kilos, at around your height, due to me being apple shaped and nope I am no athlete.

Sure people were lean back then but frankly they looked great. Your weight sounds just like my partner in that at around 130 to 135 she is at her best.

On the other hand I don’t think all body types carry extra pounds elegantly or healthily as gut fat is the worst type and I gain all fat as a lump in my abdomen.